Thursday 17 October 2024

BGSJI and KFA UK support the article of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN titled " Officials Should Become Communist Revolutionaries Who Are Possessed of the Party’s Original Ideals and Spirit as Their Mental Qualities"




17th of October Juche 113 (2024)

The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI ) and Korean Friendship Association of the UK (KFA UK ) issued a joint statement supporting the article  of respected Marshal KIM  JONG UN titled " Officials Should Become Communist Revolutionaries Who Are Possessed of the Party’s Original Ideals and Spirit as Their Mental Qualities" which was published in Rodong Sinmun , the daily organ of the Workers Party of Korea on the 10th of October to mark the 79th anniversary of the foundation of the Workers Party of Korea ;

We were deeply impressed reading the article . In his article respected Marshal KIM JONG UN looks forward to the 80th anniversary  of the foundation of the Workers Party of Korea (WPK)next year in 2025. Marshal KIM JONG UN points out that the WPK has the longest history of communist or workers party in power saying that "A revolutionary party with the longest ruling history–this is not a simple rhetorical expression."

Marshal KIM JONG UN identifies the need for fidelity to principle and revolutionary continuity as an important if not fundamental factor in maintaining a party's existence . The original ideas and spirit of the WPK contain an iron truth ,

It is proudly indicated by respected Marshal KIM JONG UN that " When the other ruling socialist parties were being swept into the vortex of revisionism and dogmatism resulting in the political upheaval of capitalist revival in a number of countries, it marched forward unflinchingly under the banner of its socialist and communist programme. Its profile is shining as the symbol of a revolutionary party."

This is indeed true because in that difficult period , the WPK proudly held high the red flag of Juche and socialism . Also it is significant that respected Marshal KIM JONG UN is the only leader of  a present day socialist country to mention revisionism . Truly the WPK is a great anti-revisionist party .

Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN strongly warns against revolutionary parties diluting their basic principles by trying to reform ideology  . He says as follows  " Pursuing reformism by a party in its building on the pretext of the changes in the times will inevitably lead to the deviation from its original ideals and degradation in ideology and spirit, which will in turn weaken its ruling efficiency.

Transformation and innovation is a law-governed demand in party building and an essential precondition for its political leadership over the revolution and construction.

Yet, a revolutionary party should never permit any transformation or reform of the ideals and spirit it adopted at the time of its founding "

This correctly illustrates the dangers of reformism that is pursued by many .

The key principle of the WPK is the people-first principle which marks it out from other socialist ruling parties . As Marshal KIM JONG UN explains "Despite manifold difficulties facing the state, our Party initiated and is unfailingly carrying out gigantic projects of lasting significance to translate the people’s ideals and dreams into reality, and it also ensures that the more difficulties the people experience, the deeper the whole Party goes among the masses, sharing weal and woe with them. Such traits can never be displayed or imitated by other ruling socialist parties"

The WPK will continue to uphold the people-first policy and people-oriented policy. Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN urges the fight against bureaucracy and abuse of power .

The work of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN titled "Officials Should Become Communist Revolutionaries Who Are Possessed of the Party’s Original Ideals and Spirit as Their Mental Qualities" is a very great work that is impressive and should be widely studied .



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