Wednesday 9 November 2022

South Hwanghae Province in Autumn

South Hwanghae Province, the main agricultural province in the DPRK, has greeted its harvest season.

The present autumnal scene is a fruition of the devoted efforts of the agricultural workers of the province, who, fully conscious of being responsible for the country’s largest granary, worked heart and soul to bring about a bumper harvest, overcoming unfavourable weather conditions and abnormal natural disasters.

All fields of the province including Jaeryong and Yonbaek plains are seething with harvesting and threshing.

Seen in the gold-tinted fields are farmers and helpers of the province who have turned out to harvest crops they had cultivated with sincerity all the year round.

Several thousand new farming machines sent by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in September, just before the harvest season of this year, are in full operation everywhere in the province, from the lowlands to mountainous areas, boosting the enthusiasm of the harvesters.

Thanks to the patriotic endeavour of the officials and workers in the agricultural sector of the province to repay the endless love of the great Party by stacking up mountains of rice, the province is making striking achievements in harvesting and threshing.

According to data available, as of mid-October all the city and counties in the province finished rice-harvesting a week earlier and increased the threshing by 1.5 

times as compared to last year. And many high-yielding workteams and sub-workteams were produced.

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