Tuesday 25 June 2024

White Paper Released by Institute for American Studies of DPRK Foreign Ministry

Pyongyang, June 25 (KCNA) -- More than 70 years have passed since the ceasefire of the Korean War.

Now is hard to find in this land such traces of shuddering massacres and destruction committed by the U.S. imperialists in the war.

The Institute for American Studies of the DPRK Foreign Ministry released a white paper on Tuesday to disclose the historical facts on the atrocities committed by the U.S. against the DPRK, which were utterly heinous in terms of scale, persistence and viciousness, and clarify the DPRK people's unshakable will to inflict a retaliatory punishment on the U.S. imperialist aggressors, their sworn enemies.

The white paper refers to the hideous crimes the U.S. committed by inflicting on the DPRK huge human losses unprecedented in the human history.

The most serious damage is that the U.S. brutally killed many peaceful civilians.

According to official data alone, the number of victims to the U.S. massacres in the DPRK is 5 060 770 in total, including 1 247 870 deaths, 911 790 abductees and 391 740 missing persons.

According to their calculated damages based on the international practice, in case of the consideration of period when the victims could work, if they survived, and their income and the interest in the period when they did not get compensated, the damages of those persons killed, abducted and missing are estimated to be more than 16 533.396 billion U.S. dollars and the damages of the wounded and disabled are 9 635.427 billion U.S. dollars, totaling to 26 168.823 billion U.S. dollars.

The U.S. can never evade the duty of fulfilling its responsibility as a war criminal state, before the DPRK government and people, for its hideous crimes that can not be pardoned in view of international law or human morality.

The white paper discloses that the U.S. inflicted on the DPRK disastrous material and economic damage that can never be compared with the aftermath of the World War.

The property damage, brought to the DPRK by the U.S. during the war, is estimated at more than 16 661.622 billion U.S. dollars.

Even after the war, the U.S. had systematically infiltrated terrorists and saboteurs into the DPRK's territory to destroy peaceful facilities, thus causing the property damage amounting to 21 266 million U.S. dollars.

According to rudimentary estimation, the economic damage the DPRK people had suffered for 70-odd years from 1945 to 2017 due to the U.S. sanctions and blockade amounts to more than 29.354 trillion U.S. dollars and the amount is increasing tremendously with each passing day.

Such heinous crime, that has brought untold material and economic damage to the DPRK, is tantamount to another mass destruction and massacre aimed to encroach upon and stamp out the sovereignty and rights to existence and development of the DPRK.

The white paper notes that the U.S. has added to its crimes by leaving indelible wounds on the Korean people through its outrageous nuclear threat and blackmail and doing serious harm to the security environment of the DPRK.

The U.S. declared that it would use A-bombs in the Korean War five years after it dropped them in Japan to kill hundreds of thousands of its innocent people.

It spawned a nuclear issue in the Korean peninsula and has gradually escalated its nuclear threat and blackmail against the DPRK to drive the security environment of the peninsula to tension.

In anti-DPRK joint military exercises of various forms and missions, staged for the past seven decades, from Focus Lens in 1954 to Ulji Freedom Shield at present, the U.S. has steadily acquired the capability to conduct a DPRK-targeted nuclear war. This year, it is staging frantic drills for preemptive strike at the DPRK's nuclear facilities and major military bases, under the new "operational plan 2022", revealing its scheme for a nuclear war against the DPRK under the eyes of the world.

Nothing can compensate the mental damage suffered by the Korean people due to the U.S. ever-escalating nuclear threat.

The Korean people are strictly keeping tabs on all the criminal acts made by the U.S. against the DPRK that have lasted for decades, and looking forward to the moment when the U.S. will be made to pay dearly for all its crimes, the white paper says, stating:

"Blood for blood!" -- this is the DPRK's norm related to irreconcilable compensation for the losses and its unshakable will to make a retaliatory punishment. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.25.)

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Sinchon Museum


ASSPUK , BGSJI and KFA UK on the 8th anniversary of the election of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN as President of the State Affairs of the DPRK


email juche007@yahoo.co.uk



                      25th of June  Juche 113(2024 )
The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI) and the Korean Friendship Association  of the UK (KFA UK  ) issued the following joint statement on the occasion  of the 8th  anniversary of the election of the dear respected leader Marshal KIM JONG UN as President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea:
    The election of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN as President  of the State Affairs  eight years ago on the 29th of June 2016 fully reflected the enthusiastic support of the entire Korean people for the dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN who is leading the Korean people to victory! It was a clear manifestation of the unanimous will of the Korean people as well as their deep reverence for respected Marshal KIM JONG UN as well as their profound trust in him. It was an example of people's democracy in action because dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN was unanimously elected by the Supreme People's Assembly which in turn had been elected by the people decisively. Unlike the UK where only 68.7  per cent of electors voted, in the DPRK the Supreme People's Assembly was elected by nearly 100 per cent of electors!
    Dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN has been at the helm of the state and party of the DPRK for several years leading it to victory after victory against the imperialist reactionary forces. He has implemented the great revolutionary line of building the nuclear force and economy in parallel and has greatly improved the living standards of the Korean people turning the DPRK into a paradise of socialist bliss for the people. Under dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN leadership the deterrent force of the DPRK has been increased and the DPRK is maintaining robust independence.  Dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN has put forward the brilliant idea of self-development first and self-reliance which is creating a great upsurge in socialist construction. There has been extraordinarily rapid progress  in socialist construction  with the town and cities of the DPRK changing their appearance day after day



Thanks to the prompt action of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN, the sudden outbreak of Covid 19 was quickly contained and eliminated in a record time of 90 days without imperialist aid.

