Friday, 31 January 2025

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Sends Greetings to General Secretary of C.C., CPV and Vietnamese President

Pyongyang, January 31 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, sent a message of congratulations to To Lam, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, and Luong Cong, president of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, on January 31.

The message said:

I extend warm greetings on behalf of the Workers' Party of Korea, the government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Korean people to the Communist Party of Vietnam, the government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and all the Vietnamese people on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The parties and the governments of the two countries set this year as a Year of Friendship. This conforms to the common aspirations and desire of the peoples of the two countries to develop onto a new high the relations of friendship and cooperation, which were forged and consolidated in the joint struggle for socialism.

I am pleased to declare this year marking the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries as a Year of Friendship, and express my belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the DPRK and Vietnam with a long history and traditions will steadily develop and thus powerfully encourage and propel the cause of socialist construction in the two countries and the struggle of the world people aspiring to independence and justice.

I wish you good health and success in your responsible work of leading the party and the state and the friendly Vietnamese people well-being and prosperity. -0- (2025.01.31.)

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Nuclear War Deterrent to Be Put on an Advanced Basis

 From Voice of Korea.

  The defence of dignity, rights and interests of a country can be guaranteed only by a powerful strength.

  It is necessary to have practical ability and combat readiness the forces hostile to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are afraid of. It means the defence capacity and the safeguard of peace.

  The more fully we are prepared for a war, the more durable the peace of our state will be, and the closer we will come to our goal of building a powerful and prosperous state.

  The Democratic People's Republic of Korea successfully conducted a test-fire of new-type intermediate-range hypersonic ballistic missile on January 6 as part of the plans for the development of the defence capabilities to raise the durability and effectiveness of the strategic deterrent against the potential enemies in conformity with the changing regional security environment.

  That day, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said that just like the intended purpose of all military powers, the development of the new-type hypersonic missile is aimed mainly at steadily putting the country's nuclear war deterrent on an advanced basis by placing the means of changing the war situation, a weapon system to which no one can respond, at the core axis of our strategic deterrence.

  This is clearly a plan and effort for self-defence, not an offensive plan and action, he added.

  The hypersonic missile system will reliably contain any enemies in the Pacific region that can affect the security of our state.

  Through the current test, the DPRK demonstrated the potentiality and development speed of its self-defensive technical forces capable of fully coping with even the prospective threats and showed the enemies what we are doing and that we are fully ready to use any means to defend its legitimate interests.

   The development of the defence capabilities of the DPRK aiming to be a military power will be further accelerated.

Report of KFA UK online Annual General Meeting 27.01.2025.

The 2025 Annual General Meeting of the Korean Friendship Association of the UK was held online via Skype at 1900 hours GMT on the 27th of January .

Participating in the meeting were members ,activists and officials of KFA UK from London , West of England ,Cheshire , Hampshire , Shropshire ,Staffordshire and Scotland . KFA Greece also participated  in the meeting.

A message of greetings was received from KFA Greece which said (in part ) “ KFA UK has shown itself to be the vanguard of Juche thought and Songun policy not only in the UK but around the World . So I congratulate Dr Hudson and comrades Bolon and  Pickford on their encouraging leadership and tireless efforts in supporting and promoting the understanding of the DPRK  while constantly being a thorn in the sides of its enemies . Solidarity and wishing you a great year ahead in all your endeavours,  George Hadjipateras , KFA Greece General Secretary and KFA UK members”

Dr Dermot Hudson chairman of KFA UK read out his report of work which explained that “

The past year 2024 has been a very active and busy one for KFA UK . We have not only carried out many activities in the UK including 2 pickets and numerous online events but also participated in international and European wide activities . The past year has seen a continued anti-DPRK propaganda campaign which has reached new levels of hysteria with false allegations of DPRK ‘involvement ‘ in the Russia-Ukraine conflict . These allegations are pretty reminiscent of the false stories spread in the run-up to the Iraq war about “Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq “ ,of course none were ever found and no DPRK troops will found in Ukraine either . This is just an example of the massive disinformation and un-truths spread about People’s Korea we which in KFA UK aim to counter and refute .

2024 saw many great victories for People’s Korea such as a successful bumper harvest , the construction of new housing in rural areas as well the active implementation of the policy of creating regional industry factories not to mention the completion of new housing districts in Pyongyang such as the third stage of Hwasong Street and Jonwi Street . The DPRK also achieved success in the field of international sports winning many gold medals .The DPRK also increased its capabilities for national self-defence by testing the Hwasong 19 ICBM. The single-hearted unity of the DPRK was further consolidated .The DPRK’s international relations were also successful with the visit of VV Putin of the Russian Federation.

 In 2025 I am sure that the DPRK will celebrate the two keynote anniversaries with splendour.”

