Sunday 19 June 2022

World Should Be Vigilant About U.S. Harping On “Religious Freedom”


Recently, the U.S. State Department released what is called “2021 International Religious Freedom Report” reflecting the religious situation in over 190 countries. It repeated its old bad habit of groundlessly finding fault with the countries of its dislike such as the DPRK, China and Russia.

The U.S. is the very country where hate crimes born out of confrontation and mistrust between religions and sects do not cease, and the minorities and the religious people of specific races are falling victim to them.

The crime caused by religious strife takes the 2nd place in the hate crimes in the U.S. This fact alone clearly shows how hypocritical the American-style “religious freedom” is.

The U.S. often talks about “religious freedom”. But the world knows well about how it has openly excluded and suppressed the heretics.

In January 2017, the U.S. stopped issuing visas for the peoples from 7 Mediterranean countries including Syria, Iran and Iraq and put a ban on entry into its territory by the Syrian refugees under the pretext of “counter-terrorism” and ensuring its security. In the meantime, it has tightened its control and pressure on the Islamists in the U.S.

The former state secretary Pompeo said that “all of the Islamists in America are spies”. This lays bare the extent to which the American political circles are seeing the Islamists with a discriminatory eye.

It does not stand to reason that such a country like the U.S. is saying this and that about the religious situation of other countries behind the signboard of “religious freedom.”

The U.S. harping on “religious freedom” is an expression of its ulterior motive to find an excuse to disintegrate sovereign states within and to overthrow their systems by aggravating religious strife and conflict.

All the countries in the world should remain vigilant about the deceptive and reactionary nature of American-style “religious freedom.”

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