Wednesday 12 June 2024

ASSPUK, BGSJI and KFA UK on the 60th anniversary of the start of work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL at the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea.






London 12th June Juche 113(2024)
 The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI) and the  Korean Friendship Association  of the UK( KFA UK )issued the following joint statement on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the start of work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea:


 The start of work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL  60 years ago on the 19th of June 1964  was  trulya great landmark in the development of the Korean revolution and the history of building the Workers Party of Korea. Comrade KIM JONG Il after starting work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea(WPK) devoted his tireless energy to the cause of Juche-orientated party building which had been started by the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG the eternal president of the DPRK and founder of the glorious Workers' Party of Korea.  

  Since comrade KIM JONG IL started at the Central Committee of the WPK, a thoroughgoing and qualitative change took place in the work of the Party.                   

     When comrade KIM JONG IL started work at the Central Committee of the WPK many communist and workers parties of the world were experiencing difficulties due to the emergence of modern revisionism. Comrade KIM JONG IL rebuffed attempts to undermine the leading role of the WPK, the vanguard party by emphasizing the great Juche idea authored by President KIM IL SUNG  as the iron guiding ideology of the Party.


   Comrade KIM JONG IL stated that "The Workers’ Party of Korea will shine for ever as the Party of Comrade Kim Il Sung"   and built up the WPK into  an ideologically integrated whole.      


    Thanks to the guidance of Party work by comrade KIM JONG IL  successes in all fields such as the economy, culture, science and defence great victories were scored and a stunning leap forward in the building of Juche socialism took place. The great leader comrade KIM JONG IL wrote many works of genius such as "On the Art of the Cinema " which expounded the seed theory.

  Comrade KIM JONG IL always stresses that the WPK had a mass foundation and mixed with people giving on -the spot guidance. He was against the abuse of power and bureaucracy in Party work.
 Comrade KIM JONG IL fully embodied the idea of "The People are my God" of President KIM IL SUNG and built the WPK into a motherly party that took care of people's lives. He adopted a modest and popular style of work and fully developed the people-orientated policies on such as the abolition of taxation, free health care, free education and low-cost housing. Under the benevolent and all-embracing politics of comrade KIM JONG IL, the DPRK developed into a harmonious socialist family, the like of which is not seen in any other country.

  It was thanks to the dynamic and untiring leadership of comrade KIM JONG IL that the WPK could win victory after victory even in the most adverse circumstances in which the odds were stacked against it .


 In the 1990s due to the frustration of socialism in some countries, owing to modern revisionism, the imperialists stepped up efforts to stifle socialism in People's Korea by applying sanctions . Comrade KIM JONG IL affirmed the validity and scientific accuracy of socialism by authoring works such as  'Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable ' , ' Socialism Is A Science '  and Giving Priority to Ideological Work is Essential for accomplishing socialism ". He rallied the people of the DPRK to defend socialism. Moreover comrade KIM JONG IL countered the imperialist's attempts to overpower People's Korea by administering Songun (army first ) politics, the treasured sword for defending independence and won victory in the confrontation with the imperialists . Firm foundations were laid for a powerful, prosperous socialist country based on single-hearted unity. 

Comrade KIM JONG IL exploits in Juche party building shine brightly even with the passing of 60 years. Today they are carried forward by respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  Every year the DPRK and progressive people of the world celebrate June 19th in the same splendid way as it does October 10, the founding day of the WPK.  We join them in marking this significant occasion.

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