Thursday 1 August 2024

On the Korean People’s Great Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War -speech of Dr Dermot Hudson to the online meeting 25.07.2024

On the 27th of July 1953 , the US imperialists  admitted defeat in the great Fatherland Liberation War or Korean War as it is known in the West by signing the Korean Armistice Agreement .US general Mark Clark lamented mournfully that he was the first US commander to conclude an armistice without a victory ! Although there have been attempts to cover up the defeat of the US in the Fatherland Liberation War , some commentators in the imperialist world did not hide the truth , for example  a right wing US military historian Bevin Alexander, who was himself a US officer in the war  in his book Korea: The First War We Lost ( 1986 )  wrote that “Great efforts to conquer North Korea ended in failure.” Former Daily Telegraph editor Max Hastings wrote that “Many American career officers were dismayed by the precedent Korea established: the United States had failed to fight a war to a victorious conclusion."

Dear respected Marshal  KIM JONG UN said "Our July 27 is the second Day of Liberation when our people defended with honour their country's dignity and sovereignty from the brigandish aggression by the U.S. imperialists, and also the day of proud victors that put the U.S. imperialists, who were recklessly attempting to gain hegemony in the world and enslave it, on a downhill march towards ruin.

So basically , the US suffered a ruinous defeat in the war that it had started with the aim of not only destroying the young Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK ) but with the aim of turning the Korean War into a war against the socialist Soviet Union and People’s China , to “rollback communism “ but the DPRK led by the great leader Generalissimo KIM IL SUNG stopped in the US its tracks .

During the Fatherland Liberation War which had been ignited by the US imperialists and their south Korean puppets the DPRK had not to face the armed forces of the US and south Korea but troops from 15 satellite countries that were mobilised by the US under the flag of the United Nations  namely  the United Kingdom, Australia, Netherlands, Canada, France, New Zealand, Philippines, Turkey, Thailand, South Africa, Greece, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ethiopia and Colombia. It was truly a David and Goliath battle .

The US imperialists used all means to bring the Korean people to their knees and to exterminate the Korean nation . The war waged by the US imperialists against the DPRK was a genocidal one .

However , the Korean people led by Generalissimo KIM IL SUNG were not unbowed and fought back . They went over to an immediate counter-offensive .to go over to immediate counter-offensive .When the south Korean puppets under the command of the US Military Advisory Group attacked the DPRK on the morning of the 25th of June 1950 , Marshal KIM IL SUNG called a cabinet meeting where he made a speech titled ‘ Let Us Wipe Out the Invaders by a Decisive Counter-Offensive “ and ordered the Korean People’s Army over to an immediate counter-offensive . Thus the KPA and KPSF went over to an immediate counter-offensive  pushing the south Korean puppets back .This was something unprecedented in the history of warfare! . Generally when a state is attacked or invaded by another state it takes some time to even adopt a defensive posture to resist the aggression. However thanks to the original Juche-oriented revolutionary military thought and strategy the forces of the DPRK were able to launch a decisive counter-offensive after halting the south Korean puppets in their tracks and allowing them no breathing space.

  On the third day of the war , 28 June, Seoul the south Korean puppet capital was liberated by the  KPA .This was disastrous for the south Korean puppets who had originally boasted of "having breakfast in Haeju, lunch in Pyongyang and dinner in Sinuiju" . This had not happened, instead the victorious DPRK wiped out the south Korean puppet forces and liberated south Korea. The US started to heavily bomb all of Korea and drew  into the war forces from some satellite countries. This did not stop the advance of the Juche-oriented Korean People's Army commanded by the great leader Marshal KIM IL SUNG. The KPA smashed the Yankees at Osan .Torpedo boats of the KPA Navy sank US cruisers and destroyers.                                 

  The great leader Marshal KIM IL SUNG personally commanded the Taejon liberation battle. Here the KPA , on its own and without outside help , faced the US 24th Army Division . The US 24th Division had been victorious in the Battle of Mindanao in the Philippines in the 2nd World War and its commander General Dean had been a US commander in Europe in World War Two . The U.S. 24th division was totally destroyed in the Taejon battle on July 20, that was the 20th day after its arrival in south Korea. General Dean, the commander of the Division, was captured by a young soldier of the Korean People’s Army . He was the first division commander of U.S. imperialist aggression forces to be taken prisoner in the Korean War. This was a great feat of the heroic Korean People's Army to have captured a Yankee general.