Great achievements have been made in consolidating the DPRK's Juche -based national defence power for example last year the DPRK launched its first ever military reconnaissance satellite.

  Only victory and glory are in store for the Korean people under the leadership of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN , Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK!

British Committee to Remember President KIM IL SUNG formed



email juche007@yahoo.co.uk    



   London 25th  June  Juche 113(2024)
Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK , the  British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI  and the Korean Friendship Association of the UK  have decided to form the British Committee to Remember the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG .On the occasion of the formation of the committee we issue the following statement:
    On the 8th of July it will  be  30 years since  the passing away of the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG . The passing away of the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG was a painful and heart-rending loss for the Korean people but also for the world progressive people . It was also a loss for British progressive people who study the Juche Idea and took inspiration from People's Korea ,the land of Juche , a country of robust  independence, which was founded by the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG .

   The great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG was the greatest of great leaders , a true elder of the international communist movement and renown world statesman.
    The great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG  brought independence to Korea which had been under Japanese colonial rule for decades. Korea which had been shown on world maps as part of Japan He built Korea into a fully fledged independent state , a mighty socialist power ,
  The great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG  always upheld independence throughout his life always opposing imperialism of all kinds ,dominationism and big-power chauvinism. He  fought for global independence and the victory of the world revolution.
        The great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG opposed the division of Korea by outside forces such as the US. He put forward many realistic policies to achieve reunification on the basis of independence, peace and unity.
  The ideas and example of the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG live on . Our committee will issue statements and articles and other activities to remember the life of the great leader comrade
KIM IL SUNG and his great legacy .

British Committee to Remember the great leader President KIM IL SUNG

ASSPUK, BGSJI and KFA UK support press statement of DPRK vice minister of National Defence


email juche007@yahoo.co.uk 


                       25th  of June  Juche 113(2024)
 The Association for  the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK) , the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI) the Korean Friendship Association  of the UK (KFA UK)  issued the following statement in support of the press statement of comrade Kim Kang Il, vice-minister of National Defence of the DPRK that was issued on Monday 24th of June  and was titled  "The DPRK strongly denounces provocative action of hostile forces with all possibilities of demonstrating deterrence";

The US nuclear aircraft carrier the "USS Theodore Roosevelt " called at Pusan Port , south Korea on the 22nd of June . The "USS Theodore Roosevelt " is a massive 104,000 ton vessel equipped with 90 warplanes. The presence of this massive warship in Korean waters is a grave provocation to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as well as an exercise in gunboat diplomacy ; an attempt to intimidate People's Korea . It is also an act of aggravating tension.

The US also carried out a bombing drill against the DPRK on the 5th of June and air drills on the 17th to 20th of June . The so-called "Nuclear Consultative Group " of the US and south Korea met on the 10th of June and examined a plan for a nuclear attack on the DPRK.

The DPRK vice minister of National Defence comrade Kim Kang Il demands that "The U.S. and the ROK should immediately stop their dangerous attempts and be prudent."

We also say that the US and the south Korean puppets should stop their provocations against People's Korea and act with sense and discretion !

US Out of Korea !

Defend People's Korea !




Monday 24 June 2024

ASSPUK, BGSJI and KFA UK support press statement of CMC Vice Chairman comrade Pak Jong Chon


email juche007@yahoo.co.uk 


                       24th  of June  Juche 113(2024)
 The Association for  the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK) , the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI) the Korean Friendship Association  of the UK (KFA UK)  issued the following statement in support of the press statement of comrade Pak Jong Chon, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission(CMC) of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK)that was issued on the 24th of June ;

Comrade Pak Jong Chon  vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission issued a press statement with regard to the escalating situation in Ukraine .

Recently , the US National Security Advisor  Sullivan gave the green light for Ukraine to use US supplied weapons to strike Russian forces on their own soil . The US imperialists have been expanding their military support for the Ukrainian fascists because they are losing the war .

As comrade Pak Jong Chon points out "This time the U.S. has gone so far as to allow the Ukrainian neo-Nazis to strike any part of Russian territory at their will. This is no more than a crazy last-ditch effort to turn the ever-worsening tide of war by driving the Zelenskiy clique to a reckless attack on the depth of the Russian territory."

