Monday 10 January 2022

UK Should Behave with Principle

Some time ago, the Minister of State for Security and Borders of the Home Office of the United Kingdom, in his interview with The Telegraph, asserted that our country is on the radar as one of the “most egregious hostile nations” together with China, Russia and Iran which give security threats to the UK.

It is nothing new as it is an extension of the same old words and deeds by the successive UK government officials. But this shows vividly to what extent the UK’s persecution complex has reached out of its complete ignorance, blind prejudice and hostility towards the DPRK.

In 2017, the Minister of State of the Home Office of the UK connected the DPRK for no good reason with the extra-large cyber-hacking incident which took place at medical facilities in his country. In the meantime, the Secretary of State for Defense claimed about a “threat to London” saying that London is placed nearer than Los Angeles, U.S., in the range of missile attacks from Pyongyang.

Recently, a high-ranking official of the Defense Ministry of the UK spread a strange conjecture without any clear evidence that the DPRK might be connected with the incident of cyber-attack which crashed the computer network of the Academy of Defense Science of the UK in 2021, inviting only ridicule from the world.

If he is in charge of security sector of his country, it is quite natural for him to have power of discernment to see the root that threatens the security of his country and that of the world.

The UK has an unpleasant past of dispatching a large number of its troops to the Korean War in the 1950s last century following in the footsteps of the U.S. This notwithstanding, we stated our position more than once that we do not regard the UK as an enemy as the two countries established formal state relations in the new century.

On every possible occasion, we also affirmed our principled stand of opposing all forms of terrorism, and expressed deep sympathy and consolation to the Britons when they had suffered heartrending loss from the successive acts of terrorism.

Nevertheless, the UK politicians are making irrational insistence that the DPRK poses a threat to them. This cannot be explained in any other way but as a servile act of the UK to curry favor with the U.S. which is inciting international cooperation to isolate and pressure the DPRK by tarnishing the reputation of our Republic and "demonizing" us.

If the UK, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, tries to blindly follow its master this way, it will only result in losing its face before the world and being a target of criticism that “the British Empire” is a vassal state of the U.S.

The UK would need to restore its sense for reality soon and behave itself with its own principle.

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