Comrade Kim Jong Suk Devotedly Defends Comrade Kim Il Sung
Comrade Kim Jong Suk taking part in
the election to the People's Power Organs
Brilliant Life of Woman General of Mt. Baekdu
Though 61 years lapsed since anti-Japanese heroine comrade Kim Jong Suk passed away regrettably, the memory of her who performed undying feats for the country and humankind is still remained in the hearts of the Korean people and the progressive mankind and the yearning for her gets more ardent as the days go by.
Born into a poor peasant family anti-Japanese heroine comrade Kim Jong Suk took part in the revolutionary struggle in her early years and traversed long ways of bloody battles with arms in her hands till the country’s liberation.
Her exploits in dynamically encouraging the people to build a new country after the liberation are eternally engraved in the hearts of the Korean people and the world progressives.
As the faithful lifeguard of President Kim Il Sung she defended and adhered to the President’s ideas and strategic lines perfectly, safeguarded him with her very life as a fortress and shield, and brought up the bright star of Baekdu so as to reliably guarantee the continuity of the revolutionary cause of Juche.
Indeed, she is a great mother of revolution and benefactor of the nation.
Therefore, the south Korean people are highly praising her revolutionary career with infinite yearning and reverence for her.
Internet homepages, newspapers and magazines of many progressive organizations in south Korea respectfully carry her photo together with President Kim Il Sung, her photo of devotedly defending the great President, her statue in Heoryong City, her photos of wonderfully carrying out the clandestine duty and mobilizing the people to the building of a new country after the liberation, and intensively introduce her revolutionary life and immortal exploits.
The world people are also praising anti-Japanese heroine comrade Kim Jong Suk who set the lofty examples of boundless fidelity and devotion to the President and fervent love for the country and the people as a great paragon of devotedly defending the leader, legendary anti-Japanese woman general and great woman revolutionary.
The great image of comrade Kim Jong Suk, woman general of Mt. Baekdu, who made the undying feats for the Korean and world revolutions, will shine forever in the hearts of the Korean people and the progressive mankind.
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