The US are deliberately worsening the situation in Ukraine and fanning the flames of war . The actions of the US in intensifying the proxy war in Ukraine can only result in provoking a stronger response from Russia in turn leading to potential war.

Comrade Pak Jong Chon declares that the DPRK will stand by Russia in its defence  of its interests and its sovereignty .

We support the just stand of People's Korea.




Press Statement of Vice Minister of National Defence of DPRK

Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- Kim Kang Il, vice-minister of National Defence of the DPRK, Monday made public the following press statement "The DPRK strongly denounces provocative action of hostile forces with all possibilities of demonstrating deterrence":

We are witnessing the reckless option and action of the U.S. once again.

It means the fact that the nuclear carrier Theodore Roosevelt task force called at an operational base in Pusan on June 22.

It is as clear as noonday why the U.S. dispatched the nuclear carrier and who is its aim at present.

The deployment of the nuclear carrier across the ocean from the opposite side of the earth, tens of thousands of ri (10 ri equal to 4 kilometers) away from the Korean peninsula, on the doorstep of the DPRK will be by no means aimed at "repairing and readjusting" the carrier aircraft and "celebrating" the ROK-U.S. alliance.

Recently, the U.S. and its stooges, who have malignant hostility and doubt as a congenital disease, hurled abusive language with their furred tongues and are again conducting dangerous visible action, while showing symptoms of epileptic state on the normal development of relations between the friendly sovereign states.

A drill of dropping a precision guided bomb from the U.S. strategic bomber B-1B was conducted on June 5, the "guidelines on nuclear strategic plan and its operation" examined at the ROK-U.S. nuclear consultative group (NCG) on June 10 and the special joint air drill staged by the U.S. and the ROK on June 17-20. Those are common examples showing well why the regional situation is getting worse.

It is a very dangerous play and adventure for the U.S. and the ROK to resort to the armed demonstration before the DPRK.

The DPRK bitterly condemns the provocative attempts of the U.S. and the ROK, the heinous confrontation maniacs with the most powerful rhetoric and with all possibilities of demonstrating its overwhelming and new deterrent force.

The U.S. and the ROK should immediately stop their dangerous attempts and be prudent. -0-

Truth behind the Korean War

June 25 is the day when the Korean war (1950-1953) broke out.

The war still has a profound impact on the situation of the Korean peninsula and beyond. Then how did it break out?

In view of the geopolitical importance of the Korean peninsula as a military vantage point for advancing into the Asian continent, the US dispatched its armed forces to the ROK in the guise of “liberators,” following Japan’s defeat in 1945.

In 1948, at the US National Security Council, the then US president Truman issued a directive to further expand the ROK army and provide military aid to it.

That year, the US and the ROK concluded the “tentative military and security status-of-forces agreement during the period of transition,” which put the ROK army, police, major areas and facilities under the control of the US forces.

They deployed ROK troops in an attack formation in the area along the 38th parallel, with materiel and military hardware massed near the front.

In January 1950, under Truman’s instructions, the US State Department and the US Joint Chiefs of Staff held a joint meeting to map out and agree on a plan to unleash the Korean war and a strategic plan for special actions at the outbreak of war, both of which were ratified by the US National Security Council on April 2.

According to an American book on the Korean war, all preparations for an armed raid on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea were brought to completion in May 1950.

Another book Modern History of America says that “this is the first time in US history that it is fully poised for going to war.”

This proves that the US made the preparations for military invasion of the DPRK in a planned way.

The US determined the D-Day, methods and order of war before launching an armed invasion of the DPRK early on June 25, 1950.

Referring to the reason why they set June 25 as the D-Day, Roberts, the then head of the US Military Advisory Group, said: “We have chosen the 25th and this explains our prudence. It is Sunday. It’s the Sabbath for both the United States and the ROK, both Christian states. No one will believe we have started a war on Sunday. In short, it is to make people believe that we are not the first to open a war.”

A staff officer of the US Army Command in the Far East confessed that “the ROK army launched the war on the direct order of the general headquarters of the US forces in Japan.”

In May 1951, MacArthur, commander-in-chief of the US Army in the Far East, said that the DPRK army was deployed in areas far from the 38th parallel and that the formation was not attack-oriented but defence-oriented. US military intelligence officers said that the People’s Army of the DPRK could not volunteer to invade because it was inferior in numbers or equipment. Such facts tell that the Korean war was started by the US.

The US can never cover up the truth behind its provocation of the war, no matter what tricks it employs to turn black into white.


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Sends Greetings to Lao President

Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, sent a message of greeting to Thongloun Sisoulith, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party and president of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, on Monday.

He in the message extended warm comradely greetings to Thongloun Sisoulith and the fraternal Lao party, government and people on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Over the past 50 years our two countries have established and developed solid ties based on comradely friendship and revolutionary obligation in the struggle for accomplishing the socialist cause, the message said.

Expressing belief that the DPRK-Laos relations of friendship and cooperation would develop onto a higher stage, the message sincerely wished Thongloun Sisoulith greater success in his responsible work for leading the party and the state. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.24.)

