Saturday, 16 August 2014

ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA denounce U.S. Criminal Colonial Rule over S. Korea

                             London 16th August Juche 103(2014)
The ASSPUK ,JISGE and UK Korean Friendship Association  today issued a joint statement in support of the memorandum issued by the National Reunification Institute of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the 13th of August ;

  We support the memorandum of the National Reunification Insitute of the DPRK which exposes the serious crimes of US imperialism in south Korea. After the end of the second world war many colonial empires tumbled down , the sun set on them never to rise again , however a new style of colonialism arose in the form of US imperialism which became the new bulwark of colonialism in the world. The US imperialists practicised this new form of colonialism in south Korea .
      South Korea suffers from a total lack of sovereignty . It is a creation of the US , it is not a state but a colony and a puppet regime , an artificial entity that exists by the will of the US. The US imperialists are the real rulers in south Korea who decide everything. All rulers of south Korea have been appointed by the US and have usually been people who have been trained at US military academies or by the CIA. South Korean fascist puppet regimes became models of fascist rule in neo-colonies  of the US.
                         The south Korean armed forces are controlled by the US . The US holds the prerogative of wartime operational command over the south Korean army something quite unprecedented and unheard in the modern world. Now the south Korean puppets plan to postpone the handover of wartime operational command to after 2020. Originally this was to have been 2012, then it was put back to 2015 and now 2020. No one can say that south Korea is not a puppet regime and a colony when it lacks the power of wartime command over its own army !
 US junk culture dominates south Korea. South Korean culture is nothing but a copy of US culture , it lacks any kind of national identity , The idea of worshipping the US has been deeply implanted in south Korea.
                       The south Korean economy is dominated by US multi-nationals and it is dependent on US monopoly capital . There are numerous US banks in south Korea. South Korean workers are exploited by US monopoly capitalists , they are forced to work 12-14 hours a day for a fraction of the wages paid to US workers.
 Our organisations, the ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA, applaud the exposure of US imperialist colonial rule in south Korea by the NRI of the DPRK . We believe thatthe south Korean people must rise up and fight to free themselves from the
tyranny of US imperialist colonial rule.


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