Friday, 25 August 2017

Greetings on the Day of Songun!

Greetings to all Songun Idea followers, Juche Idea followers and true friends of People's Korea on the Day of Songun the 57th anniversary of the start of the Songun revolutionary leadership.
he start of the Songun revolutionary leadership on the 25th of August 1960 which a great event that heralded a new turn in the Juche revolution and the struggle for reunification .
The great leader generalissimo KIM JONG IL prioritised the work of building up
the revolutionary armed forces of Juche . The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK were built up not only in terms of weapons and hardware but in terms of ideology. The KPA was built up into an army of the leader and also an army of the revolution , an army of the working class and the army of the Workers' Party of Korea.
The great leader comrade KIM JONG IL smashed all revisionist , opportunist and bourgeois pacifist tendencies and made the KPA the iron-willed army of Juche ,
The KPA became a steel strong revolutionary armed force of Juche which defeated the US imperialists in confrontations such as the 1968 "Pueblo Incident " , the EC121 spy incident , the Panmunjom incident and the 1994 helicopter shootdown incident to say nothing of the acute nuclear question .
Today the DPRK stands imposingly as a nuclear power of Juche and an ICBM power
The Songun revolutionary leadership and Songun politics are a powerful guarantee for Korea's reunification . Today the victorious Songun revolutionary leadership is carried forward by dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN . Led by dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN and upholding the banner of Songun the Korean people will win final victory over US imperialism and will wipe the corrupt and decadent Yankee empire from the globe!

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