Wednesday 14 August 2024

Korean People’s Sacred War against Japanese Imperialism



Korean People’s Sacred War against Japanese Imperialism

The anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle organized and waged under the guidance of President Kim Il Sung occupies a brilliant place in the history of the Korean people’s anti-imperialist national liberation struggle as an all-people resistance and patriotic sacred war.

In the initial days of his struggle to win back the country, Kim Il Sung laid ideological and theoretical foundations for powerfully mobilizing all the anti-Japanese patriotic forces to the sacred war for national liberation.

According to the strategic and tactical principles of the Korean revolution clarified by him at the historic Kalun Meeting (June 30-July 2, 1930) and various other meetings, the work of rallying the broad masses in different types of organizations and awakening them to consciousness was vigorously conducted and, in the course of this, the mass foundation of the Korean revolution and the cornerstone for all-people resistance were consolidated.

The might of all-people resistance was fully demonstrated in the fierce battles to defend guerrilla zones waged in the first period of the anti-Japanese armed struggle.

During the battles to defend the guerrilla zone in Xiaowangqing (waged from early 1933 to February 1934), all the people in the zone turned out with arms against the enemy. Many stories about the great battle feats created during the battles were recorded in the history of all-people resistance of the Korean people.

The idea of all-people resistance created and developed by the President and the might of all the people united closely around him were fully demonstrated in the days of the final decisive battle for national liberation.

In the period when the final decisive battle for national liberation was being prepared, he set forth the three-point line of national liberation and slogan "Go All Out for Final Victory in the Anti-Japanese War!" and powerfully roused all the people to the sacred war.

More than 120 armed resistance organizations were formed in different parts of the country and various forms of anti-Japanese struggle were waged vigorously.

On August 9, 1945, all the armed resistance organizations turned out across the country in the final offensive in response to the general advance of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army launched on Kim Il Sung’s order of final attack for national liberation.

Small units, groups, political operatives of the KPRA, revolutionary organizations, people’s armed forces and other armed resistance organizations, which were active in Korea, waged vigorous harassing operations behind the enemy line and, at the same time, roused the people to active resistance.

The liberation of the country achieved on August 15, 1945 was a historic victory brought about by the great idea of the great national unity and all-people resistance advanced by the President who roused all the people to sacred anti-Japanese war.

Jang Chol Kwon


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