Wednesday 25 July 2018

DPRK – the most just and most advanced state in today's world- Lukáš Vrobel-contribution to international e seminar

DPRK – the most just and most advanced state in today's world Lukáš Vrobel
The 65th anniversary of the victory of the Korean people in the Fatherland Liberation War leads me to think about the causes of constant victories in building and defending Korean socialism under the most difficult conditions, while in many other socialist countries, including my native Czechoslovakia, socialism was defeated and capitalism restored, although the conditions for building socialism were much more favorable.
The working people of Czechoslovakia won the bourgeoisie and reaction in February 1948, in the same year that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was founded. Under the excellent leadership of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, led by the first working-class president comrade Klement Gottwald, our country achieved great economic development and improvement in the standard of living, nationalization of the means of production and the collectivization of agriculture. Thanks to the fact that Czechoslovakia was an advanced industrialized country and was relatively little damaged by the World War II, it was able to help the people of Korea in the difficult years of the Korean War and in post-war reconstruction. Czechoslovakia actively both morally and materially supported the just struggle of the Korean people against American imperialism.
After the war, new industrial plants and power stations were built or renewed in the presence of hundreds of Czechoslovak specialists. Already during the war and after war, the Czechoslovak paramedics worked in the DPRK. Thousands of orphans and students were taught in Czechoslovakia at various levels of schools, which helped to expand the number of specialists, especially technical ones.
From 1953 until the collapse of the Soviet bloc, the Czechoslovak military delegation worked in Korea as a member of the Supervisory Commission of neutral states (together with Poland, Sweden and Switzerland). Every year in the month of solidarity with the struggle of the Korean people for the departure of the US troops and the peaceful reunification of the motherland, numerous meetings were held in Czechoslovakia to support the just demands of the Korean people.
Czechoslovakia has provided valuable documentation and procedures, particularly in the field of engineering production. It trained specialists in Czechoslovak races and institutes. There was also extensive cultural exchange. At the Philosophical faculty of the Charles University, the Center of Korean Studies was established and an extensive library of Korean literature was founded in the Oriental Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Since 1972, mass tourist tours from Czechoslovakia to DPRK were organized.
I am proud of the great revolutionary tradition of the progressive movement in Czechoslovakia and its share in the struggle for the victory of the world socialist revolution. However, I cannot be proud of the growing opportunism and revisionism in our country, especially from the 1960s, which led to surrender to the bourgeois counter-revolution and the renewal of capitalism between 1989 and 1990. Class education was neglected, many revolutionary traditions and revolutionary leaders of the past trampled. Individualism, careerism and selfishness prevailed in society. In the economy, market components have grown.
After the collapse of socialism, the relations between Czechoslovakia and the successor states, Czech and Slovak Republic, and the DPRK were seriously disturbed. But the Democratic People's Republic of Korea still has many supporters, and progressive people admire it for defending the red banner of socialism and its national independence even in the toughest time of an arduous march, betrayed by former allies and relying only on itself.
In all the states following the Soviet revisionist line, capitalism was later restored. The youth were not brought up in collectivism but individualism and consumption. For the DPRK, it was a great joy to consistently apply the Juche idea and Songun politics and not succumb to pressure from abroad. Under the wise leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea led by the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il, the younger generation was brought up to the decisive support of the socialist revolution. Capitalism was not restored, nor was society dominated by corrupted bourgeois culture and consumerism, as in some contemporary formally socialist states.
People live happily in DPRK in spite of tough and utterly unfair economic sanctions and threats from abroad. They have social security and real human rights that are inaccessible to most people in most countries.
From the following, we can clearly see what national tragedy will happen when surrendering to imperialism:
Today there are 281 thousand of unemployed in the Czech Republic and 175 thousand in the Slovak Republic. About 69 thousand of homeless people in the Czech Republic and 15 thousand in Slovakia.
The sharp rise in housing prices is aggravating the availability of own housing. The Czechs therefore need more than six times the annual average net household income to acquire an average apartment. Providing housing for people, who don’t have their homes from the socialist era, is very difficult.
834 thousands of people in the Czech Republic are „in execution“, this means that most of their income is confiscated for the payment of debts. About 400 thousand of Czechs and about 0,5 million of Slovaks work abroad due to higher wages. The average wage in neighboring Germany is double that in the Czech Republic, but prices are similar.
Many industrial enterprises and agricultural cooperatives were destroyed after the fall of socialism. Many workers have to travel far to work opportunities. A large part of the enterprises is foreign owned and the income is paid abroad. The new bourgeoisie was created by the robbery of national property after 1989. The second richest citizen is the prime minister.
The country was flooded with a decadent Western culture full of violence, pornography, mysticism, and the invocation of death. Many young people are damaged by tattoos, piercings, and unsightly hairstyles and fashion. People have been brought up in the spirit of individualism, selfishness and anti-communism since childhood. Most of them are brainwashed by bourgeois propaganda and have no class consciousness.
Approximately 640 thousand Czechs drink high-risk alcohol and may have a problem with addiction. Problem users of pervitin, heroin and other drugs are nearly 50 thousand. More than 100 people per year die due to drug overdoses.
Almost half of the marriage ends with divorce. People in capitalism are not able to lead valuable partnerships as a result of selfishness and careerism. Birth rates are low (1,5 child per woman) and women have children at a later age, which is detrimental to their health. Four Czechs commit suicide a day. Nearly 200 people a year are murdered or attempted murder. Hundreds of women are raped.
Critics of „human rights in the DPRK“ should look at the state of human rights in their own countries. The DPRK's socialist society is the most just and most advanced in today's world, and I firmly believe that under the brilliant leadership of the Respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong Un it will continue to achieve constant successes and will not be weakened by any intrigues of imperialists and class enemies.
Lukáš Vrobel,
first vice-chairman of the Paektusan Czech-Korean Friendship Association,

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