Press Statement of Vice-Chairman of WPK Central Military Commission

Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- Pak Jong Chon, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), made public the following press statement on June 24:

The clouds of a new world war are hanging over the whole of Europe due to the U.S. ever-escalating confrontational hysteria against Russia.

According to media reports, Sullivan, national security adviser of the White House, said on June 18 that Kiev can use U.S.-supplied weapons to hit any Russian forces attacking from across the border.

A spokesman for the U.S. Defense Department did not hesitate to say at a press conference on June 20 that Ukrainian forces can use U.S.-supplied weapons to strike any Russian forces not only in Kharkov region near border but also those in any parts of the Russian territory.

As already known, the U.S. has expanded its military support for the puppet Zelenskiy clique since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, providing it with MRLs, MBTs, depleted uranium bombs, etc., and it totals over 100 billion U.S. dollars.

As the war situation has turned more unfavorable to the Zelenskiy regime since the outset of this year, the U.S. provided Ukraine with ATACMS (army tactical missile system) with a range of 300 km and allowed it to attack the Russian territory up to 200 miles (about 320 km) from border.

This time the U.S. has gone so far as to allow the Ukrainian neo-Nazis to strike any part of Russian territory at their will. This is no more than a crazy last-ditch effort to turn the ever-worsening tide of war by driving the Zelenskiy clique to a reckless attack on the depth of the Russian territory.

The U.S., which had claimed it would neither encourage the Ukrainian forces to scale up their attack beyond border nor offer any assistance enabling it, finally betrayed its true colors as a heinous anti-Russia maniac after taking off that spurious mask.

Rash acts may bring a sudden calamity.

If the rulers of the U.S. persist in recklessly pushing their war machine Ukraine to a proxy war against Russia as now, it will inevitably provoke a stronger response from Russia, thus further deteriorating the regional security situation and resulting in an all-out military conflict with Russia and a new world war, the worst-ever consequences.

It is the due right to self-defence for Russia to make a strategic counterattack to defend its security from the ever-aggravating threat from the hostile forces, and any responsive action to be taken by it will be a just action for legitimate self-defence.

Of course, Russia has the right to opt for any kind of retaliatory strike.

We will always be together with the Russian army and people all out in a just struggle for defending sovereign rights, strategic stability and territorial integrity of their country. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.24.)

조선중앙통신 Copyright © 2000-2024 

Saturday 22 June 2024

ASSPUK , BGSJI and KFA UK support statement of comrade Kim Yo Jong on balloon warfare against the DPRK


email juche007@yahoo.co.uk 


                       22nd   of June  Juche 113(2024)
 The Association for  the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK) , the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI) the Korean Friendship Association  of the UK (KFA UK)  issued the following statement in support of the press statement of comrade Kim Yo Jong, vice -department director of the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea (WPK) that was issued on the 21st of June ;

Recently , the ROK puppets allowed and encouraged defectors ,the dirty traitors to the socialist Juche motherland ,to send balloons laden with dirty wastepaper into People's Korea and rubbish was found on farmland and near to the margins of reservoirs. This is a grave crime against People's Korea for which the defectors should be made to pay for .

As comrade Kim Yo Jong says in her statement " Those human scum would be condemned by population of the ROK."

 We totally denounce the south Korean puppets and the human scum for their criminal actions . We support whatever measures the DPRK will take in retaliation .

Down with the south Korean puppets !
Down with Human Scum defectors !
Defend People's Korea 




Artistic Performance Given in Honour of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

 Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- A grand artistic performance was given at the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium on June 19 in honour of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation, on a state visit to the DPRK in order to deepen the ties of friendship between the two countries.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, enjoyed the performance together with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation.

Kim Jong Un greeted Putin at the plaza of the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium.

When Kim Jong Un appeared at the auditorium together with Putin, all the participants paid the highest tribute to the two leaders who have put the sacred cause for the common well-being, development and prosperity of the DPRK and Russia and the peoples of the two countries, and genuine international justice and peace, on a new strategic stage, and are confidently leading them along the road resplendent with victory.

Present there at invitation were Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Mantrov, Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Nobak, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration and President's Press Secretary Dmitri Peskov, Aide to the President of Russia for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov, Minister of Defense Andrei Beloussov, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology and Chairman of the Russian Side of the Russia-DPRK Inter-Governmental Committee for Cooperation in Trade, Economy, Science and Technology Alexandr Kozlov, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashuko, Minister of Transport Roman Starovoyt and other members of the Russian president's entourage, and Russian Ambassador to the DPRK Alexandr Matsegora and staff members of the Russian embassy.

Among the audience were Kim Tok Hun, vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and premier of the Cabinet, Choe Ryong Hae, first vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly, Choe Son Hui, foreign minister of the DPRK, secretaries of the WPK Central Committee, other senior officials of the Party, government and military, officials of the WPK Central Committee, ministries and national agencies, Pyongyangites, youth and students.

