Wednesday 7 August 2024

BGSJI and KFA UK support statement of DPRK Foreign Ministry on Germany joining the UN Command



         7th of August  Juche 113(2024)

The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI), and the  Korean Friendship Association of the UK (KFA UK )  , issued a joint statement in support of the press statement of the spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)  that was issued on the 6th of August ;

On the 2nd of August it was announced that Germany would it join the so-called  "UN Command " in south Korea . The "UN Command " in south Korea is a ghost like structure created by the US imperialists which serves their interests . The " UN Command " in south Korea is both an instrument of aggression against the DPRK ,that was created in the 1950s to drag the lackeys of the US into a war against the DPRK , and also a facilitator of US colonial rule in south Korea.

In the past years the US has been working to revive the "UN Command " in south Korea which has no authority or reason for existence as the UN General Assembly in 1975 . The US is aiming to create another NATO type structure in Asia .

Germany's decision to join the " UN Command " in south Korea is endorsing the US moves to create a NATO type body in Asia and fanning the flames of aggression against People's Korea . What is significant is that Germany was never a participant in the last Korean War and was not a member of the so-called "UN forces " (in reality all satellite states of the US ) in Korea . Germany has now become a willing accomplice in US aggression against People's Korea and schemes for regime change.

As the press statement of the DPRK Foreign Ministry says "Germany's entry into the UN Command is clearly not helpful to maintaining peace on the Korean peninsula and the rest of the region but an act which has a serious negative effect on the development interests of the DPRK."

We denounce Germany's joining of the " UN Command " in south Korea and further call for the dissolution of the "UN Command " in south Korea !

Germany out of Korea !

US Out of Korea !




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