The International Central Committee for Songun Study

11th of March Juche 108 (2019)
The International Central Committee for Songun Study issued the following statement denouncing the US-south Korean joint military exercise ' Alliance ' currently being staged in south Korea :
The US has played a trick by holding the discredited Foal Eagle and Key Resolve exercises on a
smaller scale and rebranding them as ' Alliance' . Although the exercises are on a smaller scale they still threaten the Democratic People's Republic of Korea , the homeland of Songun.
Such exercises are also a violation of the June 12th 2018 DPRK-US joint statement in which the US pledged to end hostile relations with the DPRK . Also the exercises are a violation of the inter- Korean declarations of September 2018 and April 2018 . The exercises are severely undermining dialogue on the Korean peninsula and the prospects for a lasting peace.
We call for the exercises to be immediately cancelled and totally ceased.
International Central Committee For Songun Study
Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK
Kenya Group for the Study of Songun Politics
Brazil Centre for the Study of Songun Politics
Bangladesh Group for Study of Songun Politics
Nepal Association for Supporting the Songun Policy
Latin American Songun Politics Study Group
Indian Songun Politics Study Group
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