Wednesday 24 August 2022

Speech of KFA Spain -to the jointly hosted online meeting 20.08.2022

Day of Songun Online Seminar~

 — Dear comrades: From the KFA branch in Spain I would like to salute you y and thank you for the organization of this online seminar. August 25 is the anniversary of the beginning of the guidance of His Excellency Chairman Kim Jong Il in the Korean Revolutionary Armed Forces. It is a day of celebration and indeed a very significant day, for the Dear Leader was the faithful continuator of the labor by Eternal President, His Excellency Kim Il Sung, through the Juche Idea and Socialism applied to the Korean reality, and the Songun Policy to the defense of its construction and maintenance: for it is clear that the revolution is built and defended by the force of the arms. At present, the progressive peoples of the world admire and support the great achievements of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea with high internationalist spirit, because we know that the guidance of His Excellency Dear General Secretary Kim Jong Un is a direct heir of the Great Persons of Mt. Paektu, and therefore victory is assured. Giving priority to military af airs, and having the Korean People’s Army as the most important revolutionary group, ensured then and ensures today the happy existence of the Working Masses, and the realization of an independent, powerful and prosperous socialist nation. Under the Leader's slogan of "Help the People!", the KPA has always been at the forefront of the social, political, economic and cultural life of the DPRK. And this is all thanks to the great Songun Politics. 

Long live Songun Korea!

 ~Mikel Vivanko Of icial Delegate – KFA Spain Director – Juche Idea Study Group (GEIJ) of Madrid. Bilbao, August 20 th , Juche 111 (2022). 김정은 동지 만세! 조선로동당 만세! 조선인민군 만세! 조선민족 만세! 조선민주주의인민공화국 만세!

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