Sunday 29 September 2024

Partial Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Serves Aggressive Machination of U.S. Imperialism from “Rodong Sinmun”, 11 October 1963 -our thanks to the Milan Juche Idea Study Centre and KFA Italy for making this available

 Partial Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Serves Aggressive Machination of U.S. Imperialism

from “Rodong Sinmun”, 11 October 1963 

Pyongyang, 11 October, 1963 (KCNA) — The full text of today’s Rodong Sinmun headlined “Partial Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Serves Aggressive Machination of U.S. Imperialism” follows:

Two months have passed since the signing of the partial nuclear test-ban treaty in Moscow, and it was reportedly to come into force formally on 10 October. During these two months, the treaty’s authors have been very loud in advertising it as a “contribution” to peace, and this is still going on.

Some people prattle that the signing of the partial nuclear test-ban treaty is a “measure for averting war” and a “historical milestone in seeking a durable peace”, and others describe it as a “step forward to peace” and a “turning point in human history”. Recently, they claim that new measures should be taken for leading “the world to a durable peace” by using the Moscow treaty as a lever.

Has the Moscow treaty really brought us such marvellous things? Has there actually been any change in the international situation after the signing of the Moscow treaty? All the facts testify with daily increasing clarity that the Moscow treaty serves only the U.S. imperialist policy of aggression and war, for all the noisy clamor of its authors.

As we have already clearly pointed out, the partial nuclear test-ban treaty has no binding effect whatsoever on the nuclear war preparations of the U.S. imperialists, but, on the contrary, has attached legality to their nuclear blackmail policy and is increasing the danger of a nuclear war. This treaty does not lay any obstacle to the aggressive machinations of the U.S. imperialists against the countries of the socialist camp and other peace -loving countries, but on the contrary, it gives them opportunities for swaggering about in pursuit of their foul aims.

Today, the U.S. imperialists are, in fact, becoming more frenzied in attaining nuclear supremacy and intensifying the policy of nuclear blackmail, taking advantage of the Moscow treaty. Under the signboard of this treaty, they are staging underground nuclear tests in an unbroken chain. They are vehemently pushing ahead with the plan for the establishment of a “multilateral nuclear force”, while openly brewing intrigues for passing over nuclear weapons or nuclear secrets to West Germany, Canada, France, and other “allies”, and they are extensively preparing for atmospheric nuclear tests.

U.S. imperialism is also raising noisy clamors under the signboard of this treaty, pretending that the United States is concerned about “peace”, in an attempt to veil its aggressive policy and benumb the vigilance of the people, while stepping up criminal machinations to oppose the socialist countries and other independent countries and stamp out the revolutionary movement of the people. The aggressive schemings of U.S. imperialism are becoming all the more notably vicious in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Following the signing of the Moscow treaty, U.S. imperialism is further expanding the colonial war in South Vietnam, desperately trying to rekindle the civil war in Laos, feverishly pushing ahead with the nuclear base policy in Japan, and it manipulated the framing up of the “Malaysian Federation”, a tool of neocolonialism. It is more flagrantly stepping up preparations for the invasion of Cuba, further intensifying provocations against the Cuban people, more frequently organizing military coups to suppress and obliterate the anti- U.S. national liberation struggle of the Latin American people, and is outrageously interfering in the internal affairs of countries in this area.

On the other hand, it is materializing the “two Chinas” plot by dragging the Chiang Kai-shek clique, living corpses, into the Moscow treaty, openly challenging the Vietnamese people by drawing in the Ngo Dinh Diem hordes, and is attempting to obliterate the international standing of the GDR by bringing in the Adenauer clique.

Do not all these facts really prove that U.S. imperialism is using the Moscow treaty as a shield for intensifying its preparations for aggression and war and as a tool in opposing the peoples of the socialist countries and other peace-loving countries?