Dr Hudson said that KFA UK membership had increased as had KFA UK ‘s social media presence.

Alan Bolon KFA UK Organisation Secretary stressed in his report that  “Over the past year 2024, as Organizational Secretary of the KFA UK, I participated in the work of KFA UK on its constitutional objectives and, together with the Chairman of the KFA UK Dr Dermot Hudson. During this time, I managed to lead several joint initiatives, which  I believe will be mentioned in more detail, in Dr Dermot report. So, I will limit myself to describing only a few of them, these were both pickets in front of the US embassy and the BBC in London, as well as the Seminar with my and Dr. Dermot's lecture on the Juche philosophy and his visits to the DPRK.

Regarding to KFA UK 'West Of England Branch' at the moment on the Facebook page, there are 383 followers we and reached 292 likes. So it is increase by 24 followers and 25 likes by one year. Facebook page of the KFA UK 'West Of England Branch' is running with no problems at the moment and every day is posting a few new things. My activities as a Chairman remain to update the Facebook page of the KFA UK 'West Of England Branch' with news and re - posting from the main KFA UK page.

Our online library, which was created after being transferred as the central library of the KFA UK from the KFA UK 'West Of England Branch', currently has 229 items on various topics in the field of knowledge of the DPRK and the philosophy of Juche, including classical works. and since last AGM last year, it has been enriched by 38 items. This means that 38 new items have been added to our library”

He also pointed out that “ As new prospects for KFA UK I see, the idea to organize joint events and take part in greater activity in the international arena and joint organization of joint initiatives and ventures with other branches from all over the world of the KFA. An example is the recently successful international conference with Radio Belarus, which united under one conference title many KFA branches from UK, Germany, Brazil and Bangladesh and, was also attended by the President of KFA Comrade Alejandro Cao de Benos from Spain.”

A report from the Staffordshire KFA UK regional branch was given by its chairman in which he said that KFA UK Staffordshire has organised seminar on the works of the great leaders President KIM IL SUNG and Chairman KIM JONG IL and Marshal KIM JONG UN .Also cultural evenings were organised . The report from KFA Scotland said that “ KFA-Scotland pays tribute to the proud nation of People's Korea and its outstanding leadership and promises to do all it can to strengthen the bonds of friendship between Scotland and People's Korea and spread these crucial philosophical advances that are critical for world peace”.

A discussion was held on amending and supplementing the  KFA UK Constitution .After some deliberation it was decided to accept the amendments to the constitution in principle but remit them for changes to wording . A deadline of 28th of February was set for this .

The financial report was submitted . The KFA UK Chairman stressed that more fundraising should be done.

Speaking about the way forward for KFA UK in 2025 , Dr Hudson KFA UK Chairman said that “We really need to up our game and go for more outreach , more real life work “.

Dr Dermot Hudson was re-elected as KFA UK Chairman and Alan Bolon was re-elected as Organisation Secretary.

A proposal was made to print DPRK books in Britain .A working group to explore the feasibility of this will be established.

Discussions took place about resuming KFA UK film nights and the possibility of travel to the DPRK for the keynote anniversaries .

The meeting concluded at 21.05 hours GMT 

Report on 30th Enlarged Meeting of Secretariat of Eighth Central Committee of WPK

Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- The 30th Enlarged Meeting of the Secretariat of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea was held at the headquarters of the Party Central Committee on January 27.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, guided the meeting.

Present there were members of the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee and, as observers, chief secretaries of the provincial, city and county Party committees and Party committees of the complexes, leading officials of the Party committees of ministries and national agencies, and department directors and first deputy department directors of the Party Central Committee and relevant officials of its Organizational Leadership Department, Information and Publicity Department and Discipline Inspection Department.

The WPK has written the longest history in the world as a socialist ruling party in the sacred course of accomplishing the most just mission and realizing the far-reaching ideals, shouldering the destiny of the country and the people. Its mightiness and invincibility have been guaranteed through the struggle for firmly defending the immaculate political climate and discipline system peculiar to it and perfectly applying the people-first political ideals.

At the present time, the Party Central Committee set forth the idea and line of building discipline on administering and strengthening the Party by dint of a strict discipline system, established a powerful discipline inspection system throughout the Party and laid down the rules of work and the action guidelines calling on all the Party organizations and officials to work and live in a revolutionary way based on their high political consciousness.

The Secretariat of the Party Central Committee convened the meeting of leading officials of the whole Party in connection with the occurrence of serious cases of gravely infringing upon the dignity, rights and interests of the people while wantonly violating Party discipline and exercising negative privileges in Onchon County of Nampho Municipality and Usi County of Jagang Province.

The Party Central Committee stressed that the enlarged meeting of the Secretariat was convened to further consolidate the Party’s political climate and revolutionary position, taking serious note of the violation of Party discipline and anti-people acts going against the requirements of the times when the entire Party and all the people have turned out in the implementation of the decisions of the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee as a top-priority problem to be urgently settled.

