Wednesday 9 October 2024

Steel -Strong Party of Juche- special article on the 79th anniversary of the foundation of the Workers Party of Korea-by Dr Dermot Hudson

The great Workers Party of Korea will celebrate its 79th anniversary of its foundation on the 10th of October . For 79 years the Workers Party of Korea, founded by the great leader President KIM IL SUNG , has led the Korean people to achieve great miracles.

The Workers Party of Korea (WPK ) is the supreme general staff of the Korean revolution and the guiding force of society in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea . The WPK is a party of steel-like unity based on the great Juche idea. Moreover the WPK has welded the masses around it into an integral, harmonious whole . As comrade KIM JONG IL wrote in his work “ THE WORKERS’ PARTY OF KOREA IS THE PARTY OF THE GREAT LEADER COMRADE KIM IL SUNG “, which was published on the 2nd of October 1995,

Our society is a most stable and durable one, in which all the people are united single-heartedly around the Party and leader, forming one great, harmonious family. Our entire society is overflowing with health and vitality and is full of revolutionary mettle. The communist morality, now being displayed to a high degree among our people, of devoting oneself to society and the collective, and of helping and leading one another in a comradely way demonstrates the advantages and might of the socialist system in our country and graphically shows the ennobling ideological and spiritual traits of our people

Indeed the Workers Party of Korea is a unique Juche-oriented party . It was always different from other communist and workers parties because of its distinctive symbol of the hammer ,sickle and writing brush which represented the workers , farmers and working intellectuals .

 The WPK led by President KIM IL SUNG , Chairman KIM JONG IL and now Marshal KIM JONG UN placed a great deal of emphasis both not only cementing the internal ideological and political unity of the party and also of building and consolidating the mass foundation of the Party . As respected Marshal KIM JONG UN said,  "A party without mass foundation is no better than a candle before the wind.”


 This is indeed very true . Many communist and workers parties failed to establish a real and solid mass foundation .The ruling parties of the former socialist countries such as the former USSR became very bureaucratic and distant from the masses and disappeared after the frustration of socialism in some countries . Many non-ruling communist parties also failed to develop deep mass foundations and became isolated from the masses of people . Particularly in the period in the last quarter of the 20th century some communist parties in Europe became dominated by petty bourgeois and middle class intellectuals and lost the trust and confidence of the working class and popular masses.

The WPK has solid mass foundations . It is not an elitist party . Among its members there are waitresses , drivers ,shop assistants , Metro staff and even street cleaners ! It is very different to the political parties of capitalist countries, even the so-called left wing ones which have few if any workers in them. At every stage of the revolution and construction in People’s Korea such as the anti-imperialist , anti-feudal democratic revolution , the great Fatherland Liberation War , the post -war reconstruction and the building of socialism the WPK has always united the masses around itself . The WPK has always followed the class and mass line . Whilst carrying out a struggle against the anti-people class enemies  it aimed to unite the masses of people around it and isolate the class enemies .

The WPK has always based its policies on the people-centred policy .  Thanks to the leadership of the WPK guided by the great leaders President KIM IL SUNG , Chairman KIM JONG IL and respected Marshal KIM JONG UN , People’s Korea has implemented splendid policies such as free housing , free health care , free education and the abolition of taxes.

Today , guided by the great Workers Party of Korea led by respected Marshal KIM JONG UN , People’s Korea is the most stable and united society on the face of the earth which does not know riots or disturbances or divisions or social contradictions . The WPK is indeed the steel strong party of Juche that is leading the building of a socialist paradise.

Dr Dermot Hudson

Chairman Korean Friendship Association UK 

Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

Vice-Chair OCIFPGPP 

Secretary General European Regional Committee For Friendship with the Korean People

Hon Secretary general Global Farmy for the Study of KIM JONG UN’s People-First politics 

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