Sunday 30 June 2024

Report of KFA UK anti -US picket for the Month of Solidarity with the Korean People 29.06.2024

Report of KFA UK anti -US picket for the Month of Solidarity with the Korean People 29.06.2024

The Korean Friendship Association of the UK held a picket of the US embassy in London on the 29th of June 2024 at 1500 hours . Attending were members of KFA UK as well the New Communist Party including General Secretary Andy Brooks as members of UNITE Community and the Latin American community in London.

Messages and greetings to the picket were received from KFA Germany , from KFA UK Organisation Secretary Secretary Alan Bolon , from KFA Brazil and KFA Scotland as well as best wishes from a Russian friend.

Dr Dermot Hudson Chairman of KFA UK made a speech and said “We are here today picketing the US embassy because a few days ago on Tuesday  25th of June , it was the 74th anniversary of the provocation of the Korean War which is known as the Fatherland Liberation War in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea . The war was not a war between Koreans but between a small country , the DPRK , and the American empire. Indeed it was a war against Korea , against the Korean people

 The US imperialists, the ringleader of world imperialism and international reactionaries, provoked a war in Korea on the 25th of June 1950 by instigating their south Korean puppets to attack the young Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The US imperialists were hungry for profits and conquest. The US imperialists fought an unjust aggressive war against the Korean people. The US imperialists launched a war of conquest against the DPRK , a war to destroy the Juche-based people's democratic system in the DPRK as well as to destroy socialism in Asia and the world.”

He concluded with the words “US out of Korea , Defend People’s Korea. ! “

A message from KFA Germany was read out which said “On behalf of KFA Germany, I extend strongest solidarity and admiration to all participants of the picket outside the US Embassy in London. Your courage and dedication in standing against the aggression of the US Empire are truly commendable and serve as an inspiring example for all of us.”

Greetings from the Organisation Secretary of KFA Germany , from KFA Brazil , from KFA Scotland and a friend in Russia were conveyed to the picket .

Dr Hudson also said that “We are here to defend the right of the DPRK to exist , to defend its independence , it is time to take a real stand and defend People's Korea from the threat of US aggression . The US is quite openly threatening the DPRK with annihilation , with being "eliminated " from the face of the globe .

All the time, the US, even as we stand here, the US imperialists are planning regime change in People’s Korea and to overthrow the socialist system .


Why should you defend the DPRK ? Because it is the most independent nation on the earth that does not have foreign troops stationed on its soil and also does not send its troops to fight in other countries.The DPRK is not a member of the World Bank , IMF or WEF

The slogans “US out of Korea , Defend People’s Korea and Long Live People’s Korea “ were shouted .

DPRK flags and KFA UK banners were displayed . Also leaflets given out to passers by .

The picket concluded at 16.20 hours BST

External Policy Office of DPRK Foreign Ministry Issues Press Statement

Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- The external policy office of the DPRK Foreign Ministry released the following press statement under the title "We will continue to make important efforts to deter the acts of disturbing peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and the rest of the world" on Sunday:

The U.S., Japan and ROK staged Freedom Edge, the first tripartite multi-domain joint military exercises in the waters near the DPRK from June 27 to 29.

In the past they staged many large and small joint military drills under various pretexts, but there had been no such a large-scale joint military drill dubbed with a special name.

We strongly denounce the U.S., Japan and ROK for their repeated reckless and provocative military muscle-flexing against the DPRK and other independent states in the region and once again seriously warn of the fatal consequences to be entailed by them.

Now the international community unanimously comments that lurking behind the recent drill is the strategic design of the U.S. to escalate regional military tensions, exert pressure upon the Far East of Russia and lay siege to China.

The regular U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite joint military exercises clearly show that the U.S. strategy for world domination to encircle and contain independent and sovereign states and secure its military hegemony has already crossed the red-line and is bringing about a very negative change in the world security environment and geopolitical mechanical structure.


Freedom Edge, typical expression of the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc


The danger of the first tripartite multi-domain joint military exercises between the U.S., Japan and the ROK lies not only in the fact that the armed forces of the three countries conducted drills in various operational spheres including the sea and air.

The gravity and danger of the situation lie in the fact that Freedom Edge is a product of the organization, systematization and actualization of the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc.

The U.S. is now claiming that the U.S.-Japan-ROK relations are just cooperative ones for strengthening regional stability and security and do not mean NATO of Asian version, but it is nothing but rhetoric to evade international criticism of the formation of an aggressive bloc.