At the enlarged meeting, there were first a briefing on data gathered by the Organizational Leadership Department of the Party Central Committee through a survey and a report on data by the Discipline Inspection Department of the Party Central Committee as regards the violation of Party discipline by leading cadres of the Onchon County Party Committee of Nampho Municipality and the county who gave rise to a mega case of totally denying Party discipline and perpetrating wrongdoings in group.

Severely exposed were the wrong deeds of officials in Onchon County, who openly denied the idea and intention of the Party Central Committee to firmly guarantee the existence and development of the Party by dint of discipline by establishing a strict discipline-observance habit and iron discipline in the entire Party, and their harmfulness and gravity.

Jo Yong Won, secretary in charge of the Organizational Leadership Department of the WPK Central Committee, and Kim Jae Ryong, director of the Discipline Inspection Department, said in the briefing and report:

Today when we are faced with the unprecedentedly huge struggle tasks of completely implementing the decisions of the Eighth Party Congress and opening up a new phase towards a higher development stage in this significant year of the 80th founding anniversary of the Party, our officials have to fulfill the heavy task of carrying out their mission and duty as the core of the Party and the faithful servants of the people by displaying vigorous courage, exertion and devotion more than ever before in the vanguard of the revolution.

But, on the contrary to such demand of the Party and the highly charged revolutionary atmosphere, Onchon County made poor preparations for a plenary meeting of the county Party committee for implementing the decisions of the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee and held the meeting in a grossly formalistic way. After that, there occurred the mega case, in which more than 40 officials, including Party officials, committed wrongdoing in group.

This is an act of flagrant violation of Party discipline that demands leading Party officials at all levels should not lead an indolent and careless life like being treated to drinking bouts at public service facilities. The leading official of the county Party committee personally organized the irregularities and dozens of leading Party and administrative officials in the county, including officials of the county Party committee, flocked together to commit such irregularities. It was a reckless act unheard-of in the history of our Party.

The group drinking spree openly committed in Onchon County is an act utterly contrary to the Party's line on building discipline, and this clearly proves that the ringleader of the case and those involved are a corrupt group and impudent rabble with no elementary qualifications as leading cadres.

The respected General Secretary made an important speech.

In the speech he said:

These are the days when revolutionary moral discipline should be established in a thoroughgoing way in the Party, Party officials, its leading cadres in particular, should strictly observe the rules of life and activities, and its internal discipline should be further strengthened than ever before. The serious case that occurred in Onchon County in this period is regarded as a grave crime of violating Party discipline and moral and cultural order and an open denial of our Party’s line of building discipline.

Had there not been discipline in defending the firm unity of the revolutionary ranks and the strict political and moral discipline in and uncompromising struggle for establishing the leadership system of the Party Central Committee and defending the organizational and ideological unity of the whole Party, there would not have been the Party’s glorious ruling history of 80 years nor today when its inheritance and innovation are being designed. It is useful for and beneficial to the revolution to boldly recognize such a grave deviation in the Party and to deal with it as an especially serious case in time.

Making a critical analysis of the ideological origin and gravity of the malpractices committed against the Party’s intentions by officials, who should be more faithful to their duties than anyone else as persons in direct charge of regional development in the crucial period when the whole Party is paying close attention to strengthening cities and counties and new innovative projects in regions are being carried on one after another or planned, he pointed out that these malpractices are not only a serious case that could undermine the foundations for strengthening our Party and make the county, occupying one-two hundredth of the country’s territory, a non-Party, non-political and non-socialist region, but also a dangerous signal which directly indicates that a privileged social stratum, seeking more special favours than the people by abusing their authority, may be formed.

He criticized that although all sorts of alien and heterogeneous ideological elements undermining the sound Party climate and obstructing the advance of the revolution, the political and moral crimes undermining Party discipline, occurred in the given region, it shows that the work of qualitative consolidation of cadre ranks, to which we have attached special importance and directed efforts for Party building in the new era, has not been conducted in a substantial way.

Giving the Party Central Committee’s estimation that there is little improvement in the style of work and the spirit of observing discipline although there seems to be a change in them outwardly, he stressed that the conclusion drawn from this is that however revolutionary and perfect the line of Party building is, it would only remain a theory for theory’s sake if the cadres were not ideologically prepared and failed to make efforts to implement it absolutely and unconditionally.

Noting that the current meeting marked an occasion for making a practical review and reaffirmation of the need to put greater efforts into establishing proper Party discipline at the beginning of 2025, the year that marks the 80th anniversary of the founding of our Party, he said that the meeting would constitute a turning point in further consolidating the Party consciousness, political awareness, revolutionary spirit and we-serve-the-people spirit of the officials who make up the core and leading forces of the Party, and in making substantial progress in strengthening the ranks of cadres and in building up the Party.

