Monday 14 October 2024

BGSJI and KFA UK support the press statement "The U.S. frantic anti-DPRK 'human rights' conspiratorial racket will only highlight its completely bankrupt policy toward the DPRK"




14th of October Juche 113 (2024)

The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI ) and Korean Friendship Association of the UK (KFA UK ) issued a joint statement in support of the press statement of the chief of the External Policy Office of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK ) that was issued on the 14th of October and titled "The U.S. frantic anti-DPRK 'human rights' conspiratorial racket will only highlight its completely bankrupt policy toward the DPRK";

The US imperialists are continuing with its anti-DPRK human rights offensive and driving it to extremes . Of course this offensive of the US is illegal and is a conspiracy to overthrow the socialist system of the DPRK .

Recently the US sent its so-called "human rights envoy " to Seoul and organised a meeting there with the ROK puppets and so-called "human rights " organisations to plot against People's Korea . The US also held a meeting at the UN with its lackeys.

It is now openly acknowledged that the goal of US policy towards the DPRK is bring its   " ideology and social system to collapse.". This is basically an declaration of war against the DPRK .The Chief of External Policy of the DPRK Foreign Ministry denounces the latest anti-DPRK moves as a "a wanton violation of the dignity and sovereignty of our state and a grave politically-motivated provocation against it ".

It is actually the US that is the biggest human rights violator in the world .It is the main backer and enabler of the genocidal Israeli Zionist regime which is responsible for 40,000 deaths  .The US has initiated many wars killing millions as well as intervening in many countries .Overthrowing governments and systems of independent sovereign states is itself a violation of human rights as it is basically modern style colonialism .Internally the US ill -treats black people.

The US policy of "denuclearising " the DPRK failed and so will the anti-DPRK human rights offensive

The press statement of the Chief of the External Policy Office of the DPRK Foreign Ministry declares that " The DPRK will mercilessly eliminate any objects and elements posing a threat to its sovereignty and security and continue to take practical measures to defend the rights and interests of its people with recourse to its great strength"

We support the DPRK's right to defend it socialist system and hit back at those who subvert it .



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