Saturday 17 August 2024

Report of Online Meeting for the 79th Anniversary of Korea’s Liberation 17.08.2024

The Korean Friendship Association of the UK (KFA UK )and British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea held an online meeting via Skype on the 17th of August at 1500 hours BST to mark the 79th anniversary of the liberation of Korea from Japanese imperialist rule. Attending the meeting were members of the KFA UK and British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea from London ,West of England , Staffordshire and other parts of the UK . The meeting was joined by guests from KFA Andalusia (Spain),KFA Bulgaria ,KFA Germany , the Iceland -DPRK Friendship Association , KFA Liechtenstein ,the People’s Korea Initiative of Poland and friends from Russia .

Dr Dermot Hudson , the Chairman of KFA UK and Chairman of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea introducing the meeting said that the anniversary of Korea’s liberation is a very important anniversary and next year it will be 80 years since Korea was liberated .

Alan Bolon ,Organisation Secretary of KFA UK and head of KFA UK West of England  read out the order of President KIM IL SUNG of the 9th of August 1945  “Order On Launching A General Offensive To Liberate the Homeland “. President KIM IL SUNG’s order laid down guidelines for the final decisive battle to liberate Korea .

Dr Hudson in his keynote speech said in part that “Decades of Japanese imperialist tyranny vanished in one day as if they had never existed. .Korea became a nation once again !. This was thanks to the armed struggle waged by the guerrilla fighters of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army commanded by General KIM IL SUNG .”

Jeremy Bieregner, Official Delegate of KFA Germany said that the colonial rule of Japan in Korea was particularly brutal but thanks to the struggle led by President KIM IL SUNG Korea became independent .

A friend from Russia said that Korea’s liberation was a great gain for the Korean people.

The head of Staffordshire KFA UK and secretary general of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea stressed the importance of studying the Juche idea in the run up to the 80th anniversary of Korea’s liberation . He also said that the superiority of the people-centred socialist system had been proven by the benevolence given to flood victims in the DPRK which would not happen in a capitalist society .

The short documentary clips “Arch of Triumph “ and “ Paektu Mountain ,Sacred to the Korean Revolution “ were shown .

The meeting concluded at 1605 hours BST

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