Wednesday 25 September 2024

In support of comrade Kim Yo Jong's statement "An abnormal object appeared at Pusan Port: U.S. strategic assets would not find their resting place in the Korean peninsula"




25th of September Juche 113 (2024)

 The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and  the  Korean Friendship Association of the UK  KFA  UK )  , issued a joint statement in support of the press statement titled "An abnormal object appeared at Pusan Port: U.S. strategic assets would not find their resting place in the Korean peninsula " . issued by comrade Kim Yo Jong , vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea on the 24th of September ;

The Aerospace Reconnaissance Agency of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK),  which is a new intelligence agency of the DPRK and answers directly to the head of state of the DPRK , had on Monday 23 September  detected an abnormal object at a wharf in the port of Pusan , south Korea . This abnormal object was revealed to be a US nuclear submarine . The US nuclear submarine  had been commissioned in 2020 and has for the first time revealed its existence openly at Pusan port , south Korea . As comrade Kim Yo Jong righty observes it is not on a 'sightseeing voyage '.

Earlier in the year the US tested the Minuteman-3 intercontinental ballistic missiles and the B21 Raider , a stealth nuclear bomber . Thus the US have showed 3 different kinds of nuclear assets in public . What the presence of the US nuclear submarine in Pusan shows is that the US is openly deploying nuclear assets on the Korean peninsula to try and threaten and browbeat People's Korea .

The US scared by the emergence of the DPRK as a strong power of independence and fortress of justice is trying  to demonstrate  the so-called 'superiority of strength '.

However , as comrade Kim Yo Jong 's statement shows the DPRK is not in the least shaken or disturbed by the latest US exercise in intimidation . As comrade Kim Yo Jong says  " The DPRK's nuclear war deterrent to cope with and contain various threats from outside is bound to be bolstered up both in quality and quantity continuously and limitlessly as the security of the state is constantly exposed to the U.S. nuclear threat and blackmail"

We support the correct anti-imperialist independent stance of the DPRK as expressed by comrade Kim Yo Jong's statement . Moreover we urge that if the US knows what is good for it , it should withdraw its nuclear assets from the south of Korea immediately.






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