The national anthems of the Russian Federation and the DPRK were played.

Put on the stage of the performance, which began with a ceremony of the combined military band, were numbers reflecting the revolutionary mettle, noble patriotic spirit and national emotion of the peoples of the DPRK and Russia, which had been fully displayed in the sacred decades for overcoming all challenges of history and defending justice and truth.

The performers sang in high praises of the prestige of the heroic Korean people who are carrying out the great cause of building a prosperous country with powerful armed forces, demonstrating their dignity with independence and achieving epoch-making victories and great changes by dint of self-reliance and self-defence under the guidance of the great Workers' Party of Korea.

The audience was touched by the famous songs of Russia truthfully representing the Russian people's true patriotism, devotion to their country and strong desire to build a prosperous and powerful state without fail.

The Russian song "The Sacred War," by a male chorus, served as a militant encouragement to the army and people of Russia who are displaying matchless bravery and patriotism in the struggle to firmly defend the inviolable dignity, sovereign right, security, development and interests of the country under the leadership of Putin.

The audience waved the national flags of the two countries and cheered to the tune of the beautiful and elegant melodies and dance rhythms, expressing their deep reverence for the dear guest from the friendly neighbouring country.

A portrait of Comrade Putin, who is energetically leading the building of a strong Russia while uniting society and people with his experienced political ability and iron will and boosting the national strength, was projected onto the backdrop.

The performance elicited loud applause from the audience as it represented the invincibility of the common ideal and cause of the peoples of the two countries and their feelings of friendship.

Kim Jong Un and Putin had a floral basket presented to the performers in congratulation of their successful performance.

Expressing his impressions of the wonderful performance, Putin requested Kim Jong Un to convey his kind regards to the performers.

The audience was deeply impressed by the performance as it gave a vivid artistic description of the friendly feelings of the people of the DPRK towards Putin and the fraternal Russian people. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.20.)

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Hosts Banquet for Russian President

Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, on the evening of June 19 hosted a banquet in honour of the visiting president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Present there at invitation were Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Mantrov, Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Nobak, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration and President’s Press Secretary Dmitri Peskov, Aide to the President of Russia for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov, Minister of Defense Andrei Beloussov, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology and Chairman of the Russian side of the Russia-DPRK Inter-Governmental Committee for Cooperation in Trade, Economy, Science and Technology Alexandr Kozlov, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashuko, Minister of Transport Roman Starovoyt and other members of the Russian president’s entourage, and Russian Ambassador to the DPRK Alexandr Matsegora and staff members of the Russian embassy in Pyongyang.

Also on hand were Kim Tok Hun, vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and premier of the Cabinet, Choe Ryong Hae, first vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People’s Assembly, Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui, secretaries of the Central Committee of the WPK and other senior officials of the Party, the government and the military.

When Kim Jong Un appeared at the banquet hall together with Putin, all the participants welcomed with enthusiastic applause the top leaders of the two countries who are ushering in a new heyday of the DPRK-Russia friendship by dint of their exceptional wisdom and outstanding leadership.

Kim Jong Un made a speech in welcome of Vladimir Putin’s visit to the DPRK.

Warmly welcoming President Putin, who visited Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, again as he had done 24 years previously on the threshold of a new millennium, and all other Russian friends, he extended his profound respect and warm fraternal greetings to the Russian government and people on behalf of the DPRK government and people.

He expressed his joy of sharing the table with all the participants at the banquet welcoming Putin, the highest honoured guest of the state for the Korean people, on the historic day when the DPRK-Russia relations of friendship witnessed a great event of concluding the most effective and comprehensive new inter-state treaty.

He once again expressed his heartfelt thanks to Putin for fully showing in practice his will to write a new chapter in the history of the DPRK-Russia relations and guarantee eternal wellbeing for the peoples of the two countries and their bright future for all ages, saying that today’s great event witnessed in the development of the DPRK-Russia relations is a brilliant fruition of President Putin’s decision, efforts and meticulous care.

Saying that it is a source of greatest pride and honour for the DPRK to have a powerful state like Russia as a strategic partner and an ally, he clarified the invariable stand of the DPRK government to permanently develop the invincible DPRK-Russia relations of friendship while strongly supporting and cooperating with the Russian Federation in a multifaceted, all-round way on the basis of the new inter-state treaty.

He proposed a toast to the good health of the respected Comrade Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, to the everlasting prosperity of Russia, which is the DPRK’s most friendly neighbour, to the immortality of the invincible DPRK-Russia relations of friendship to be envied by the world, and to the health of all comrades and friends present at the banquet.

Then Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin spoke in reply.

He once again expressed his sincere thanks to Comrade Kim Jong Un and all other Korean friends for inviting him to pay a state visit to the excellent DPRK.

Noting that he was deeply impressed by the warm hospitality shown in arranging a banquet in his honour, he said that today’s talks reaffirmed that both sides are paying concern to further developing bilateral cooperation based on equality and mutual benefit.