According to foreign news dispatches, recently U.S. imperialism hatched a sinister plot for drawing even the South Korean puppets into the partial nuclear test-ban treaty. This furnishes another concrete proof that this treaty is being used by U.S. imperialism for its aggressive ends. It is clear to everyone for what purpose U.S. imperialism has drawn the South Korean puppets into the partial nuclear test-ban treaty. By drawing the South Korean puppets into the partial nuclear test-ban treaty, it is trying to cover up its true color and further intensify its policies of aggression and war in South Korea under the signboard of this treaty.

Furthermore, by use of this treaty, the U.S. imperialists are seeking not only to gloss over their nuclear base policy in South Korea, but also to step it up more feverishly. This is a vicious provocation against the Korean people and an open challenge to peace in Korea and Asia.

Instead of drawing lessons from their ignominious defeat in the Korean war, the U.S. imperialists are incessantly intensifying new maneuvers for war provocation in South Korea to swallow up the whole of Korea, and are extending aggression to Asia; by no means are they giving up their aggressive, wild ambition. In flagrant violation of the Korean armistice agreement, they have brought more and more of their aggressive troops into South Korea, expanded the South Korean puppet army in a big way, introduced various types of atomic and rocket weapons, and thus converted South Korea into their atomic-rocket base. Moreover, they are frequently staging war exercises and are perpetrating military provocations without letup against the northern half of the republic in the area of the military demarcation line.

After the U.S. imperialists put their signature to the Moscow treaty and drew the South Korean puppets into it, their nuclear base policy toward South Korea has in fact not weakened even a bit, but is becoming all the more fortified. In the recent period, Kennedy and other U.S. imperialist, aggressive ruling quarters are claiming more blatantly that in South Korea, “first-class, advance post in northern Asia”, the military forces should be reinforced, the puppet army “modernized”, and the U.S. military “aid” to South Korea should be augmented. The U.S. imperialists are trying to justify their policies of war and aggression in South Korea by leading the South Korean puppets into the Moscow treaty and are more frenzied in pursuing the nuclear base policy and military provocations in South Korea under cover of this treaty.

The U.S. imperialists, who are utilizing the Moscow treaty for their aggressive ends, registered on this treaty the name of the South Korean puppets and made it appear as if South Korea rates among “sovereign states” in an attempt to put down the anti- U.S. spirit of the South Korean people and legalize their colonial control over South Korea. But today the colonial ruling system of U.S. imperialism in South Korea is faced with an uncontrollable crisis. Owing to the unprecedented fascist terroristic rule and colonial predatory policy of U.S. imperialism over the last 18 years following liberation, the economic catastrophe and social unrest have come to a head in South Korea; the struggle of the people for the right to existence and democracy is surging into high tide, as is the hatred of the popular masses against, and their discontent with, the present ruling system.

Under such circumstances, the U.S. imperialists are resorting to every possible machination to prop up by hook or by crook their colonial ruling system on the brink of ruin in South Korea. The Moscow treaty is helpful for achieving such sinister ends of U.S. imperialism. Through this treaty U.S. imperialism is seeking to lull and weaken the daily growing discontent and anti- U.S. sentiments of the South Korean people, thrown into the pit of nonrights and ward living, legalize the South Korean puppets completely isolated and rejected by the South Korean people and ridiculed by the world people; and perpetuate its military occupation of South Korea. At the same time the U.S. imperialists are engrossed in malicious intrigues to bargain with their bootlickers for the sovereignty of the Korean people, undermine the prestige of our republic, obstruct the unification of Korea, and, furthermore, extend their colonial ruling system over all Korea, with the help of this treaty.

It is known throughout the world that the South Korean “Government”, which is not formed by the South Korean people but rigged up and forcibly instituted at the point of the bayonets of the U.S. Army and which cannot exist even one day without its support, is a puppet machinery which cannot move a finger unless the United States so instructs, and that the South Korean Army is a colonialist tool to suppress the people and perpetrate aggression under the baton of the U.S. Army occupying South Korea. Even the Americans themselves admitted that South Korea is led by the U.S. Armed Forces and maintained by U.S. forces, that the U.S. Army is the actual government of South Korea, and that Kennedy has the last say on questions concerning South Korea. The U.S. imperialists are, in point of fact, lording it over South Korea; seizing all the political, military, and economic arteries into their hands; savagely suppressing and murdering the South Korean people; and perpetrating colonial plunder at will. What sort of sovereignty is there, and what vestige of an independent “government” is there?