The core, central task in the new course of Party building is the transformation of cadres along revolutionary lines as well, he said, adding that the solution to this end is to conduct more intensive education, training and struggle across the Party. He specified the principles and ways for launching a dynamic organizational and ideological offensive throughout the Party to consolidate its sound political climate.

He emphasized that the main target of the discipline inspection sector should be practices of corruption within the Party and all other violations of its discipline to be proactively and aggressively contained, practices that the Party despises most, reiterating the need to “aim at, pursue, search and wipe out” such malpractices on the basis of strict regulations and rules.

He said that this year should be set as a year for establishing a revolutionary Party climate and strengthening the whole Party, in order to dynamically open up a new stage of building a ruling party that is strong in discipline and full of a revolutionary climate. He stressed the necessity of waging a resolute struggle for the eternal development of the Workers’ Party of Korea and for the accomplishment of the sacred revolutionary cause.

The Secretariat of the WPK Central Committee, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the “Rules of the Workers’ Party of Korea”, decided and instructed to dissolve the Onchon County Party Committee of Nampho Municipality, which seriously damaged our Party’s revolutionary trait and hindered the single-hearted unity of the Party and the revolutionary ranks by committing a wrong deed in group in wanton violation of Party discipline, and announced a strict proposal for dealing with those involved in the extra-large case related to the violation of Party discipline.

Then, the Enlarged Meeting of the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee dealt with the serious anti-people crimes committed in Usi County of Jagang Province.

He sternly pointed out the fact that the Usi county agricultural inspection organ, which is duty bound to monitor and regulate in an exclusive and responsible manner the implementation of the Party’s policy on rural construction and its agricultural policy, flagrantly encroached upon the interests and property of the people by abusing the legal power, instead of orienting its work to checking major illegal practices latent in the agricultural sector and establishing a well-regulated order and discipline.

Noting that those who abuse their power and work in a bureaucratic manner in local areas are attempting to destroy the sacred fortress of unity between the Party and the people without batting an eye, he stated that this is a mega crime which can never be pardoned by our Party, our people, our system and our legal power.

At the meeting there was a report on data about the mega crime perpetrated by inspectors of the Usi county agricultural inspection organ.

Those inspectors unhesitatingly committed an unpardonable crime of inflicting sufferings on regional inhabitants and misappropriating their property at random by abusing the inviolable legal power.

Very grave is the criminal act that seriously undermined the single-hearted unity of the Party and the people, the mainstay of the revolution and our lifeblood, by challenging the people-first politics of our Party which orients all affairs of the revolution and construction to the protection of the rights and interests of the people and makes selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the people.

The Secretariat of the Party Central Committee announced a strict proposal to dissolve the Usi county agricultural inspection organ and organize a new one and to deal with the chief secretary of the Usi County Party Committee, who fostered and connived at the anti-people acts, and the inspectors of the county agricultural inspection organ.

The ringleaders and those involved in the hideous criminal case will be put under investigation by law.

The meeting proved that the practices of corroding the sound moral traits of the Party, hindering the strengthened discipline throughout the Party and encroaching upon the rights and interests of the people which our Party regards as the most sacred, contrary to the original ideals and spirit of the Party, are being thoroughly repelled.

The 30th Enlarged Meeting of the Secretariat of the Eighth WPK Central Committee highlighted once again the immutable truth that the eternal vitality of the struggling and advancing Party lies on the iron discipline. And it serves as a political occasion of great significance in further clarifying the original features and character of the WPK which maintains the people-first principle as its mode of existence and its trait and in increasing its militant might in every way. -0- (2025.01.29.)

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Nuclear-material Production Base and Nuclear Weapons Institute

Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, inspected the nuclear-material production base and the Nuclear Weapons Institute.

He was accompanied by Hong Sung Mu, first deputy department director of the Central Committee of the WPK, and leading officials in the relevant field.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un highly praised scientists, technicians, workers and officials in the field of nuclear weapons production for achieving remarkable successes in the new long-term projects while putting spurs to the fighting task which the Eleventh Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK additionally assigned to the field related to the nuclear forces after the nuclear-material production field, the Nuclear Weapons Institute and other relevant field registered amazing production results in 2024.

Looking round the core processes for producing weapons-grade nuclear materials, he learned in detail about the present production of nuclear materials, the long-term plan and the 2025 plan of the Nuclear Weapons Institute.