Noting that despite the vicissitudes of the world situation, the two countries have steadily strengthened the ties of comradely relations, fraternal support and good-neighbourly cooperation, on the basis of the glorious traditions provided by the preceding generations, he stressed that they are proactively cooperating with each other in the international arena to promote peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the rest of the world, and taking joint action against the hegemony and neo-colonialist practices of the US and its vassal forces and against the attempts to impose the development model and values that have nothing to do with the two countries.

Citing a saying common to Russia and the DPRK, which goes that a good neighbour is better than a brother far away, he said that such public wisdom reflects the character of the relations between the two countries.

Putin proposed a toast to the further development of friendship and cooperation between the Russian Federation and the DPRK, to the well-being and prosperity of the peoples of the two countries and to the good health of Comrade Kim Jong Un, president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, and the Korean friends present at the banquet.

The banquet proceeded in an amicable atmosphere overflowing with friendly feelings. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.20.)

Russian President Leaves Pyongyang after Paying State Visit to DPRK Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Warmly Sends off Comrade Putin

Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation, who paid a state visit to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at the invitation of Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, left Pyongyang by the presidential plane on the night of June 19 after successfully finishing his schedule.

At the Pyongyang meeting, which recorded a new page in the history of the DPRK-Russia relations of friendship and cooperation proud of a long history and good traditions, the top leaders of the two countries further deepened their comradely relationship firmly based on the ennobling ideals and achieved important and meaningful results for ensuring the long-term development of the strategic and future-oriented DPRK-Russia relations and comprehensively expanding them in the new era.

That day Pyongyang citizens warmly saw off the closest and precious friends along streets of the capital city, filled with the Korean people’s special respect and sincere feelings of friendship towards President Putin and the Russian people.

Fully displayed at the roadsides was their will to further develop the full support and solidarity with the Russian people struggling for independence, peace, justice and truth and deepen the ties of friendship and unity between their country and Russia.

The guard of honour of the Korean People’s Army lined up at the apron of Pyongyang International Airport, where the national flags of the DPRK and the Russian Federation were fluttering, and a large number of people and pretty children stood with flowers.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un came to the airport to send off President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Present at the airport were Choe Son Hui, foreign minister of the DPRK, Pak Jong Chon, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK and secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, Jo Yong Won, secretary of the WPK Central Committee, Kim Song Nam, director of the International Department of the WPK Central Committee, and Kim Yo Jong, deputy department director of the WPK Central Committee.

Seen there were Alexandr Matsegora, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, and his embassy members.

The motorcade carrying the friends from Russia, a close neighbouring country, arrived at the airport amid warm send-off by the citizens.

A ceremony took place to see off Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

The national anthems of the DPRK and the Russian Federation were played.

Kim Jong Un, together with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, reviewed the guard of honour of the KPA.

Putin bid farewell to senior state officials of the DPRK who came to send him off.

Kim Jong Un said that he was very satisfied with the fact that he further deepened the genuine comradely friendship with Comrade Putin and reached excellent agreements consolidating the cornerstone of the DPRK-Russia relations in the new era, even though the latter’s stay in the DPRK was not long, adding that it is the consistent stand of the WPK and the DPRK government to attach utmost importance to the friendship and cooperation between the two countries and steadily develop them.

He warmly said that the WPK and the DPRK government will, in the future, too, extend full support and encouragement to the sacred cause of Russia for building a powerful country and achieving independence and justice, and that he and the Korean people will always be with Comrade Putin and the Russian people, wishing the president safety on his way home.

Putin expressed his heartfelt thanks to the DPRK government and people for having offered warm hospitality and organized grand events for him with utmost sincerity during his visit and to Comrade Kim Jong Un, President of the State Affairs of the DPRK, for having shown special care to ensure that his Pyongyang visit could produce a wonderful and satisfactory result.

The two top leaders warmly embraced each other and shook hands, promising to steadily develop the friendly and cooperative relations and militant unity between their countries, which have reached a new strategic level, in conformity with the aspirations and desire of the peoples of the two countries.

The presidential plane of Putin left Pyongyang International Airport.

That day Putin visited the Jongbaek Church before leaving Pyongyang.

The visit to the DPRK by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, which recorded the most brilliant page in the history of the great DPRK-Russia friendship and unity, serves as an important occasion of providing fresh vitality and great motive power to the progress and development of the two countries advancing towards the goal of building powerful states. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.20.)