The document, cooked up at the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite summit in August last year, specifies the immediate tripartite cooperation to cope with any threat faced by one of the three countries.

This is, in essence, reminiscent of NATO's principle of collective defense that it mobilizes its defense capabilities if a member country is attacked, regarding it as an attack on all.

Since the Camp David confab, the U.S., Japan and the ROK have operated a real-time missile warning data sharing system under the pretext of coping with "missile threat" from someone to realize the integration in the field of military intelligence. They are also stepping up the integration of the military forces of the three countries by frequently staging joint military drills involving U.S. strategic assets.

As NATO stages annual joint military drills in all spheres including land, sea, air and cyberspace, the U.S., Japan and the ROK decided to regularly stage tripartite multi-domain joint military drills. This means that the U.S.-Japan-ROK relations have taken on the full-fledged appearance of Asian-version NATO.

In the final analysis, Freedom Edge served as an occasion for proving that the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc, the U.S. had been seeking to establish for decades, has become a present perfect form, not a continuous or future one.


True intention in revitalization of exclusive military bloc


An official concerned of the U.S. Department of State recently asserted that Japan and the ROK are very good partners in coping with the threat from Russia.

Lurking behind this is the U.S. strategic scenario to use the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc as a three-horse carriage for carrying out its strategy for hegemony in not only Northeast Asia but also the rest of the world.

As already known, the ROK is a "military colony" which left OPECON (wartime operation control) in the hands of the U.S. and Japan is the largest overseas military base of the U.S, where more than 54 000 U.S. troops are deployed.

This hints that the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc is a war and aggression mechanism capable of standing in military confrontation against other countries at any time under the instruction and command of the U.S., unlike AUKUS, the security technology alliance of the U.S., Britain and Australia or the tripartite security cooperation between the U.S., Japan and the Philippines.

It is by no means fortuitous that the U.S. persistently tried to make the relations between NATO, the war machinery in Europe, and Japan and the ROK closely linked with each other.

The U.S., which had already pushed forward with the entry of Japan and the ROK into NATO 18 years ago, has got more frantic in realizing the organic bond between NATO and Japan and the ROK since it turned its strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific region.

Japan and the ROK, which established partnerships with NATO and built channels of regular dialogue at the instigation of the U.S., are now taking part in the annual NATO summit and even in the NATO-led military exercises, further expanding their cooperation with NATO.

After the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, Japan has been hell-bent on the moves to put pressure on Russia and the ROK has openly sought to provide the Nazi regime of Zelenskiy with lethal equipment. Such facts show that the close ties between NATO and the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc have reached a dangerous level.

The reality goes to prove that the "inseparable relations" between the security of Europe and the one of the Asia-Pacific region, touted by the U.S. and its vassal forces, are nothing but an excuse for realizing the political collusion and military integration between the NATO member states and pro-U.S. states in the Asia-Pacific region and encircling independent sovereign states.


To foil the alliance strategy of the U.S. is urgently needed to ensure international peace and stability


The Biden administration, in its "Indo-Pacific Strategy Report" and the "National Security Strategy Report", called on its allies in Asia and Europe to unite with each other to counter their strategic rivals.

Recently, it has asserted that its alliance strategy is making the switch from a "hub-and-spoke one" of forming various bilateral alliances to a "lattice-like one" of forming several multi-lateral alliances cooperating with each other. It also claimed that the era of "alliance protection" is over and the era of "alliance action" has arrived.

This proves that the primary goal of the U.S. strategy for world domination is to form a global siege network to contain independent sovereign states which are opposed to its high-handed and arbitrary practices.

Such confrontational attempt of the U.S. is the root cause of fomenting political instability and military confrontation and triggering off bloody wars and touch-and-go security crises in different parts of the world.

The prevailing situation requires the independent sovereign states to steadily bolster up their self-defensive power to defend the security of the state and, at the same time, further strengthen mutual cooperation and concerted action so as to establish a structure of forces capable of effectively deterring the hostile forces' collective military intervention.

The U.S. and its vassal forces' expansion of the aggressive bloc and escalating military confrontation that wreck peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and the region will be surely deterred by the powerful and coordinated counteraction of independent sovereign states.

The DPRK will never overlook the moves of the U.S. and its followers to strengthen the military bloc, which openly destroys the security environment on the Korean peninsula and gravely threatens global peace and stability, but firmly defend the sovereignty, security and interests of the state and peace in the region through offensive and overwhelming countermeasures. -0- (Juche113.6.30.)

