Friday 16 October 2020

From the Korean Associations for Friendship with Europe Countries and DPRK Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries

On 10th October, we marked the 75th Founding Anniversary of Workers' Party of Korea in the suite of Comrade Kim Jong Un, the Supreme Leader of our Party, State and Armed Force in the glorious parade square.

Comrade Kim Jong Un delivered a heartfelt speech.

It was a great pity that we could not take part in the celebration event and parade along with you due to the worldwide pandemic.

But no doubt, it was fully thanks to your kind support and solidarity towards our peoples righteous cause and struggle that we could celebrate in greater significance the 75th Founding Anniversary of WPK, we believe.

While greeting this auspicious day of Party Foundation, we all looked back with deep emotions at the glorious 75-year history of WPK.

It is totally thanks to the wise leadership of the Party that today our country could demonstrate its might as the most dignified and powerful independent state. A powerful independent state is a country which fully exercises its sovereignty, free from pressure or restriction by anyone in its state building and activities. Our country had been no more than an arena for contention for colonial division among big powers for a long period of time in the past and after the national liberation it could not but had to suffer the tragedy of national division by the intervention of the outside forces. But while holding fast to the independent revolutionary principle, our Republic has remained unmoved in any huge political vortex but could create centuries leaping forward and miracles even under the increasing war threats and blockade maneuvers of the imperialists.

It is the exploits of our Party in building a dignified and powerful independent state that has brought up our people to be strong in their independent spirit and achieved the invincible single-minded unity which firmly guarantees independent politics. Under the wise leadership of the Party, our people have grown up and equipped themselves as indomitable people who turned the severe ordeals and difficulties into a valuable opportunity for strengthening the self-development power and as revolutionary people who withstood all kinds of temptation and threats.

Today, in many countries there persists confrontation and distrust by the difference in their ideologies, political viewpoints and religion thus giving birth to various disorders and chaos. Even the so-called developed countries are suffering pains with their internal issues like conflicts between the different nations. The reality vividly proves that a country united by one leader and one ideology is surely a genuine power. Though our Republic has faced numerous trials and difficulties in its way of struggle, it could vigorously advance straight along the way it chose without slightest flinching.

Our Party has also provided the invincible military capability for self-defence and the firm foundation for the self-supporting economy which can withstand any hardships. It was our fatherland of one century ago that enjoyed the fame of 5000-year history and splendid national culture but suffered the pain of national ruin because of lack of the power to defend itself. In today's world where the logic of power dominates, if the fist is weak, one cannot but have to wipe his tears with it. It is the true reality that now no one will ever be able to make little of our sacred country. Thanks to that we possessed a reliable and powerful war deterrent, the sky of our fatherland will be blue forever and the future of our Republic will be bright boundlessly. All our people consolidated the strong foundation of self-supporting national economy with belts tightened and thus they could enhance endlessly the state power even amid the constant military blackmail and ultimate pressure by the hostile forces. It is true that still our people have a lot of economic and technical problems to solve in further strengthening the Juche orientation and independence of the national economy. But on one can check the way of our people who advance upholding the banner of self-reliance and self-support.

Today, our Republic, having Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong Un in high esteem, is further demonstrating its might as a powerful independent state. Our Republic, a country of the single-minded unity where the Party and the people are united closely around the leader and the Juche Idea is thoroughly embodied in overall state building and activities, will shine forever as a dignified and powerful independent state.

As always your unchanging support and solidarity will be a great encouragement to our people in their construction for the Socialist Power and in their struggle to greet the 8th Congress of the WPK amid brilliant successes.

yours sincerely,


on behalf of

all the Korean Associations for Friendship with Europe Countries

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