It was not yesterday or today that the U.S. imperialists started scheming to give a semblance of “legality” to the South Korean puppets, but it has been repeated on the U.S. rostrum for more than 16 years. Such machinations of the U.S. imperialists are becoming further revealed in the current 18th U.N. General Assembly. Having drawn the South Korean puppets into the Moscow treaty, the U.S. imperialists are plotting to fabricate at the session a “resolution” contradictory to the will of the Korean people by colluding with the states dancing to their drumbeating. However, such schemings of the U.S. imperialists, unanimously condemned by the Korean people and the fair opinion of the world, are doomed to fiasco as in the past.

By making the South Korean puppets sign the Moscow treaty, the U.S. imperialists are at work foolhardily to create the impression that the puppets are playing a certain role for “peace”. It is ridiculous indeed to try to put the mantle of “peace” on the puppet “government”, a tool of aggression and war in the hands of U.S. imperialism, which has been blowing the trumpet of “march north” and “unification by force” at the nod of its master since the first day of its concoction by U.S. imperialism. Furthermore, it is also ridiculous to try to put it on the military clique which is intensifying the fascist-terror rule under the manipulation of U.S. imperialism.

All the facts show graphically that the sordid undertaking of the U.S. imperialists in maneuvering the South Korean puppets into signing the Moscow treaty is a link in their aggressive “peace strategy” which they put up recently everywhere in the world, and it proceeds from their foul aim for whitewashing their aggressive policy and expanding their aggression in Korea and Asia.

All these machinations of the U.S. imperialists to occupy South Korea continuously, turn it into a nuclear base, and expand their aggressive designs are the basic factors jeopardizing the peace and security of Korea and increasing the tension in Asia. No one who truly desires peace and respects the sovereignty of the Korean people can tolerate such ugly intrigues of the U.S. imperialists. The connivance at such schemings boil down to helping U.S. imperialism, directly or indirectly, in its aggressive designs against Korea and inspiring its new war preparations in the Far East and Asia. This can amount to nothing but acts of serving the U.S. imperialists and auctioning off the interest of the Korean people to them. The acts of seeing eye to eye with the U.S. imperialists and deceiving the people can never be tolerated. Our people will never yield their sacred rights nor interests to anyone and never tolerate the crafty and shameless intrigues which the U.S. imperialists and their followers are trying to realize through the Moscow treaty.

As clarified once again at the Pyongyang City celebration meeting for the 15th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK, our party and the government of our republic outlined a correct way for making the U.S. troops withdraw from South Korea, maintaining peace in Korea, removing the artificial barrier lying between the North and the South, and, furthermore, achieving the peaceful unification of our country, and are making every possible effort for its realization. Through their practical experiences, our people consider that at the present time all the nuclear weapons should be strictly banned and destroyed, all the military bases on other’s territories, including the nuclear bases, be removed and the aggressive troops withdrawn, and hold that the shipping out of South Korea all nuclear and other aggressive weapons brought in by the U.S. imperialists and the withdrawal of U.S. imperialist aggressive troops stands as an urgent question. Only by so doing can the nuclear war danger created by U.S. imperialism be removed and peace and security insured in Korea and the world.

The people should enhance further their vigilance against the U.S. imperialists and shatter all the intrigues and machinations of the U.S. imperialists and their conspirators, and resolutely defend world peace and the security of mankind only through a staunch struggle.

The U.S. imperialists should give up their aggressive designs against our country and pull out at once, taking with them all their aggressive lethal weapons including nuclear weapons and quit all the areas of the world where they are squatting. Bound to fall flat are the intrigues which the U.S. imperialists and their followers are brewing through the partial nuclear test-ban treaty under the signboard of “peace”. The Korean people will smash any aggressive scheme of the U.S. imperialists against our country and certainly achieve the unification of the country, driving the U.S. imperialist aggressive troops from South Korea.

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