Tuesday 6 December 2022

Speech of KFA Greece to the Online Meeting 28.11.2022

Korean Friendship Association Greece 28 - 11 - 2022 November 28 th , Juche 111 ~

5th Anniversary of the Hwasong 15 ICBM Launch~ — Kavala, November 28 th (KFA Greece) 

Dear Comrades, with great pleasure we attend today's meeting, commemorating the 5 years that have passed since the successful launch of the Hwasongpho-15 ICBM, on 28 November, like today, back in 2017. 

2017 was indeed a year of trial and fire for the Korean People, as the imperialists bombarded the DPRK with a lot of sanctions, as per usual, through their instrument, the United Nations, in an attempt to destabilize the country and hinder its progress, but as evidenced, it was yet another stunning failure. 

The Korean People not only ignored these petty attempts to make them stray away from Socialism, but kept their hold over the banners of Songun and Juche even more vividly, with adamant passion and kept improving their country, but also managed to surpass new milestones in their pursuit of perfecting their self-defense and their ef orts of safeguarding their sovereignty, by successfully launching their second successful Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, the Hwasongpho-15.

 Let it be noted that major powers, even those who constituted past imperial cores don’t even have ICBMs, but then again I ask, why would they? Today’s world is a chessboard with most of the tiles being coloured after the US’s flag blue red and white, and most of the aforementioned powers are painted in those colours as well, so I ask again, why would they need to spend the resources, ef ort and finances in order to construct such colossal weapons, that in the DPRK’s case, serve as a ultimate measure of self-defense against the ceaseless attacks and provocations of the imperialists? 

Even if an answer is found after all, I seriously doubt that their countries could af ord to come close to the achievements of People’s Korea, while also providing such benefits to its people that should be granted for our societies, but alienation towards not only work, as a concept developed by Marx, but also 21st century type alienation, alienation towards our own society and towards our fellow humans, has made what should be mandatory to have, a privilege. 

So Comrades, it is true, we can sacrifice our people’s dignity, self-respect and safety of all kinds, just to have easier access to various elements of capitalist decadence. If that’s truly what today’s misguided and misled masses want, then we clearly couldn’t and shouldn’t try to imitate Juche Korea’s success. We must bolster our own defenses and fight for Socialist Korea without hesitation and without doubt, just as the Korean People did for their own country, but also, we must work for the dignity and prosperity of our own nations and countries, towards self-reliance, but always under the scope of benignant internationalist cooperation. 

Long Live the DPRK! 

Long Live the Korean People! 

Long Live the WPK! 만세! 

~Konstantin Krystallis General Secretary of KFA Greece KFA Greece Head of Cultural Office

Founding Member of the Juche Idea Study Group of Greece

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