Friday 21 June 2024

Anti -US reading list for the Month of Solidarity with the Korean people


The  Korean Friendship Association of the UK , British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK have compiled a reading list for the 74th anniversary of the provocation of the Fatherland Liberation War (Korean War ) 





Commentary on Britain's shameful role in the Korean War or Fatherland Liberation War of the 1950s-ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA special article by Dermot Hudson

"US-empire of terrorism " Pyongyang 2003

On the Fatherland Liberation War of the Korean People-speech delivered by Dr Dermot Hudson to the seminar of the Brazilian Centre for Songun Politics at Rio State University July 11th


"US Imperialism the Sworn Enemy of the Korean people " Pyongyang 1969
"Echoes of the Korean War " Pyongyang 1996
"I fought in Korea " Julian Tunstall
"This Monstrous War " by Wilfred Burchett

Who Started The Korean War? [DPRK Documentary | English]

Report of Hybrid Event “Exploits of comrade KIM JONG IL in Juche–Party building” 19.06 .2024


The hybrid seminar “Exploits of comrade KIM JONG Il in Juche -party building “  to mark the 60th anniversary of the start of work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL at the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea took place on the 19th of June both online via Skype and in the Kom Treff Centre in Berlin at 1630 hours German time.

The event took place under the auspices of the European Regional Committee For Friendship with the Korean People and the Korean Friendship Association(KFA)   of Germany .

Attending the meeting in person were members of KFA Germany , the Juche Idea Study Group of Germany , the Korean Friendship Association of the UK (KFA UK ) and the Denmark -DPRK Association.A honoured diplomatic representative of the DPRK from the Embassy of the DPRK in Berlin also attended the meeting. The meeting was participated in online by friends of People’s Korea from  Austria, Croatia , Denmark , Finland, Germany ,Italy , Nepal, Poland ,Spain and UK .

The meeting was presided over by Dr Dermot Hudson, the secretary general of the European Regional Committee for Friendship with the Korean People, vice-Chair of the Organising Committee For the International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu and chairman of the KFA UK and by Jeremy Bierenger Chairman of KFA Germany .

Dr Hudson introduced the meeting stressing that the recent visit of President Putin to the DPRK proves that it is at the centre of world politics. He also said that the DPRK ‘s achievements are associated with the leadership of the Workers Party of Korea guided by Chairman KIM JONG IL . 

A congratulatory message of the Korean Europe Cultural Exchange Agency was read out,

A recorded version of the keynote address of Christer Lundgren chairman of the Sweden-Korea Friendship Association was played at the meeting .This said in part that “This ideological and organizational work during Kim Jong Il’s first years in the Central Committee

explains why the party, despite great difficulties, has stuck to its ideology and its revolutionary

position and maintained its firm base among the working class and the people.”

Dr Hudson in his speech to the meeting said that “Today the WPK shines as a Party of Juche , a party of independence and militant anti-imperialism with its own guiding idea , the Juche idea and a party which is not just a mass party in terms of numbers but has members from all walks of life. Today under the guidance respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  , the successor to comrade KIM JONG IL , the Workers Party of Korea continues the work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL

Jeremy Biergener, Chairman of KFA Germany said in his contribution that “today, Marshal KIM JONG UN is continuing the policy of Comrade KIM JONG IL. Foreigners who visited Pyongyang recently noted that the city has changed a lot. Under the leadership of Marshal KIM JONG UN, new roads the size of small towns have been built, as well as new subways and buses for the convenience of the people of Pyongyang. A new greenhouse was also built in which 1800 people work and which supplies the population of the socialist capital with high-quality vegetables free of charge

Sara Russo, Organisation Secretary of KFA Germany pointed out that “I speak for everyone here  that we all appreciate his ambition and his hard work in the WPK to proceed to build the WPK as the party of Juche .”

The speech of the Chairman of the Denmark -DPRK Association was read out by Mathias Fantoni, Chairman of the Juche Idea Study Group , the speech stressed that “Comrade Kim Jong Il was a pioneer in many ways. He began working tirelessly in the WPK at

the very young age of 22. Beforehand, he had excelled in the party and the youth league, as a strong revolutionary with great insight in theory and practical knowledge”

Comrade Alejandro Cao De Benos , who joined the meeting online said that the visit of Russian President Putin to the DPRK was highly significant and said that “ Let us honor our Great Leader Kim Jong Il by reaffirming our commitment to the principles he championed. Let us continue to build a strong, prosperous, and independent Korea, guided by the

Juche ideology and inspired by his enduring legacy. As we look to the future, we draw strength from his example, knowing that the path he laid out will lead us to greater heights.

His spirit lives on in our hearts and our actions, propelling us forward in our pursuit of a brighter,more prosperous future.”

Speakers from Nepal , Austria , Poland , Croatia , Italy and Finland also delivered speeches online.

The meeting adopted a congratulatory message to dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader of the DPRK .

A short clip titled “Kim Jong Il, Leading Socialism to Victory on All Fields” was shown .

Afterwards KFA Germany hosted an excellent reception for the participants of the meeting.The party continued into the night and the event concluded at 2100 hours.

Press Statement of Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK Kim Yo Jong


Pyongyang, June 21 (KCNA) -- Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, issued the following press statement on June 21:

The border area of the DPRK was again littered with dirty wastepaper and things.

Those were found on farm fields, the margin of reservoirs and orchards near the border.

There is also a possibility to find such things in addition.

