Tuesday 12 December 2023

A speech in the KFA UK meeting online, 'People's Korea - continuing the revolution and living its own way ' 10th of December 2023-Alan Bolon KFA UK Organisation Secretary and Head of KFA UK West of England

I would like to reflect on the meaning of these words and their great message it carries.

Living our own way is, in a word, to live as required by the Juche idea. In other words, it means thinking and acting in right sense as required by the Juche idea and carrying on the revolution and construction in the interests of the Korean people and according to the actual conditions of Korea.

Thanks to the great revolutionary spirit tempered in the anti - Japanese and anti - imperialist struggle, the steadfast and iron will, and the joint effort of generations, over the past decades the Korean people have continued revolutions and socialist construction by their own forces, relying on themselves and not appealing to any patterns or any outside help.

'Let Us Live Our Own Way' is the slogan which has been undertaken by the main force of the Korean revolution - the Workers' Party of Korea, as the respected comrade said:

'Long ago, the Party proclaimed the slogans

 ’Let us live our own way!’ and 

’Let us give fuller play to the Korean - nation - first spirit!’ 

No other slogans could be more readily accepted by us.

We should, by holding higher the banner of the Juche idea, 

adhere to the principle of independence, 

and at all times live our own way.'

( Kim Jong Il, 'Let Us Hold the Great Leader 

in High Esteem Forever and Accomplish His Cause' )

The 'Let Us Live Our Own Way' slogan and the related enthusiasm of the Korean nation in building socialism, in constantly following the path of revolution, is an outstanding proof - that the socialist political and social system and the basing of the economy on socially planned means of production work, work very well. The current power and prosperity of DPRK is proof of this. Thus, it contradicts all the claims spread by the capitalist camp in the world's countries that socialism is outdated and ineffective. Socialism and its Korean face, the face Korea of Juche with Korean style - socialism.

Today, we can say with certainty that this socialism has stood the test of time and the test of history. At a time when counter - revolutionary forces overthrew the socialist system in Europe in the 1990s, when the blind and deceptive fascination with the West and its questionable moral and ethical values as well as liberal economic policy led to socio-economic disasters and subordination to the US imperialist forces and even led to wars and conflicts, Korea of Juche, following the slogan 'Let Us Live Our Own Way', steadfastly and persistently followed the same path, the same path of revolution as ignited by Great Leader Kim Il Sung and the same flames Mount Paektu spirit led the Korean people to successive victories. Learning from the mistakes of other countries, where socialism collapsed, the Korean nation and its leader Kim Jong Il, further strengthened the political and ideological foundations of the Korean path to socialism, and as a result of following this path, he built a powerful and prosperous country, a socialist paradise where everything serves man and is for man.

Finally,  in the slogan 'Let Us Live Our Own Way' - it is worth emphasizing the great maxim of wisdom of the Juche philosophy, which contains the strength and vitality of solving problems by one's own strength and with one's own solutions. It is the Juche idea, that is the pillar of the slogan 'Let Us Live Our Own Way' and its meaning to live independently and act on your own way to solve all the social problems aroused in the process of socialist revolution with self - respect and pride in your achievements.

'Let Us Live Our Own Way' - is a great slogan containing deep wisdom and knowledge, it can be said that it is an internationalist term in its expression, to live in one's own way, in one's own independent way is the essence of independence that DPRK fought for during the Japanese occupation and during the war against the imperialist invader and which it skillfully protected during many years in the anti - imperialist struggle. This is true independence, true freedom, that I wish for all countries, especially those under colonial oppression and exploitation by capitalism, and especially for the Palestinian brothers in current days, who heroically resist the Zionist Israeli regime.

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