Monday 15 September 2014

ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA slam south Korean puppets anti DPRK campaign

                         London 15th of September Juche 103(2014)
                   The ASSPUK, JISGE and UK Korean Friendship Association issued a joint statement in denunciation of the south Korean puppet warmongers and US
imperialists holding an event  to mark the anniversary of the Inchon landing operation;

      This is an outrageous challenge to peace and an attempt to further poison the atmosphere of dialogue on the Korean peninsula. It is most inappropriate for such an event to be held as the 17th Asian games are being held in Inchon . It is an insult to DPRK athletes who are participating in the games.
                                                           The very idea of commemorating the Inchon landing is reactionary and bellicose . The Inchon landing was an act of extreme aggression against Korea by the US imperialists and an act of invading Korea . To celebrate it in anyway goes against the spirit and content of inter-Korean declarations and it is an act of abject flunkeyism by the south Korean puppets.   What it is shows is that the word of "dialogue " uttered by the south Korean puppet regime are false and are intended to deceive.

As the DPRK's Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea says " The south Korean authorities should ponder over what serious consequences their anti-DPRK racket will bring to the Inchon Asian Games and the north-south relations".
We , the ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA , totally condemn the holding of this event.

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