Tuesday 9 June 2020

Report of UK KFA online AGM 07.06.2020

 The UK Korean Friendship Association held its Annual General meeting online on the 7th of June at 1500 hours . It was participated in by UK KFA members from different parts of the country .  Members of KFA Italy participated as observers 
  Messages from KFA President Alejandro Cao De Benos  KFA Spain were read out . The message from Alejandro said that '  I would like to thank the participation and support from all active KFA UK members wishing all of you will be in great health. The pandemic and social problems are inspiring and attracting many friends to learn about the secrets of Korean culture and the ideas of the great leaders .I wish you a successful meeting looking forward to meeting you in Barcelona in November for our 20th anniversary . Long live the DPRK , long live the KFA  !. The message from KFA Spain said ' Dear comrades and friends, I hope that you are all well, with good health and high revolutionary aim. I would like to send my greetings to you for this occasion, on behalf of the KFA branch in Spain and the Juche Idea Study Group of Madrid. I wish our collaboration to continue, for, as we said in our last Congress in Bulgaria, we always find something new every time we share information and ideas. Best of luck in your hard work and study. Thank you very much.' KFA Italy gave verbal greetings to the meeting .
  Theo Russell CC Member of the New Communist Party gave greetings from the New Communist Party to the meeting .
     Dr Dermot Hudson UK KFA Chairman said in his report that ( excepts) 'The past year has been a difficult one for us , because it has seen a number of hostile media attacks on UK KFA  . These attacks were carried in the ‘Sunday Times’ , ‘Daily Mail ‘ , the Ferret and other publications . These publications simply recycled the downright lies , slander and character assassination of the original attack on UK KFA by a traitor to our organisation that was carried in NKNews last year .  Such attacks should not be seen as a sign of weakness or failure but in fact testify to the success of our organisation in defending People’s Korea . These unscrupulous attacks are simply part and parcel of the campaign of demonisation and vilification of People’s Korea which has now been extended to include supporters of People’s Korea  , the KFA first and foremost . To be attacked by your enemies  is actually a compliment and it makes you realise that you  are doing something right...
The year ahead is a very important one for us  as it will see a number of important anniversaries  . In a few weeks it will be the 20th anniversary of the June 15 inter-Korean summit which was a great breakthrough in the struggle for peace and reunification on the Korean peninsula and at the time an unprecedented event as it was the first ever inter-Korean summit. On a more sombre note the 25th of June will be the 70th anniversary of the provocation of the Fatherland Liberation War ( Korean War ) by the US and south Korea . Both these anniversaries along with the 2nd anniversary of the June 12th DPRK-US summit underscore the need for us to campaign for peace on the Korean peninsula . We call upon the US to finally withdraw their troops from south Korea and to stop blocking Korean reunification . We call for the south Korean authorities to cease hostile actions against the DPRK and for the south Korean authorities to abolish the hated ‘National Security Law ‘.
    The 75th anniversary of Korea’s liberation will be on the 15th of August .The 15th of August 1945 saw the birth of a new independent Korea.
 October 10th this year will be the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the Workers Party of Korea , the organiser and guide of the Korean people’s victories and supreme general staff of the Korean revolution . If we are able to travel let’s send a delegation to participate in the functions that will be held ....
Last but not least ! It will be the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the Korean Friendship Association . All being well the 20th international KFA meeting will be held in Spain , lets send a big delegation from the UK .

Comrades and friends , lets make this forthcoming year a great year for UK KFA and build on our successes .
Long Live the KFA !
Long live People's Korea !
Long Live Juche !

Shaun Pickford of Staffordshire KFA gave a report which outlined the success in the work of Staffordshire KFA particularly the fact that 1163 likes on Facebook and has expanded it . Comrade Pickford outlined some suggestions for improving the work of UK KFA such as greater engagement of members , improving the gender balance and attracting more support from the broader labour and peace movement.
  It was resolved to hold more online meetings and also to plan for a cultural event when the lockdown is over .
  Other suggestions were made to expand work on Twitter.
 Dr Dermot Hudson spoke about DPRK-US relations . He said that in a few weeks there will be the 2nd anniversary of the June 12th summit and the 70th anniversary of the start of the Fatherland Liberation War (Korean War ) . The US has not implemented its side of the DPRK- US joint statement  and it is not clear what the future of DPRK-US relations is . However KFA should campaign against the hostile policy of the US . Dr Hudson and Shaun Pickford both referred to the presence of US nuclear weapons in and around the Korean peninsula . A resolution calling for peace on the Korean peninsula was carried by the meeting.

A message to respected Marshal KIM JONG UN was adopted .

Everyone thought it had been a productive and positive meeting .

Meeting concluded at 17.10 hours.


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