Wednesday 21 August 2013

ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA Censure south Korean regime over confrontational remarks

London August 21st 102(2013)
                   The ASSPUK , Juche Idea Study Group of England and the UK Korean Friendship Association issued the following statement denouncing the malicious utterances of south Korean puppet ruler Park Geun Hye;
                     The remarks made by the south Korean ruler at the recent "state security meeting" held in the underground war commanding post in the Chongwadae were clearly intended to incite war hysteria against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea . These remarks were deliberately timed to coincide with the   To say things " like getting   combat-ready regardless of change in the south-north relations and the situation in surrounding areas" is to basically deny and disregard the ongoing dialogue between the DPRK and south Korea and stick the old reactionary policy of  confrontation with the DPRK and dependence on outside forces chiefly the US.
                                    We support the denunciation of the statement of Park Geun Hye that was issued by the Committee For the Peaceful Reunification of Korea on the 20th of August. As the statement says the remarks of Park Geun Hye chill the atmosphere for dialogue and run the risk of bringing the situation on the Korean peninsula back to the brink of war.
                            The south Korean regime should cease to make provocative and ill-intentioned  remarks , refrain from straining the situation and moreover cancel the Ulji Freedom Guardian exercises.


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