Noting that the struggle in 2025 is very important as the five-year tasks the Eighth Congress of the WPK assigned to the fields of nuclear weapons research and production should be perfectly carried out, he said that this year is a crucial year as it is an important watershed in which we should carry out the tasks in the important period in the course of implementing the line of bolstering up the nuclear forces, a line which has been propelled by the WPK and the DPRK government, and switch over to the fulfillment of the next duty. He underlined the need to further raise the present surging spirit and thus to achieve epochal successes in overfulfilling the plan for producing weapons-grade nuclear materials and in strengthening the nuclear shield of the country.

Noting that the nuclear technical forces of the DPRK growing stronger day by day and the results made by them are a symbol of the incomparable self-respect and valiant spirit of our Party, state and people, he affirmed that guaranteeing peace and security by dint of strength is our mode of struggle and option that are most righteous and an immutable truth.

The external situation facing the DPRK remains grave and the challenges of the hostile forces to take the predominance of strength are becoming ever more pronounced, he said, adding that the absolute force capable of thoroughly containing the enemies and taking the initiative to control the situation is not provided by any declaration or slogan, but the stockpiling of the physical strength of practical use and its increase by geometrical progression.

The DPRK’s security situation, the world's most unstable situation in which a long-term confrontation with the most vicious hostile countries is inevitable, makes it indispensable for the country to steadily strengthen the nuclear shield capable of strategically coping with not only the various existing threats but also new prospective security dangers and at the same time reliably guaranteeing the sovereignty, interests and development right of the state, as we should bear the responsibility for not only the present but also the future of the country, he said. And he said that everything should be subordinated to enhancing the prestige of the state and defending its interests and that it is our firm political and military stand and invariable noble task and duty to develop the state's nuclear counteraction posture indefinitely.

He expressed expectation that all the nuclear experts of the DPRK would bear in mind the invariable view of the state, courageously turn out in the sacred struggle to highly develop the self-defensive nuclear war deterrent gained at the dear cost and push forward with the building up of the overwhelming nuclear strategic capability of the DPRK with brilliant increased production.

His inspection serves as an occasion that gave great encouragement to all the nuclear scientific and technological forces of the DPRK standing in the vanguard of the struggle for bolstering up the national defence capabilities. -0- (2025.01.29.)

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Why there is No Austerity in People’s Korea .

Some people say that People’s Korea is no different to the capitalist countries and has austerity . Recently the Supreme People’s Assembly (the highest law-making body in the DPRK ) the 12th session of its 14th term . At the meeting held at the Mansudae Assembly Hall in the centre of Pyongyang Deputy Ri Myong Guk, minister of Finance of the DPRK gave a report . In the report he stated that budgetary revenue in the DPRK over the past year had increased by 4.3 per cent and that spending by the state had increased by 3.2 per cent . Two things of importance to note there ,firstly spending in the DPRK is being increased and not cut ,secondly , the DPRK is NOT spending more that ‘earns ‘ ,it is actually operating with a small budgetary surplus ! It is planned to increase spending by another 3.2 per cent during the coming year ,37 per cent of the state budget will be spent on health ,education and sports . The DPRK is not cutting public expenditure unless the capitalist countries which have continuous cutbacks and austerity for years and years.

Unlike the capitalist countries the DPRK funds its public spending through the profits of state owned industries .The DPRK government does not borrow money from banks nor does it print money to create revenue .The free-market , 100 per cent USA has a staggering national debt of $36 trillion equivalent to $107,000 per US citizen . The US pays $1 trillion in payments on the national debt . So much for the “land of the free “.

Back in 2007-2008 banks in countries like the UK and US collapsed and had to be bailed out by the government or more accurately the taxpayer. In People’s Korea no bank has ever collapsed or needed by bailed out , this is because People’s Korea has a socialist planned economy and a Juche-based self-reliant independent national economy . None of its banks are owned by foreign banks and the DPRK is not a member of the IMF, World Bank , WTO or WEF so they control and plan its economy in its own interests .

It is another miracle of Juche that People’s Korea can increase public spending but at the same time not borrow or print money . There is no austerity or empty shops in People’s Korea .

Monday, 27 January 2025

BGSJI and KFA UK support press statement titled " "The U.S. and the ROK will never evade the responsibility for the aggravation of regional situation to be entailed by an increase in the visibility of military provocation"





London 27th  January 2025
The  British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea(BGSJI),and the Korean Friendship Association of UK ( KFA UK) issued the following statement in support of the press statement titled "The U.S. and the ROK will never evade the responsibility for the aggravation of regional situation to be entailed by an  increase in the visibility of military provocations" issued by the chief of the Foreign News Section of the Department of Press and Information of the DPRK Foreign Ministry on Sunday 26th of January ;

From the beginning of the year and even after the change of president in the USA the US imperialists and their miserable ROK puppets have carried out provocative and adventurous war exercises against the independent Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK ) . For example ;The U.S. and the ROK staged Ssangmae joint air drill in the Wonju air force base on January 21-24 under the pretext of increasing the capability for cooperation between the two sides in air operations. Also an exercise aimed at eradicating the long range artillery system was carried out by the US and ROK on the 14th to 16th of January. Japan has also participated in war exercises against the DPRK .

