Wednesday 8 May 2024

Report of Visit to Germany by KFA UK Chairman Dr Dermot Hudson.


I was delighted to visit Germany again at the invitation of the Korean Friendship Association (KFA) Germany . The last time I visited was October 2022 . I stayed in Germany from the 29th of April to the 5th of May .

I was surprised to be met at Hannover  Airport, not just by one or two people, but by an official KFA Germany welcome party of 5 people complete with flags and flowers !  I never expected this !

I was taken by car to the locality of Bunde where I enjoyed excellent hospitality such as BBQ and a tour of the local area which included a windmill .

I presented KFA Germany with a model of the Tower of the Juche Idea as a gift .

During the visit I was able to participate in a meeting of KFA Germany as well as participate in a Livestream in which I gave a short presentation on my recent trip to People’s Korea and answered questions . This lasted for over 3 hours which was incredible .

Probably the high point of the visit was to participate in the May Day march in the city of Kassel alongside KFA Germany comrades . We marched with DPRK flags and I even made a short speech on a loudhailer ! . Generally , our presence was well received particularly by genuine anti-imperialists although there was some hostility from trendies, liberals and fake leftists . Afterwards a local KFA member treated us to a tour of the city . I had not realised that the city was associated with the Brothers Grimm .

However , we saw reminders of Germany’s horrendous past of Nazi-ism in the form of a Holocaust memorial and also we saw the platform at Kassel station where some of the victims of the holocaust were put on trains to concentration camps  . The DPRK is a profoundly anti-fascist people’s state and KFA has a policy of zero tolerance towards fascists and Nazis.

We also visited the Ernst Thalmann Memorial Centre in Hamburg . Ernst Thalmann was the leader of the old Communist Party of Germany (KPD) which during the 1930s had been the biggest communist party in the world outside the USSR and a serious contender for power in Germany , however it was brutally repressed by the Nazis and its leader Ernst Thalmann was murdered in a concentration camp by the Nazis .

Visiting East Berlin we saw reminders of the past when the eastern part of Germany was a socialist state  , the German Democratic Republic(GDR)  which had been a good friend of People’s Korea . We visited the DPRK Embassy in Berlin and later enjoyed an excellent meal at the Volkskammer restaurant which was GDR themed.

I was surprised to be recognised in Berlin by Dutch fans of my Youtube channel .

During the visit I was impressed by the militancy and efficiency of KFA Germany . KFA Germany is defending People’s Korea with No Ifs and Buts in difficult conditions in Germany which is a NATO member and is a country saturated with anti-communism ,liberalism ,decadence and cynicism . Nevertheless KFA Germany proudly flies the flag of Juche in imperialist Germany with their members travelling to attend meetings and rallies . KFA UK can learn a lot from the style of KFA Germany and follow their example .

I am deeply grateful to KFA Germany for their excellent hospitality and generosity during the visit . I was treated like a VIP and even had my own bodyguard !

I am sure that relations of co-operation  between KFA UK and KFA Germany will reach new highs .

I was sad to leave Germany !

Long Live KFA Germany !
Long Live KFA UK-KFA Germany Co-Operation !

Long Live People’s Korea !

Long live Juche !

Dr Dermot Hudson 

Chairman KFA UK

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