Monday 12 October 2020

Speech to the online seminar to mark the 75th anniversary of the Workers; Party of Korea by the Brazilian Centre for the Study of Songun Politics



October 9, Juche 109 (2020)

Lucas Rubio,

Chairman of the Brazilian Center for the Study of Songun Politics

Dear comrades,

We sent this short contribution text to this important seminar that marks the 75th

anniversary of the founding of the great Workers’ Party of Korea. We are happy that,

from Brazil, we could send our message on this commemorative date not only to the

Korean people but also to all the friends of the DPRK in the world, defenders of peace

and justice.

I believe that everyone here is quite familiar with Party’s history, a history

forged in the fire of struggle and the steel of artillery shots. The WPK has a more recent

history than its State and Army, but it is an important political fruit of the Korean

Revolution and a consolidation of the just direction based on the Juche of the great

comrade President Kim Il Sung.

In the capitalist countries a political party often represents only an organization

of businessmen willing to exploit the masses and sell the nation's resources, in Korea

the Workers’ Party is the revolutionary vanguard that maintains the great political spirit

of resistance of the Korean people in the face of Yankee imperialism. It is a genuine

party of the masses and the mother of all Korean people.

The Workers’ Party of Korea, which has undergone the careful care and

leadership of the Eternal General-Secretary Kim Jong Il for many years, has given

historical evidence of its ideological strength and the correctness of its line. At the same

time that several communist parties capitulated in the face of capitalism, the WPK

remained strong and radiant, leading the Korean people's path along the road to

independence, sovereignty and socialism.

If we look closely, we will realize that this was the party responsible for raising

the masses to the most critical moments in its history: a war of apocalyptic dimensions

(the Fatherland Liberation War) and years later the Arduous March. The post-war

economic reconstruction processes and the support given to anti-imperialist experiences

around the world (as in Africa, Asia and Latin America) are also right directions not

only for policies but also for the masses. Keeping the popular masses always attentive

around the world (as in Africa, Asia and Latin America) are also right directions not

only for policies but also for the masses. Keeping the popular masses always attentive

and ready for these hard moments is something phenomenal and never before seen in


What can we, here in the West, learn from this? That a strong Party is necessary

in ideology and organization in order to have a strong and independent people. The

downfall of our countries is leftist parties that are reformist, revisionist or weak. The

WPK must be an inspiration for us in our countries to do the work of rebuilding the

revolutionary party of the masses.

In today's Korea, Comrade President Kim Jong Un firmly leads the Party’s

helm, which has built a military, political, social and economic power in Korea, raising

the prosperous standard of living for the people of the DPRK. Each day more the DPRK

gains relevance on the international stage and the economy has progressively progressed

over time. This is the result of the hard work of the WPK, which works with the people

to increase the production of factories and fields and meet the needs of the population.

The 75 years of the WPK mark 75 years of a glorious and victorious history that

inspires all the peoples of the world!

Long live to the Workers’ Party of Korea!


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