On the 22nd of January this year the US Dept of Defence authorised a large scale weapons sale to south Korea.

Clearly US and ROK provocations and aggressive manoeuvres against People's Korea are increasing and not decreasing . Given this grave situation the DPRK Foreign Ministry is closely watching these moves and is resolved to counter-act them toughly.

The DPRK Foreign Ministry stresses that " The reality stresses that the DPRK should counter the U.S. with the toughest counteraction from A to Z as long as it refuses the sovereignty, security and interests of the DPRK and this is the best option for dealing with the U.S"

The US and ROK should heed the warnings of the DPRK and immediately stop their provocations . We support the right of the DPRK to defend itself against US and ROK provocations !



Funeral Service for Late Hwang Jin Yong Held in DPRK

Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- A ceremony of bidding farewell to the late Hwang Jin Yong, winner of Kim Il Sung Prize, labor hero and People's Artist, took place at the Patriotic Martyrs Cemetery in Sinmi-ri on Jan. 26.

Hwang Jin Yong grew up to be a gifted composer and musical talent loved by the people under the special care of the peerlessly great men. He had created hundreds of songs praising the great Workers' Party of Korea, the most advantageous socialist system of the DPRK and the spirit of the times vibrant with the creation of a new life as national famous songs for nearly 40 years, thus greatly contributing to the development of the Juche-oriented musical art.

Present at the ceremony were Ju Chang Il, department director of the Central Committee of the WPK, officials in the field of culture and art, creators and artistes and the bereaved family members.

Jang Ryong Sik, vice department director of the Central Committee of the WPK, made a condolatory address.

He expressed condolences over the death of Hwang Jin Yong, a veteran composer who represented the era of the Juche-oriented music development, saying that all the people without reference to age and sex in this country, moved by his creative talent and enthusiastic about the powerful, attractive and emotional melodies peculiar to his works, are grieving about his death.

Every song, composed by Hwang, has been played at construction sites, factories, farms and fishing villages across the country and become a companion of life favored by everyone as they are famous songs giving deep impression to the people, the speaker noted, adding that the staunch image of the composer, who had devoted his burning zeal and thought to the musical creation, will remain as a model revolutionary artiste in the memory of the people and rising generations.

A ceremony of burying the remains of the late Hwang Jin Yong took place.

A wreath from the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was laid at the grave.

The participants paid silent tribute to the memory of the late Hwang who had enjoyed the life of an enthusiastic and talented musician, remaining faithful to the Party his whole life.

The traces of his worthwhile and beautiful life and echoes of his heart will be everlasting, along with the ceaseless development of the Juche-oriented music which encourages the dynamic advance of the socialist country ushering in a heyday of fresh cultural efflorescence under the leadership of the great WPK and gives enthusiasm for the revolution, optimism and pride and joy of struggle to the people. -0- (2025.01.27.)

조선중앙통신 Copy

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Press Statement Issued by Chief of Foreign News Section of DPRK Foreign Ministry

Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- The chief of the Foreign News Section of the Department of Press and Information of the DPRK Foreign Ministry on Sunday issued a press statement titled "The U.S. and the ROK will never evade the responsibility for the aggravation of regional situation to be entailed by an  increase in the visibility of military provocations", which said:

Recently, the U.S. and the ROK are staging serious military provocations aiming at the DPRK one after another, adding a danger variable to the unstable security environment on the Korean peninsula and in the region.

The U.S. and the ROK staged Ssangmae joint air drill in the Wonju air force base on January 21-24 under the pretext of increasing the capability for cooperation between the two sides in air operations.

Earlier, the hostile forces staged a large joint firing drill aimed at "early eradication" of the long-range artillery fire system of the DPRK on January 14-16, and the U.S. Department of Defense made public a decision on a large-scale weapon sale to the ROK on January 22.

After raising the first curtain this year with the start of the U.S.-Japan-ROK three-party joint air drill with strategic bombers involved, the U.S. and the ROK are staging various war drills targeting the DPRK every day. This is a grave challenge to ensuring peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the region.

The DPRK Foreign Ministry is closely watching the military provocations of the U.S. and the ROK escalating the tension on the Korean peninsula and seriously warns them that such moves will entail a reflective counteraction.

The security environment on the Korean peninsula and in the region is becoming ever more critical because the U.S. seeks the advantage of strength through the ceaseless expansion of the military alliance system and the enforcement of joint military drills of various kinds.

The reality stresses that the DPRK should counter the U.S. with the toughest counteraction from A to Z as long as it refuses the sovereignty, security and interests of the DPRK and this is the best option for dealing with the U.S.

