Recently riots swept large parts of the UK claiming up 6 lives. Yet in the DPRK such a thing is unheard of . Why ? The DPRK is one of the most stable countries on earth, in fact probably the most stable country in the world . Young people there do not riot but instead act as the shock brigade in socialist construction and take part with vigour in the defence of the country . The DPRK is based on the socialist ownershup of the means of production so there is no social inequality . In the DPRK there is no unemployment , there are no spending cuts and taxation was abolished in 1974 .
The DPRK is based on the Juche idea , the philosophical principle of which is that man is the master . Thus because of the socialist ownership of the means of production which is both underpinned and enhanced by the Juche idea , people in the DPRK have a high sense of 'taking ownership' of 'stakeholding' which does not exist in any capitalist country. Under the banner of the Juche idea and the leadership of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il , the DPRK is a harmonious and integral whole . If you visit the Korean Revolution Museum you will see the picture of the great leader President Kim Il Sung with the people around him symbolising the unity, amity and harmony of the DPRK which is impossible in a sick ,decadent capitalist society like the UK.
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