Wednesday 2 January 2013

Statement of the vice-chairman of the AINDF Central Committee

Statement of the vice-chairman of the AINDF Central Committee

Today we significantly mark the first anniversary of the dear respected Kim Jong Un, the sun of the Korean nation and lodestar of reunification, on his assumption of KPA Supreme Commandership at a time when the dignity and honor of the Korean nation are enhanced by peerless great men of Mt. Paektu and the Korean people make a steady progress for independent reunification. 
Marking the day, the south Korean vanguard fighters and the people from all walks of life pay the noblest respects to Kim Jong Il who provided a sure guarantee for the cause of the Songun revolution with his clairvoyant wisdom and extend the greatest glory and warmest congratulations to Marshal Kim Jong Un, KPA supreme commander.
A meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea held on December 30, Juche 100 (2011) proclaimed that Marshal Kim Jong Un assumed the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army according to the behest of leader Kim Jong Il on October 8, Juche 100 (2011). It was a great jubilee to be registered in history of the Songun revolution and special event of significance in the development of the independence cause.
Having him at its helm of the revolutionary armed forces, the Korean people have had the greatest luck to be blessed with leaders and generals through generations and have made a great progress in building a reunified, great Paektusan nation.     
Possessed with outstanding military qualifications of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, Marshal Kim Jong Un is the ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander who leads the revolutionary cause of Juche and Songun to victory with his extraordinary military guidance.
Born into the military family of Mt. Paektu, he, who acquired the spirit, personality and traits of a peerless great man under the care of great man of Mt. Paektu, perfectly grasped military ideas, the strategy and tactics of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and enriched it in his teen age, displaying to the full extent the qualities of a past master in military affairs.   
Accompanying with Kim Jong Il in the long journey of Songun, he, the closest revolutionary comrade of Songun and the most faithful comrade-in-arms of Kim Jong Il, has made great contributions to develop the political and military mightiness of the KPA and national defense capability.
Kim Jong Un, who has loyalty and moral obligation to Kim Jong Il on the highest level and opened a new chapter of the cause of perpetuating the memory of leaders, visited the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division of the KPA on New Year’s Day to solemnly declare his inflexible will to hold aloft the banner of Songun true to intention of Kim Jong Il and has glorified Kim Jong Il’s cause of army building, continuing the Song-based revolutionary leadership all the year round. 
Thanks to tireless and energetic leadership of Kim Jong Un who inspected the foremost units including the truce village of Panmunjom and Cho islet, the KPA demonstrates itself as a standard-bearer of the Songun revolution holding aloft the red flag of the WPK as the first colors and as a great Paektusan revolutionary army.  
He has defended the country and socialism by leading sharp confrontation with the US to a victory with the Songun politics and invincible military strength. He has rendered services to history of the Juche-based army building and to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche by making a breakthrough in building a thriving nation with mightiness of arms.    
The successful launch of the second version of the satellite Kwangmyongsong-3 on December 12 was an eruption of Kim Jong Un’s boundless allegiance to Kim Jong Il and his unwavering volition, at the same time, it inspired the south Koreans with great confidence and frightened the hostile elements as it was a manifestation of inexhaustible power of the DPRK. 
The DPRK’s war deterrence, a priceless creation of Songun, serves as a powerful sword to win a decisive victory in a showdown against the US and achieve peace and reunification of the country. 
The broad segments of people express their gratitude to Kim Jong Un who has smashed desperate bid of separatists at home and abroad to bring about a final victory of reunification and positively support the Songun politics, pride of the Korean nation. 
The historic cause of national reunification will be realized in the near future as it is led by Kim Jong Un and as there is the invincible KPA. 
The AINDF vanguard fighters and the people from all social standings, taking pride in venerating Marshal Kim Jong Un, a peerless patriot and lodestar of national reunification, will support his Songun politics in one mind and purpose and launch a vigorous campaign to hasten the day of national reunification.

December 30, Juche 101 (2012)

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