Saturday 26 March 2022

Huge Loss to Europe, Maximum Gain for the U.S.


Lately, Western experts and media are commenting one after another that Europe is suffering a great loss while the U.S. is gaining from the Ukrainian issue.

Not a few days ago, a Turkish expert on international affairs said that Europe is on the decline, but the U.S. succeeded in consolidating its position in the international political arena taking advantage of the Ukrainian situation. The expert also said that Europe will pay dearly unlike the U.S. which is using this occasion to its advantage.

The expert continued to note that the U.S. is continuing to incite a war waged not on its land by means of moderate expense and provisions, but the sharp rise in the prices of gas and oil and the consequent record-breaking price hikes, and the measures of increasing national defense expenditure are delivering a heavy blow to European economy which is already having a hard time.

According to the statistics, inflation rate in Eurozone was 5.8% in February this year, the highest since the introduction of euro in 2002, which exceeds by far the standard rate of 2% set by European Central Bank. The energy price increased by 31.7%, food, alcohol and cigarettes by 4.1% and the price in service sector by 2.5%, compared to the same period of the last year.

The American media like CNBC and CNN also opined that the situation in Ukraine rapidly increased the global demand for the national bonds of the U.S. at a time when it is suffering from the worst inflation since the 1980, and left Europe with no choice but to purchase crude oil and natural gas from the U.S.

British Reuters, PAP of Poland and others reported that American munitions enterprises have come to make maximum profits, saying that European countries including Germany, Poland, Sweden and Denmark have competitively embarked on the purchase of the arms from the U.S., and the U.S. Defense Department even opened a new office assuming full charge of export of arms to Europe.

What is gain for somebody is loss to another. It is axiomatic that it is the U.S. - the mastermind behind the circumstances - who gains a profit in this chaotic situation.

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