Friday 5 July 2024

Outstanding Leader of World Revolution

 President Kim Il Sung put his heart and soul into the cause of global independence all his life, performing undying and unrivalled exploits.

At the end of the last century, when the cause of independence for mankind was suffering trials and setbacks, he set forth tasks and ways for successfully advancing it through them and wisely led the struggle to this end, which occupies an outstanding position in his exploits.

Towards the end of the last century, such abnormal situation occurred that socialism collapsed and capitalism revived in some countries.

The imperialists spouted all sorts of vituperation, claiming that socialism has come to an “end” and that it is the “victory of capitalism over socialism”.

The renegades of socialism made vicious attempts to undermine the people’s faith in the socialist cause, saying that the ideal of socialism itself was wrong and the socialist revolution was a mistake from the start.

Ideological confusion and vacillation arose among the parties and people in some countries who failed to see through the situation. Those countries that admired socialism were confused and at a loss for which way to go.

At this juncture, Kim Il Sung clarified that socialism is a law governing the historical development, in his answers to the questions raised by the director of the Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, Japan and other subsequent works.

He said that the collapse of socialism with the result of the revival of capitalism in some countries is a great loss, but this is a temporary phenomenon that arose in the endeavour to accomplish the cause of independence for mankind and that it can do little to deny the validity of the cause of socialism and the reactionary nature of imperialism.

And he proved with iron logic that socialism embodies the intrinsic nature of a social being who tries to abolish exploitation and oppression of man by man and live in an independent way together, and that as history advances and the independence and creativity of the people improves, it will get more attractive and emerge victorious without fail.

He gave a clear-cut explanation of the reason of the collapse of socialism in some countries and the lessons drawn from it.

While talking with heads of parties, delegations and social figures from various countries on their visit to the DPRK, including the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Portugal and the delegation of the March 26 Movement of Uruguay, Kim Il Sung put it down to the overnight fall of the East European socialist countries that their ruling parties were divorced from the popular masses while pursuing flunkeyism and practising subjectivism and bureaucratism.

Many delegations and delegates of foreign parties visited the DPRK on the occasion of the 80th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung in Juche 81 (1992).

They pledged to work to defend and advance socialism, true to the instructions of President Kim Il Sung on fighting with a correct joint strategy as required by the changing situation.

Therefore, the historic Pyongyang Declaration was adopted in Pyongyang as a joint fighting programme for the restoration of socialism. An increasing number of communist and workers’ parties and other progressive political parties around the world signed the declaration to turn out for the struggle for building socialism. This enabled the cause of independence for mankind, the cause of socialism, to advance victoriously along its track.

The world progressives highly praised Kim Il Sung as the “outstanding leader of the world revolution” and the “standard-bearer of the world revolution”.

The undying, painstaking efforts made by President Kim Il Sung for the cause of independence for mankind have greatly inspired many until today.

The immortal exploits performed by President Kim Il Sung for the cause of independence for mankind are now reliably defended and glorified by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Kim Hyok

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