Wednesday 24 August 2022

Speech of KFA Uruguay to joint online meeting 20.08.2022

Dear comrades. My soul is flushed by this beautiful invitation. I know that I am not physically present with you, but let's remember what we fight for; an ideology.
 Our ideals can be carried into physical actions, but an idea absent from the soul is just an empty vessel. Right now they're together looking at each other's faces, but that's not what makes it special. What is really beautiful is the spirit, the boiling blood that runs through a beating heart.

 We fight for an ideology with a soul. We are not like our antagonists. They shake hands with their neighbors, We give a hug to all our brothers. 

★I send you a big hug, dear brothers and sisters. ~OMIRÍN- Of icial Delegate KFA Uruguay 김정은 동지 만세! 조선로동당 만세! 조선인민군 만세! 조선민족 만세! 조선민주주의인민공화국 만세!

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