 In the first stage of the war the Korean People's Army liberated 90 percent of the territory of south Korea and 92 percent  of the population. A truly remarkable accomplishment that was achieved by the self-reliant revolutionary armed forces of People's Korea under the command of the great leader Marshal KIM IL SUNG. The flag of the DPRK fluttered over Seoul and a people’s democratic system was established in the south with land reform being carried out  and an 8 hour work day was implemented .

The great leader Marshal KIM IL SUNG had accumulated precious experience during the 15 year long armed struggle against the Japanese imperialists. He developed original Juche-oriented military tactics, the likes of which had never been seen before.In the Fatherland Liberation War The great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG always stressed that the outcome of war is not determined by weapons alone but the ideology of those holding the weapons.

During the Fatherland Liberation War totally new tactics based on the Juche Idea were applied. For example the Korean People’s Army developed tunnel warfare, a new concept. An article by overseas Korean writer Han Ho Suk wrote that  “North Korea's expertise in digging tunnels for warfare was demonstrated during the Vietnam War. North Korea sent about 100 tunnel warfare experts to Vietnam to help dig the 250 km tunnels for the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops in South Vietnam. The tunnels were instrumental in the Vietnamese victor”

The US threw into the war unprecedented numbers of troops and amounts of materials.  In fact 73 million tons of war materials  were used in the war .The war raged on until July 27th 1953 when the US kneeled down and signed the Armistice Agreement.

During the three-year long Fatherland Liberation War, the U.S. imperialists lost over 1,567,000 men, including more than 405,000 of their own armed forces, and an enormous amount of combat equipment and war supplies, including over 12,200 aircraft, more than 560 warships and ships, over 3,200 tanks and armoured vehicles of different types, more than 13,350 trucks and 7,690 artillery pieces of various types. The loss suffered by the US imperialists was nearly 2.3 times greater than what they had suffered in the four years of the Pacific War during World War II. Even official US statistics showed during each of the three years of the Korean War they lost double  the number of troops lost in each year of the Vietnam war and also that the US in the three years of the Korean war lost 18 times the number of troops that they lost in the 20 year long war in Afghanistan . It was truly a military disaster for the US .

Former US State of Secretary Marshall said that “the myth was blown away. We are not a strong country as others thought. The infamous Senator J R McCarthy admitted “we suffered a serious defeat in Korea “ . McCarthy’s remark  prompts me to think whether the US communists   Ethel and Julius Rosenberg who were  executed(on the 19 of June 1953  a month before the US defeat) were really  scapegoats for the US defeat in the Fatherland Liberation War.

Later comrade KIM IL SUNG declared that “In this great struggle our people fought determinedly as one in mind under the correct leadership of the party and government and thereby withstood the harsh trials of war honourably and won a historic victory inflicting an ignominious defeat on US imperialism and its running dogs”

 Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  said that the Fatherland Liberation War  “was a military miracle unprecedented in the war history of mankind and a great feat of historical significance never seen before in the nation's history spanning 5 000 years

The US defeat in the Fatherland Liberation War sent the US on a spiral of defeat . It was indeed the war before Vietnam . The revolutionary forces of the world applauded the victory of the Korean people for example the executive secretariat of the the Organisation of Solidarity of the Peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America (Tricontinental ) said on June 19th 1968 “under the superb leadership of the Marshal Kim Il Sung the People’s Army and people of Korea who inherited the brilliant revolutionary traditions of the anti-Japanese armed struggle and defeated US imperialism in defence of liberty of the fatherland and the gains of the revolution , thereby making a great contribution to the anti-imperialist struggles of the peoples throughout the world”.

The sound of the  fireworks of victory that lit up the night sky of Pyongyang on the 27th of July 1953 still echo today . I am sure that if the US imperialists start a war then the DPRK and KPA under the command of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN will win an even greater victory over the US!

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