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Second-day Sitting of Tenth Plenary Meeting of Eighth Central Committee of WPK Held

 Second-day Sitting of Tenth Plenary Meeting of Eighth Central Committee of WPK Held

Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- The second-day sitting of the Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea was held on June 29 amid the great attention and expectation of all the Party members and other people who are stepping up the historic advance for the comprehensive rejuvenation of Korean-style socialism, united under the banner of patriotism.

Reports and speeches on the relevant agenda items were made.

Leading officials in various sectors were active in expressing their constructive opinions at the plenary meeting.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un referred to the achievements made in the implementation of the Party and state policies in the first half of 2024, their factors and some deviations obstructing the efforts for putting the overall economy on a track of stable and sustainable development. He made an important speech clarifying the main orientation of the work for the second half of the year and important tasks for resolving the immediate policy-oriented issues.

Listening carefully to his speech reflecting the practical ways to firmly ensure the attainment of the goal of the struggle for dynamically ushering in a new era of great changes by rapidly increasing our own strength, all the participants are attentive to the discussions related to the agenda items. -0- (Juche113.6.30.)

Saturday 29 June 2024

DPRK Demonstrating Its Dignity and Might

Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- June 29 is a significant day marking the eighth anniversary of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un's election as president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

His election to the top post of the state provided a decisive guarantee for further developing the DPRK into an invincible power and hastening the victory of the socialist cause.

After taking the important post of the president of the State Affairs to lead the country and people, he has set forth such scientific ideas and theories and practical policies for the national prosperity as the line of bolstering up the self-reliant military capability and the idea on accelerating the advance of socialist construction by concentrating all efforts on the economic construction and guided the struggle to implement them.

He set it as the greatest state affair to strengthen the defence capability and ushered in a golden age of bolstering up the military capability for self-defence on this land, through his ceaseless field guidance, and turned the DPRK into an invincible military power with the strongest national defence capability.

Regarding the people's laughter as the motive power of socialism and as a criterion for judging the national power, he has continued his journey of devoted service for the people's wellbeing.

Under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, who has worked heart and soul to make the DPRK people the most dignified and happiest people in the world, a new history of golden mountains, golden fields and golden sea was opened on this land and many monumental edifices were built to provide the people with happy life.

The DPRK people are still remembering with emotion the specially written order for the people signed and issued by the General Secretary at the Third Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea three years ago.

Indeed, the DPRK is shining its ray as a socialist power where the people's ideal is being translated and its might is being demonstrated to the whole world as it holds Kim Jong Un at the top post of the state. -0-

Enlarged Meeting of Tenth Plenary Meeting of Eighth Central Committee of WPK Convened

Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- An enlarged meeting of the Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea was convened on June 28 to facilitate the successful implementation of the orientation of the Party and state policies and all the tasks for 2024 at a time when a period of the upswing of comprehensive efflorescence in socialist construction has been ushered in and the far-reaching ideals, ambitions and indomitable heroic mettle of a powerful country have been highlighted dramatically by the epoch-making entities symbolic of national rejuvenation, thanks to the ever-victorious leadership of the great Party Central Committee.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, was present at the plenary meeting.

On hand were members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and members and alternate members of the WPK Central Committee. Present as observers were officials of relevant departments of the WPK Central Committee, leading officials of ministries, national agencies and provincial-level leadership bodies, chief secretaries of city and county committees of the WPK and leading officials of major industrial establishments.

A presidium composed of members of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee was elected.

The Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee authorized the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un to preside over the plenary meeting.

The plenary meeting is to review the work done in the first half of the year and discuss and decide a series of important immediate issues arising in maintaining the upturn in the comprehensive development of Korean-style socialism.

The five items placed on the agenda of the plenary meeting were approved by all members of the Party Central Committee.

Discussion related to the agenda items is underway amid the great political enthusiasm of all the participants. -0- (Juche113.6.29.)

Friday 28 June 2024

ASSPUK , BGSJI and KFA UK support press statement of comrade Kang Sun Nam .



                          28th of June  Juche 113(2024 )

The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI) and the Korean Friendship Association  of the UK (KFA UK  ) issued the following joint statement in support of the press statement comrade Kang Sun Nam, minister of National Defence of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK) that was issued on the 27th of June ;

In his press statement comrade Kang Sun Nam, minister of National Defence of the DPRK strongly denounced the Zelensky puppet regime of Ukraine for its terroristic action in attacking the Russian city of Sevastopol on the 23rd of June with missiles . The attack killed 3 people including 2 children and wounded 150 others .

