Tuesday 1 October 2024

BGSJI and KFA UK on the 27th anniversary of the election of comrade KIM JONG IL as WPK general secretary


 email juche007@yahoo.co.uk




   London  1st of October Juche 113(2024)

The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea(BGSJI) and the Korean Friendship Association  of the UK(KFA UK ) ) issued a joint statement on  the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the election of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il as general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea on the 8th of October.

    The decision to unanimously elect the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il as the general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea reflected  the yearning of the WPK members and entire Korean people to have the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il as the general secretary of the Workers Party of Korea . It was also a manifestation of the deep trust and support for the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il who had been leading the party for many years after starting work at the Central Committee of the WPK in 1964. The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il was the successor to the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung who carried forward the Juche revolutionary cause and cause of Juche party building.

    As the dear respected leader Marshal Kim Jong Un pointed out;

"The most important guarantee for victory in the revolution is to strengthen the party, the General Staff of the revolution, and solidify the driving force of the revolution by uniting the service personnel and people around it."

    The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il  as general secretary of the WPK was always among the KPA soldiers and people uniting them around the Party the general staff of the revolution.

    The WPK under the leadership  enhanced its leadership over the revolution defeating the anti-socialist machinations of the imperialists, renegades and opportunists.

   During the tenure of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il as the general secretary of the WPK big strides were made in developing the economy and improving living standards as well as in the work of defence up-building .


    Today the achievements of   comrade Kim Jong Il was elected as general secretary of the WPK  in the field of party building shine ever more brightly and we  recall his exploits as WPK general secretary. The work done by  comrade Kim Jong Il  laid a firm foundation for the present and the future.

 The cause of Juche-party building started by comrade Kim Il Sung and comrade Kim Jong Il is splendidly carried forward by Marshal Kim Jong Un who is leading the WPK to victory under the banner of self-reliance .



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