Friday 2 September 2022

ASSPUK, BGSJI , KFA UK and BSCPRKP slams the so-called 'human rights campaign against People's Korea .




2n  September Juche 111 (2022)

The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK (ASSPUK) , the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea, the UK Korean Friendship Association (UK KFA )  ,and the British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification in Korea (BSCPRKP issued a joint statement denouncing the intensfied 'human rights ' racket against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK );

In the recent period the anti-DPRK 'human rights ' offensive against the DPRK which aims at smearing it and overthrowing the socialist system of the DPRK  , has been greatly intensified due to a number of moves . Firstly , a new UN "special rapporteur"  on human rights in the DPRK has been appointed . This individual is a European educated Peruvian who had previously served as a consultant to the fascist Peruvian state .  As the  Spokesperson of the DPRK Foreign Ministry stated on the 2nd of September  the DPRK  never recognised the so-called ' special rapporteur ' . It is an infringement on the DPRK 's sovereignty .The so-called 'special rapporeur ' is a puppet of the US imperialists and represents their interests.

 The so-called 'special rapporteur ' committed the grave provocation of visiting south Korean and meeting with 'defectors ' , who are human scum , who were responsible for the crime of causing Covid 19 in the DPRK by sending objects attached to balloons . Worse still the so-called 'special rapporteur ' slandered thes socialist system of the DPRK . It was an exercise of acute double standards .

Chiming in with these provocations the south Korean puppets appointed an 'ambassador for international co -operation  on human rights in north Korea '.

It is wrong for a country like the US to try and assail the DPRK over human rights . The US is the worst violator of human rights .It has the biggest prison population in the world and it rife with racism , poverty and gun crime .  

We would also ask why south Korea , a fascist state that jails communists and leftists , is not investigated by the UN for human rights abuses . This stinks of hypocrisy .

We denounce the latest anti-DPRK provocations by US imperialism and its lackeys and say ;






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