Our organisations also denounce the diabolic actions of the Zelensky puppet clique in killing innocent Russian citizens.

We support the stance of the DPRK to stand by Russia in its fight for peace and justice .




A leader of the people and a leader for the people-special article for the 8th anniversary of the election of Marshal KIM JONG UN as president of the state affairs of the DPRK


Eight years ago on the 29th of June , the Supreme People’s Assembly of of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) elected respected Marshal KIM JONG UN as the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK , this position later became known as the President of State Affairs of the DPRK . This is a position of supreme state power . Basically , it was an affirmation that respected Marshal KIM JONG UN was at the helm of the revolution and construction in Korea  , that Marshal KIM JONG UN was and is the supreme leader of People’s Korea .

The mainstream media of the elite and the bourgeoisie in the West have created many myths , lies and distortions about the political system of People’s Korea alleging that it is ‘dictatorship ‘or ‘monarchy ‘ or has a ‘hereditary system ‘ ! These slanders are even repeated by some self-styled ultra leftists ! Nothing could be further from the truth , respected Marshal KIM JONG UN was elected by the Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK , which fully reflected the will of the people . So -called ‘experts ‘ on the DPRK in Western countries who are in reality paid by south Korea deliberately ignore the fact that in People’s Korea voting turnout is nearly 100 per cent so the Supreme People’s Assembly represents the will of the people of the DPRK. Those countries who criticise the DPRK have no place to criticise it because their governments have no popular mandate  to rule as they were in fact elected by a minority of the electorate.The criticisms of the DPRK by the elite in Western societies are nonsense and hypocrisy

Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN is both a leader of the people and a leader for the people . He has constantly and consistently put forward people-oriented policies . At the 7th and 8th Congresses of the Workers Party of Korea , Marshal KIM JONG UN called for the full implementation of the people-oriented line of the WPK which embodies the Juche idea .He is always with the people . When natural disasters struck the country on a number of different occasions , it was Marshal KIM JONG UN who was the first on the scene , driving his own car and not worrying about getting his clothes dirty .

I was in the DPRK in September 2016 when natural disasters hit the far northern part of the DPRK causing many people to lose their homes. At the time the DPRK, despite the intense and vile sanctions of the imperialists , was pushing ahead with the construction of Ryomyong Street . However on the 10th of September 2016 the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea  issued an appeal and directed that efforts to rehabilitate the flood affected area and build new homes should be prioritised over the construction of Ryomyong Street . Soldiers and builders were dispatched to the affected area . 11,900 new homes and 100 new public buildings were built . The DPRK was also able to complete the construction of Ryomyong Street by April 2017.

During the 8 years of Marshal KIM JONG UN’s presidency of the state affairs of the DPRK there has been truly phenomenal growth and development . Street after street has been built in Pyongyang such as Mirae Scientists Street , Ryomyong Street , Songwha Street, Hwasong Street and Jongwi street, to name just a few . Nowadays new housing is being built in rural areas and every day the DPRK media carries reports of people moving into new homes in the countryside.

Visiting the DPRK in April this year I was not only able to see Hwasong Street but also visited the newly constructed Kangdong Greenhouse Vegetable Farm which is a state farm . This has an area of 100 hectares and 8 types of greenhouses . Vegetables can be produced all year round . A few weeks before our visit the farm supplied fresh vegetables to Pyongyang citizens free of charge ! . The farm has 1,800 workers who live in houses provided free of charge .

It is very clear that Marshal KIM JONG UN is leading the people of the DPRK forward to socialism and communism under the banner of the great Juche idea . We salute the 8th anniversary of his presidency of the state affairs of the DPRK .

Dr Dermot Hudson

Chairman Korean Friendship Association UK 

Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

President Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK

Vice-Chair OCIFGPP

Hon Secretary General International Central Committee for Songun Study 

Moran Hill Noted for Scenic, Historical and Monumental Heritage

From olden times, when it comes to the scenery of Pyongyang, Moran Hill has been a premier choice.

The hill abuts Ryongnam Hill to the north, Mansu and other low hills to the south, Chongnyu Cliff to the east, and the Taedong River at its foot. It commands a view of the Rungna Islet in the middle of the river.

