Friday, 21 March 2025

BGSJI and KFA UK support the press statement "The U.S. act to use international body as a tool for implementing its strategy for hegemony can never be tolerated"




                               London     21st of March 2025       

The ,British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJ) and the Korean Friendship Association of the UK ( KFA UK)  today issued a joint statement in support of the  press statement titled 'The U.S. act to use international body as a tool for implementing its strategy for hegemony can never be tolerated' that was made by on Friday 21st of March ;

The present administration of the US is causing chaos in the international community by its erratic and unpredictable actions  as well its pursuit of extreme US unilateralism in the shape of the "America First " policy .

It waa  reported that the questionnaires recently sent by the U.S. administration to UN organizations and non-governmental organizations contain dozens of questions on the influence of the activities of the relevant organizations on the security and economic fields of the U.S., their cooperative relations with organizations related to communism, socialism, totalitarian or anti-U.S. forces, and whether they have received funds from China, Russia, Cuba and Iran?

The present US administration have taken US imperialist arrogance to its very extremes and . The US is acting in a privileged way and its acting as if it owns the UN and other international bodies .

As  Jo Chol Su, permanent representative of the DPRK at the UN Office and international organizations in Geneva states ;'The behaviour of the present U.S. Administration which forces the international community to follow "America first" doctrine predicts the emergence of "McCarthyism" of the 21st century version'

The world community should exercise due vigilance to stop the US trying to make the UN an instrument of the extreme US unilateralism !


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