The DPRK will not permit the imbalance of strength imposed by the military nexus between the U.S. and the ROK and take the toughest counteraction to defend the sovereign right, security and interests of the state and thoroughly ensure peace and stability in the region.

The U.S. and the ROK will never evade the responsibility for the aggravation of the regional situation to be entailed by the increase in the visibility of their military nexus and provocations. -0- (2025.01.26.)

Test of Important Weapon System Conducted

Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- The Missile Administration of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea conducted a test-fire of sea (underwater)-to-surface strategic cruise guided weapons on January 25.

The test was conducted as a link in the whole chain of efforts for carrying out the plan for building up the defence capability of the country, aimed at improving the effectiveness of the strategic deterrence against the potential enemies in conformity with the changing regional security environment.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, oversaw the test-fire of the weapon system.

He was accompanied by Full General Kim Jong Sik, member of the Central Military Commission of the WPK, and Full General Jang Chang Ha, general director of the Missile Administration of the DPRK.

The launched strategic cruise missiles precisely hit the targets after traveling 1 500km-long elliptical and 8-shaped flight orbits for 7 507-7 511 seconds.

The test-fire had no negative impact on the security of the neighbouring countries.

Noting that the means of war deterrence of the armed forces of the DPRK are being perfected more thoroughly, Kim Jong Un affirmed that the DPRK will always make strenuous efforts in a responsible manner to perform its important mission and duty for defending durable and lasting peace and stability on the basis of more powerfully developed military muscle in the future. -0- (2025.01.26.)

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Fate of the United States

 From Voice of Korea .

  The officer in the photo is Lloyd Mark Bucher, Captain of the US armed spy ship "Pueblo".

  In January 1968, the "Pueblo" illegally intruded into the territorial waters of Korea to perpetrate espionage acts for provocation of a new war.

  On January 23, seven seamen of the Korean People's Army formed as a death-defying corps captured the spy ship "Pueblo" and more than 80 of its crew in 14 minutes.

  The captives confessed that their espionage acts were inexcusable, open acts of aggression and crimes of violating even the elementary international law.

  Screaming that "the 'Pueblo' is the first American warship captured on the sea since the end of the US civil war", however, the United States examined its plan of nuclear attack on major regions and airports of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, bringing the situation to the brink of war.

  The DPRK gave a resolute answer to the arrogant United States. Return retaliation for "retaliation" and all-out war for all-out war!

  The fierce DPRK-US confrontation, which lasted 11 months at the brink of war, was concluded with the apology of the US government and the exile of the captives.

  57 years has passed since then.

  The "Pueblo" is still stuck at the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum like a prisoner.

  And the captain in the photo displayed along with the "Pueblo" seems to be still writing a letter of expiation that the defeat is the fate of the United States.

Friday, 24 January 2025

Speech of Alejandro Cao Be Benos , KFA President to the Radio Belarus International online conference 21.01.2025

 Honourable comrades and friends, 

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a nation that has steadfastly 

championed the cause of anti-imperialism and dedicated itself to the noble 

pursuit of world peace. 

Since its founding in 1948, under the leadership of its eternal president, 

Kim Il Sung, the DPRK has remained a beacon of resistance against 

imperialist forces, an unwavering advocate for the sovereignty of all 

nations, and a shining example of how a people’s will can lead to self

reliance and national strength. Today, as we celebrate the enduring legacy 

of the DPRK, we must acknowledge its indomitable role in the global 

struggle for independence and justice. 

The establishment of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 1948 

was not simply the birth of a new nation—it was the culmination of a 

centuries-long struggle against imperialist domination. For much of its 

history, Korea endured foreign invasions, oppression, and colonial rule, 

most notably under Japan’s brutal imperialistic expansion until 1945. The 

people of Korea, however, did not submit to the yoke of oppression. They 

rose in defiance, waging numerous battles against foreign occupation. In 

the face of adversity, they were led by the great revolutionary Kim Il Sung, 

whose leadership inspired millions to stand firm against imperialist forces 

and claim their right to self-determination. 

Kim Il Sung’s leadership during the Japanese occupation and the 

subsequent resistance against foreign interference laid the foundation for 

the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The struggle for independence 

was not only a fight for national sovereignty, but a fight for human dignity. 

The DPRK emerged as a symbol of resistance against the most powerful 

imperialist forces of the time. From the outset, it committed itself to 

protecting the interests of its people, ensuring their rights to education, 

health care, and, above all, independence. 

