Friday 5 June 2020

Facebook Censorship !

Facebook have incorrectly labelled the KFA UK page as 'north Korea state controlled media ' . This is an attempt to put people off from supporting the page , it is may even be the thin end of a sinister wedge to ban the page .
The KFA UK page is run by a British citizen ( who has never lived in any other country but Britain ) not by a DPRK citizen . It is the page of the UK Korean Friendship Association which was founded in March 2001 and is part of the worldwide Korean Friendship Association which has 17,500 members and is headquatered in Spain . The KFA UK is funded by donations by members and also from sales of posters , books and some small souvenirs . We are not funded by the DPRK .
We did not receive any guidance from the DPRK on how we run the page . Decisions about the content of the page are made here in London and not anywhere else.
Facebook is resorting to McCarthyite tactics to finger and label supporters of the DPRK and to silence them .
It is also an example of extreme unfairness , double standards and hypocrisy by Facebook. Why isn't that BBC labelled as ' state controlled British media ' or CNN as ' state controlled US media ' ( or Fox News as American right wing idiot controlled media ) . Why isn't NKNews labelled a ' CIA controlled media ' or 'south Korean state controlled media ' (as it is partly funded by the UniKorea fund of the south Korean 'Ministry of Unification ' ) , why aren't pages run by defectors flagged up as CIA propaganda or south Korean propaganda .
This action by Facebook against KFA UK comes on top of the fact that Facebook have failed to ban a fake page set up to maliciously slander KFA UK and to harass and intimidate members.
We call upon our members and followers to support our page and get more likes for it !

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