Disgusting defectors from the DPRK to the ROK, human scum, did not hide via report the fact that they sent leaflets over the border to our country.

Those human scum would be condemned by population of the ROK.

It is natural that there would be something trouble to happen as they did again what they had been urged not to do. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.21.)

Historic Event Demonstrating Friendship, Unity and Genuine Relations of Comrades-in-Arms between Peoples of DPRK and Russia

Grand Ceremony Held to Welcome President of Russian Federation

Hundreds of Thousands of Pyongyang Citizens Greet President of Russian Federation as Highest Honoured Guest of State

Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- Pyongyang, the capital city of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, has greeted a goodwill mission of the fraternal Russian people as the highest honoured guests of the state and is filled with a welcoming atmosphere.

Large portraits of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin were displayed on the front walls of high-rise apartment buildings and skyscrapers in the capital city, draped with the national flags of the DPRK and the Russian Federation. Seen in different parts of the city were posters and signboards bearing such slogans and catchphrases as "Welcome President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation", "Welcome Putin", "Long Live Invincible DPRK-Russia Friendship and Unity!" and "The DPRK-Russia Friendship Is Everlasting!"

Both sides of streets extending scores of kilometres, decorated with beautiful flowerbeds, flags and buntings, were crowded with a large number of people from all walks of life who came out to greet the dearest friends from a friendly neighbouring country.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s presidential limousine, which, escorted by motorcycles, left the Kumsusan State Guesthouse, was given a rapturous welcome by Pyongyang citizens along the route.

The citizens enthusiastically waved the national flags of the two countries and bouquets, chanting welcoming slogans with warm feelings about the militant kinship between the DPRK and Russia which are boldly opening up the new horizon of friendly and cooperative relations through whole-hearted mutual support and selfless encouragement for the joint cause despite geographical differences.

On Ryomyong and Kaeson streets and along the road at the foot of Moran Hill, where the Liberation Tower symbolic of the militant friendship between the peoples of the DPRK and Russia stands, and on other streets citizens expressed their deep respect for and trust in Putin.

A ceremony for welcoming the president of the Russian Federation took place at Kim Il Sung Square on June 19.

The national flags of the DPRK and the Russian Federation were fluttering and the guard of honour of the Korean People’s Army, the honorary cavalry and the central military band of the Ministry of National Defence lined up at the square elaborately decorated for the day’s grand ceremony.

Present there were Kim Tok Hun, vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and premier of the Cabinet, Choe Ryong Hae, first vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People’s Assembly, Choe Son Hui, foreign minister of the DPRK, secretaries of the Central Committee of the WPK and other senior officials of the Party and the government.

Also present at the ceremony were Kang Sun Nam, minister of National Defence of the DPRK, and other commanding officers of the ministry.

Pyongyangites, service personnel of the KPA, youth and students and children stood with the national flags of the two countries and bouquets in their hands.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, came to the venue for the ceremony.

At 12:00 President Putin’s limousine arrived at Kim Il Sung Square.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un warmly greeted Comrade Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin amid the playing of welcome music.

Kim Jong Un introduced the leading officials of the Party, government and military to Putin.

Kim Jong Un exchanged greetings with Foreign Minister of Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Mantrov, Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Nobak, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration and President’s Press Secretary Dmitri Peskov, Aide to the President of Russia for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov, Minister of Defense Andrei Beloussov, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology and Chairman of the Russian Side of the Russia-DPRK Inter-Governmental Committee for Cooperation in Trade, Economy, Science and Technology Alexandr Kozlov, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashuko, Minister of Transport Roman Starovoyt and other entourage members of the Russian side.

A ceremony of welcoming the Russian president began.

When Kim Jong Un took the platform together with Putin, a 21-gun salute was fired amid the playing of the national anthems of the Russian Federation and the DPRK.

Putin received a salute from the head of the guard of honour of the KPA.

Guided by Kim Jong Un, Putin reviewed the guard of honour of the KPA.

There took place a march-past of the guard of honour of the KPA.

At the end of the ceremony, a large number of balloons were released into the sky amid rousing cheers, beautifully decorating the bright sky of June.

Jets of the KPA Air Force flew past the sky above the square, giving off tricolor trails symbolic of the national flag of the Russian Federation.

Putin expressed his heartfelt thanks to Kim Jong Un for paying close attention to his Pyongyang visit and lavishing cordial hospitality on him.

Kim Jong Un and Putin took an open limousine amid a sea of dancers sweeping the square.

The people cheered enthusiastically, looking up to the top leaders who have more firmly cemented the durable and genuine ties of friendship between the DPRK and Russia with a long history and traditions and confidently led them to the road of comprehensive and strategic development as required by the new era.

The top leaders of the DPRK and Russia warmly acknowledged the cheering crowds.

The ceremony of welcoming Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on his visit to the DPRK at time-honoured Kim Il Sung Square was recorded as a historic event that clearly demonstrated the friendship, unity and genuine relations of comrades-in-arms between the peoples of the two countries. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.20.)