Wednesday 22 March 2023

Statement from KFA Greece about the Facebook's deletion of the KFA UK Facebook page

On March 20th, Facebook escalated its attack on KFA UK's page, with the page being unpublished.

Thus, the administration of KFA Greece decided to proceed with the publication of an official statement regarding Facebook's decision. Further pressure will be exerted, and we invite our followers to join us in this effort by republishing and sharing the following message to as many recipients as possible.

"KFA Greece denounces in the strongest terms, the unpublishing of KFA United Kingdom's Facebook page without cause and proper reason. These ongoing attacks against the DPRK on social media and the constant attacks on groups that support the DPRK will not be tolerated. KFA Greece stands firmly behind KFA United Kingdom and its Official Delegate, Dr. Dermot Hudson, who has been the target of numerous false accusations and attacks. Facebook's policies of silencing groups who are supportive of the DPRK is an obvious contradiction to what the company promotes as "community standards", as it is a well known fact that KFA UK and not only, is visited by many people from around the globe, and this banning goes against our community standards, as it limits what the People have access to inside Facebook. KFA as a whole is United and we stand by our fellow groups when they are banned, silenced and attacked by anyone. Our single-hearted unity shall not falter.''

KFA Greece

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