In the decades that followed, the DPRK’s unwavering stance against 

imperialism has made it a vanguard in the global anti-imperialist 

movement. The country’s strong resistance to the interference of foreign 

powers, particularly the United States, is a testament to its unyielding 

commitment to the principles of sovereignty, dignity, and national self


One of the most remarkable aspects of the Democratic People's Republic 

of Korea’s development is its dedication to the principle of Juche — the 

ideology of self-reliance. Guided by President Kim Il Sung’s vision, the 

DPRK has steadily advanced in all areas of national development, despite 

facing significant challenges, including the hostility of imperialist powers 

and harsh international sanctions. 

The DPRK’s economic progress is a testament to the resilience and 

ingenuity of the Korean people. Through decades of perseverance and self

reliance, the country has developed its own industrial base, built an 

advanced military, and achieved remarkable success in education, health 

care, and social welfare. The country has fostered a society in which the 

welfare of the people is prioritized above all else. 

While much of the world has been subject to the whims of market forces 

and corporate interests, the DPRK has maintained a planned economy that 

focuses on meeting the needs of the people, not the profits of a few. In this 

way, the DPRK stands as a shining example of how a country can develop 

and thrive outside the orbit of imperialist exploitation, guided by the 

principle that the people, not the elite, are the true creators of wealth and 


The educational system in the DPRK has achieved remarkable success. 

Literacy rates are among the highest in the world, and the country has 

made great strides in promoting scientific and technological development. 

The country has invested in the education of its youth, ensuring that they 

are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to the 

continued development of the nation. The health system is similarly 

robust, with the government providing free health care to all citizens, 

ensuring that everyone has access to necessary medical treatment. 

While many countries in the world have suffered from the ravages of war, 

natural disasters, and political instability, the DPRK has persevered. The 

achievements of the country are not just the result of material resources, 

but of the strength and unity of the Korean people. Through their collective 

effort, the nation has defied the odds and carved a path of progress that 

demonstrates the power of self-reliance and national solidarity. 

In addition to its steadfast resistance to imperialism and its internal 

achievements, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has also 

emerged as a passionate advocate for global peace. The DPRK has long 

championed the cause of peace on the Korean Peninsula, calling for the 

end of foreign military presence, particularly the United States’ military 

bases in South Korea. The country has called for dialogue and peaceful 

resolution of conflicts, and it continues to advocate for the withdrawal of 

foreign troops from the region. 

Despite the aggressive rhetoric and actions of imperialist powers, the 

DPRK has remained committed to peace and stability. Its leadership has 

consistently advocated for peaceful coexistence, mutual respect, and non

interference in the internal affairs of other nations. The country’s 

commitment to peace is rooted in its belief that the world can only thrive 

when all nations are free from the threat of foreign domination and 

military aggression. 

In recent years, the DPRK has taken significant steps toward fostering 

diplomatic relations with other countries. The historic summit meetings 

between North Korea and the United States, demonstrate the DPRK’s 

desire to engage in dialogue and find peaceful solutions to longstanding 

issues. The country’s pursuit of diplomacy, even in the face of extreme 

provocation, speaks volumes about its commitment to peace. 

Furthermore, the DPRK has supported international efforts to address 

global challenges such as poverty, climate change, and inequality. The 

country has consistently called for a new world order, one in which 

imperialism and hegemonism are replaced by cooperation, respect for 

sovereignty, and shared prosperity. The leadership of the DPRK continues 

to advocate for a world where all nations, regardless of size or power, have 

the right to determine their own futures free from the interference of 

outside forces. 

The leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un, Supreme Leader of the DPRK, 

has continued the work of his predecessors in ensuring the country’s 

progress and standing as a strong advocate for global peace. Under his 

leadership, the DPRK has continued to make strides in its development, 

including the continued strengthening of its defence capabilities, the 

expansion of its economic base, and its ongoing commitment to the 

welfare of the people. 

Marshal Kim Jong Un has further advanced the cause of world peace by 

engaging in direct dialogue with other countries, promoting regional 

stability like the recent bilateral treaties with Russia. His efforts to ease 

tensions on the peninsula and open the door for greater cooperation with 

the international community demonstrate the DPRK’s commitment to 

peace and its belief in diplomacy as the pathway to resolving conflicts. 

In conclusion, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea stands as a 

living testament to the power of anti-imperialism, self-reliance, and peace. 

Its achievements in building a prosperous society for its people, despite 

facing immense challenges, are a model for the world. The leadership of 

Eternal  President Kim Il Sung, Great Leader Kim Jong Il, and Respected 

Marshal Kim Jong Un has shown the world that true strength lies in the 

unity of the people, in their ability to stand up to imperialism, and in their 

unwavering commitment to peace. 

As we look to the future, we must continue to support the DPRK’s efforts 

to promote world peace, respect for sovereignty, and the elimination of 

imperialist exploitation. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is not 

just a nation—it is a symbol of hope, a beacon of resistance, and a tireless 

advocate for the rights of all people to live free from oppression. 

Thank you. (Alejandro Cao de Benos, President of the KFA)