Friday 6 October 2023

'Weird Westerners like Juche? Yes, but from the essence of the true of this idea, not from lies expanded by Black Red Guard!


The number of attacks and scams in the passing year 2023 on the Korean Friendship Association will rise to a record. The number of hostilities in this year is in the history of our organization's activities as exceptional. The echoes of the stupid antics of probably the anarchists, from 'Down with the Crown' have not yet faded away, but a new attack has appeared from channel on You Tube of so called: 'Black Red Guard'.

 What is important is the fact that after commenting on this video material, the owner of the video channel deleted it and disabled the possibility of adding any comments. This proves that they are afraid of other opinions and criticism. 

Generally, assessing the substantive level of this video, it can be said that it is not only a repetition of well - known lies and manipulations of a hostile nature to the realities of both DPRK, as well as a complete lack of understanding and stupid, childish ridicule of the Juche philosophy by people who are not only hostile to DPRK but also mentally limited, retarded and unable to learn and speak about the true essence of both the philosophy of Juche and the goals of the KFA UK organization with their activities. Apart from being a cheap show, it is also a testimony to 'Black Red Guard' mental state which places itself in the position of slander and falsification .

The strangeness they accuse us of, is precisely the discovery of our own value as a person with the features of independence, creativity and consciousness. All this comes from understanding and learning the idea of Juche. It liberates the human individual to the right of self - determination about his or her own fate and gives the power to transform the world despite the imposed regimes and shackles of enslavement. It gives us the strength to oppose and fight against the exploitation and oppression that are served to us by the imperialist classes, which the authors of this slander video serve in their stupidity. 

 A factual and logical analysis of Juche philosophy along with a real assessment of the KFA's activity is beyond the capabilities of such pseudo - leftist organizations as 'Black Red Guard' is, they are too primitive for that It is weird that this organisation refers to Maoist traditions about which they have no idea. If they would have, they would not analyze anything based on mockery and irony and lies but would look at it with a factual method based on facts, on the real essence of things, as Maoism uses it. 

 Therefore, if you refer to the actual achievements, activities of the KFA and the actual, truly history of the creation of the Juche philosophy and its value for humanity, it will show a completely different picture.

 Because a true assessment and discussion based on facts and knowledge would ultimately expose the reality in DPRK and the lies about our organization KFA as a falsifier. 

 But all this requires effort, time and effort. 'Black Red Guard' prefers to make easy a theatrical spectacle fully of insults and ridicules. What testimony this gives to them - let the reader answer for himself. 

 When mentioning Comrade Mao, it is worth highlighting one of his quotes: 

'To be attacked by the enemy is not a bad thing but a good thing' 'It is good if we are attacked by the enemy, since it proves that we have drawn a clear line of demarcation between the enemy and ourselves' 

Why? Because it this proves our strength and effectiveness in what we do to defend the People's Korea with no if's and no but's. 

So, why did 'Black Red Guard' use mockery and a cheap show full of lies and false slanders copied from Western propaganda? What could have pushed these people to put together such a stupid video? 

They could have been pushed down to this path, by the rotten root of liberalism, which is now very widespread on the left. There is a mass of various 'coloured' and 'modern pseudo - Marxists' who judge everything and everyone through their prism of false revolutionism, which is in nature that rejects the historical and epochal achievements of Juche philosophy, and its contribution to the international communist movement. Instead, we have a display of mockery and theatre where everything and everyone is made fun of prepared slanders and lies. 

Moreover, 'Black Red Guard' activities is one of the activities of pseudo - false leftist groups. The so - called: pseudo - false leftist groups are coloured into various 'shades' and 'political colours' of revisionism, where the root is liberalism and that have nothing to do with Marxism. It shows their emblem in which they humiliate the worthy international symbol of working class as it is the hammer and sickle, by inscribing it in shameful colours. 

 Thus, 'Black Red Guard' serving the enemies of true values, the same ones who sit at the helm of imperialist oppression and international exploitation, for which both the DPRK as well as our organization, KFA is a 'thorn in their eye', because it stands firmly on the foundations of truth. On the foundations of the invincible Juche philosophy. If this pseudo - organization 'Black Red Guard' that runs such cheap and primitively stupid sensation on You Tube thinks, that we are weird because we like Juche then it should be said with all the power that it is proud to be weird!

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