It consists of several adjoining peaks that rise along the gentle ridge extending northward, southward and westward, centred on Choesung Pavilion (95 metres above sea level) in Mt Kumsu sprawling along the Taedong River.

The peaks resemble a peony blossom, hence its name Moran, aka Hambangme.

The mysterious and harmonious landform, luxuriant green foliage and beautiful flowers blooming from season to season blend together to make a sight to behold.

The main bedrock of the hill is sandstone and shale of the Mesozoic Jurassic period. The soil is brownish forest soil, rich in humus and thick in the cover, which is favourable for plants to grow.

Moran Hill is called a garden of Pyongyang for its rich variety of flora.

Moranbong Park, with an area of over 270 hectares, is home to more than 200 000 trees of over 180 species, including Metasequoia glyptostroboides, pine nut and other coniferous trees, acacia, ginkgo and other broad-leaf trees, apricot, peach and other fruit trees, as well as magnolia, azalea, Rhododendron yedoense and other shrubs.

Furthermore, various beautiful wild birds, including the national bird magpie, Eophona migratoria and pheasant, add beauty to the scenery of the hill.

Chongnyu Cliff boasts a rare pagoda tree and a tree fossil, both preserved as natural monuments. There are a host of historical relics in different parts of the hill.

The view Ulmil Pavilion on Moran Hill commands in spring and the sight of the first full moon of the year on Pubyok Pavilion on Chongnyu Cliff are among the eight famous scenes of Pyongyang.

Ulmil Pavilion was built as a military commanding site in the mid-6th century while the keep of the Walled City of Pyongyang was under construction in the period of Koguryo Kingdom (277 BC—AD 668). Legends have it that fairy Ulmil flew down to have a good time on the pavilion and Ulmil, a military commander of Koguryo, fought bravely to defend the pavilion.

Pubyok Pavilion on Chongnyu Cliff was originally called Yongmyong Pavilion, but it was renamed as it seemed to float on the crystal-clear water flowing under the cliff.

According to a tale, Kim Hwang Won, a famous poet in the period of Koryo Kingdom (918-1392), was so captivated by its scenery that he tried to compose a poem to sing of it, but he failed to finish it and lamented his lack of ability after throwing away his writing brush.

In addition, there are Choesung Pavilion, Chilsong Gate, Hyonmu Gate and Jongum Gate around the hill.

Blending in with such old buildings as Ulmil and Choesung pavilions are new ones built on the intermediate peaks and their hillside, namely Sungni, Phyonghwa, Aeryon, Rogum, Songga and Ondal.

At the foot of the hill stand monumental edifices such as Kim Il Sung Stadium, the Arch of Triumph, and Kaeson Youth Park and other modern cultural facilities. The iconic Rungna Bridge and the Chongnyu Bridge stretch to the two tunnels named Kumnung that pierce the hill.

Ko Jin Bom

Thursday 27 June 2024



Firm Principle of Struggle of Our Party and Government against the Enemy From Voice of Korea

It is 74 years after the US imperialists provoked a war of aggression against the young Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Decades have passed since then, but the Korean people do never forget the crimes of the US imperialists and other hostile forces who forced the ravages of war upon them along with June 25.

The DPRK, a peace-loving socialist state, remains unchanged in its desire for taking the road of independent development in a peaceful and stable environment free from aggression and interference and we have paid dearly for it.

Owing to the anti-DPRK confrontation policy of the US imperialists lasting decade after decade, however, our country's security environment has been steadily deteriorated, and today it has become the world's most dangerous zone with the risk of the outbreak of a war.

The vast nuclear strategic assets stationed in the peripheral area of the DPRK, ceaseless war exercises staged by the United States and its followers on the largest scale, the military nexus between Japan and the Republic of Korea boosted at the US instigation, etc. are seriously threatening the security of our state moment by moment.

This offers reasonable and full justification for strengthening the military capability of the DPRK and more rapidly improving the nuclear war deterrent.

Today the DPRK is constantly bolstering up its self-reliant defence capability for the well-being of the country, the people and the generations to come under the wise leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

This year, too, Kim Jong Un gave energetic guidance to a number of munitions factories and major defence industrial enterprises.

Acquainting himself with the production activities of a defence industrial enterprise on May 17, Juche 113(2024), he said we cannot but more strictly acknowledge the necessity of bolstering up our nuclear war deterrent to cope with the security environment of the country created due to the recent military confrontation moves of the enemy and stressed the need to keep accelerating important activities and production activities for more rapidly bolstering the nuclear forces of the DPRK without halt and hesitation.

