Thursday 2 June 2022

U.S. Extermination of Indians Deserves Divine Punishment


Recently, the U.S. Department of Interior has released an investigative report where it has admitted the inhumane and violent treatment of the students of Native Americans at boarding schools run by the U.S. government from 1819 to 1969.

According to the result of investigation into 497 boarding schools run by the federal government, 53 burial sites were discovered and 500 students of Native Americans were dead.

The U.S. Department of Interior has reportedly said that the number of Indian students who died at boarding schools can reach up to tens of thousands as the number of the students of Native Americans would continue to increase with an in-depth investigation going on.

In order to obliterate the language and culture of American Indians, the U.S. established government-chartered boarding schools run by religious organizations from the early 19th century and locked in the numerous Indian children to enforce systematic assimilation policy.

Once entered into the schools, the native children had to have their hair cut, called by English names instead of their own names, and were forced to adhere to strict schedules that included lessons in English, obedience and Christianity.

When the indigenous students failed to meet school standards or broke rules, they were subject to all sorts of corporal punishment including solitary confinement, whipping, withholding food, slapping, and were under constant racial discrimination and maltreatment.

This kind of racial discrimination has not come about within one day.

The U.S., which was built on the graves of American Indians, has put the Indians’ rights to existence under the constant threat by pursuing the policy of massacre and vicious assimilation against them.

In 1814, James Madison, the 4th U.S. president issued an ordinance stating that US$ 100 prize money would be offered for head skin of Indian men over 12 years old and US$ 50 for Indian women or children’s head skin.

Moreover, he carried out massacre against the indigenous people, saying “head skin of Indians can make high quality boots”, “the U.S. must exterminate the Indians”, and “only dead Indians are the good ones.”

John Quincy Adams, the 6th U.S. president openly incited the massacre against Indians, saying “in dealing with the ignorant and uncouth Indians and negroes, terrorism is very efficient.”

As the result of the U.S. inhumane Indian extermination policy, the number of Indians which was more than 5 million in 1492 rapidly dropped to 250 thousand in the early 20th century.

Even in the 20th century, the U.S. had 928 nuclear tests in the Indians’ settlements, thus producing 620,000 tons of radioactive sediment. Because of its aftereffect, thousands of Indians died and the survivors are suffering from all sorts of malignant diseases including cancer and tuberculosis.

All these facts are mere typical examples which shows a part of the extreme extermination of Indians by the U.S.

Notwithstanding this reality, the U.S. is hell-bent on interfering in others’ internal affairs, unreasonably picking on the human rights situation of other countries.

Before talking impudently about “human rights issue” of other countries, the U.S. should honestly reflect on its century-long criminal acts of Indian extermination

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