Friday 21 October 2022

ASSPUK, BGSJI , KFA UK and BSCPRKP applaud the speech On the Orientation of the Building of Our Party in the New Era and the Tasks of the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea"




    21st of October Juche 111 (2022)

The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK (ASSPUK) , the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea(BGSJI), the Korean Friendship Association of the UK (KFA UK )  ,and the British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification in Korea (BSCPRKP) issued a joint statement highly appraising the speech of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  titled On the Orientation of the Building of Our Party in the New Era and the Tasks of the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea" which was given to the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers Party of Korea ;

Recently respected Marshal KIM JONG UN visited the  Central Cadres Training School of the Workers Party of Korea on the anniversary of the formation of the Down With Imperialism Union ,the origin of Korean  revolution and historical root of of the Workers Party of Korea . He made a speech of great importance titled "On the Orientation of the Building of Our Party in the New Era and the Tasks of the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea"  which constitutes a great programme for building the Workers Party of Korea (WPK) in the 21st century and leading the Juche revolution to final victory .

 In his speech Marshal KIM JONG UN pointed that in the past 10 years great achievements have been made in the work of building up the WPK. During the past 10 year period the 4th Conference of the WPK was held and also the 7th and 8th Congresses of the WPK . These events were in themselves great achievements . 

  Marshal KIM JONG UN summed up the success in Party building over the past 10 years as follows :

"The successes achieved by our Party in its building and work over the past decade are three major ones: firstly, it has firmly defended and inherited the monolithic ideology and leadership; secondly, it has remarkably enhanced its leadership function and role; and thirdly, it has further strengthened its revolutionary character of serving the people." . 

This is a succint and lucid summation of the great achievements of Party building made in the past period .

Marshal KIM JONG UN excellently explains the need for total unity of ideology and organisation by pointing out that "Just as a human organism, if dominated by two brains, not a single brain, cannot perform normal activities, a party cannot play its function as an organization and will be divided if it is not guided by a single brain, a single centre" . This indeed very true and serves as a very important  teaching for the work of Party building not just in Korea but the whole world .

Looking towards the future respected Marshal KIM JONG UN set down a number  of tasks for building the Workers Party of Korea in the future . These tasks included strengthening the monolithic leadership of the Party and raising the consciousness of party memmbers . Party organisation should be futher strengthened.

 In line with the requirements of the great Juche Idea , emphais on Party ideological work is stressed . In particular respected Marshal KIM JONG UN stressed that there should be a struggle against  " anti-socialist and non-socialist practices and the uncompromising struggle against all sorts of opportunistic and counterrevolutionary ideological tendencies in the party's ideological construction". We applaud this . It is very important for ruling parties in socialist countries to intensify the struggle against anti-socialist and non socialist practices . In the past some socialist countries collapsed due to opportunist and counter-revolutionary ideologies that became prevalent . Marshal KIM JONG UN is absolutely correct to draw attention to the danger of opportunist and revisionist counter-revolutionary ideology . We feel a lot of confidence reading this . 

Overall this work is a great work that indicates the way forward for the great Workers Party of Korea and the DPRK . Indeed it is a programmatic document that should be studied by all communist and workers parties  !






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