Sunday, 3 September 2017

Staffordshire KFA rejects hysteria over DPRK n test

The Staffordshire Branch of the UK KFA calls upon the British Government not to become involved into any wild scheme by the Trump Administration into attacking the DPRK. Every sovereign nation has the right and indeed the duty to defend itself, and this is what the DPRK has doing in its missile and nuclear weapons programme. The DPRK is a threat to nobody and just wants to live in peace. Today's H-Bomb conducted by the DPRK will further strengthen the peace and security in the Asian-Pacific region against the potential aggression by US Imperialism. Theresa May should refrain making any inflammatory and foolish statements and act in the national interest to preserve and develop bilateral relations with the DPRK. We call on the Peace and Labour Movements to oppose any moves towards war in Korea by Trump and his Alt-Right advisors, and work for solidarity with the just cause of the Korean people!

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