Thursday 15 August 2024

Immortal Exploits of National Liberation: All-People Resistance was the Way

 Immortal Exploits of National Liberation: All-People Resistance was the Way
August 15 marks the 79th anniversary of national liberation.

Greeting the day, Korean people are paying the highest tribute and glory to President Kim Il Sung. We are now recollecting with deep emotion his immortal exploits of national liberation and nation-building. He led the arduous anti-Japanese war to victory, accomplished the historic cause of national liberation, and built the country into a full-fledged independent sovereign state and an invincible socialist country of Juche.

The anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle organized and led by President Kim Il Sung was a revolutionary war aimed at defeating the heinous Japanese imperialists to win back the sovereignty and dignity of the country and nation.

In his early years of revolution, President Kim Il Sung, keeping in mind the philosophy that dependence on foreign forces would not bring national liberation, held fast to the idea of national independence and that by our own efforts - a thoroughgoing idea of completing the Korean revolution by drawing on the strength of the Korean people. He set forth the unique line of forming anti-Japanese national united front and of an all-people resistance, and mobilized the whole nation to gallantly rise up as one with arms in an organized and nationwide resistance against Japan, thus accomplishing the historic course of national liberation

It can be said that liberation of fatherland is the review of the 20-year-long anti-Japanese revolutionary war waged under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung as well as the conclusion of the heroic resistance of all the people.

After the liberation, President Kim Il Sung successfully accomplished the 3 tasks of building the Party, the state and the army in such a short span of time and developed our country, once a backward agricultural state, into an independent country and into an invincible socialist country of Juche to the envy of the world.

Our country, restored by President Kim Il Sung and developed by Chairman Kim Jong Il, is now following the sacred course of its development under the leadership of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who is brilliantly carrying forward the revolutionary cause of Paektu.

True to the patriotic desire cherished by President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un laid out a master plan to build a world power, eternally strong and prospering, and is now leading the struggle to that end, i.e. to build a country where people lead a life envied by the entire world.

As desired by President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, our people will surely build a prosperous socialist power on this land by dint of patriotism and unity, firmly rallied behind respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

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