He also said the enemies would grow dreadful and dare not to play with fire only when they witness the nuclear combat posture of our state which is hard for them to realize, and that this just means war deterrent. He called for clearly showing the enemies the infinite capability of the DPRK developing rapidly.

Kim Jong Un energetically guided all sorts of trainings of units of the People's Army and test-firing of newly developed weapons.

A power demonstration firing aimed at the Republic of Korea, which infringed upon the sovereignty of the DPRK, was conducted under his leadership in late May Juche 113(2024) in order to show the corresponding will of the DPRK to carry out even a preemptive attack.

That day, Kim Jong Un stressed time and again that it is the duty and mission of the armed forces of the DPRK approved by its Constitution to mobilize the military retaliatory forces for safeguarding the sovereignty of the state and the territorial integrity. And he declared that today's power demonstration firing, which is to be held under the situation in which the enemy is desperately conducting political and military manoeuvres to plunder the DPRK of its sovereignty, will be an occasion for clearly showing what consequences our rivals will face if they provoke us.

Appreciating that the war attack means of Korean style are maintaining prompt counterattack posture and are fully prepared, he stressed that the nuclear forces of the DPRK should be more thoroughly prepared to promptly and correctly perform the important mission of deterring a war and taking the initiative in the war at any time and in any emergency.

Powerful strength can defend a country and guarantee happiness of the generations to come.

Only a strong man has his dignity and honour, the validity of the revolutionary cause is proved by victor and independence and self-sustenance are guaranteed by self-defence. That's why Kim Jong Un often emphasizes that our strength should be powerful to defend the destiny of the state and people.

As we have bitter experience and deep-seated grudge during the Fatherland Liberation War and can no longer be the target of aggression, the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government regard self-reliant national defence as the basis of their policy and accelerate the strengthening of military power at an extraordinarily fast speed.

We do not want war, but we also have no intention of avoiding it.

Once a war becomes a reality facing us, we will never try to avoid it, and we will take perfect and prompt action we thoroughly prepared in order to defend our sovereignty, security of the people and right to existence.

It is a firm principle and mode of struggle of our Party and government against the enemy to baffle any attempt of the hostile forces with the toughest countermeasures transcending it and neutralize any choice they make by displaying our powerful ability overwhelming it.

ASSPUK, BGSJI and KFA UK on the visit of President VV Putin to the DPRK



                          27th of June  Juche 113(2024 )

The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI) and the Korean Friendship Association  of the UK (KFA UK  ) issued the following joint statement about the successful visit of President VV Putin of the Russian Federation to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the 19th of June ;

On the 19th of June the President of the Russian Federation VV Putin visited the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK)  at the invitation of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  . This was the first visit of President Putin to the DPRK for many years .During the visit President Putin met respected Marshal KIM JONG UN several times and had talks with him.

What was most significant about the visit of President Putin was that during the visit  the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation was concluded .Both the DPRK and Russia pledged to support each other militarily in the event of a conflict .

The visit of President Putin to the DPRK carried the traditional neighbourly relations between the DPRK and Russian Federation to a new higher level and cemented deep ties of anti-imperialist solidarity between the two countries.

The DPRK and Russian Federation stand together on the anti-imperialist front and will fight for independence , peace and justice.




ASSPUK, BGSJI and KFA UK support White Paper of the DPRK Foreign Ministry Institute of American Affairs .


                          27th of June  Juche 113(2024 )

The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI) and the Korean Friendship Association  of the UK (KFA UK  ) issued the following joint statement in support of the White Paper issued by  the  Institute for American Studies of DPRK Foreign Ministry  on the 25th of June ;

The White Paper issued by the  Institute for American Studies of DPRK detailed the shocking and diabolic crimes committed by the US imperialists against the Korean people both during the Fatherland Liberation War (referred to as the Korean war ) .The White paper also clarifies the retaliatory will of the DPRK and its people against US imperialism its sworn enemy.

The US imperialists during the Korean War or Fatherland Liberation War killed 5 060 770 people and caused property damage worth 16 661.622 billion U.S. dollars. The economic damage that the DPRK suffered since the end of the war amounts to 29.354 trillion U.S. dollars !.

Moreover the US imperialists resorted to all sorts of moves to obliterate the DPRK's existence including terrorism and sabotage as well threatening the DPRK with nuclear weapons and constantly carrying out military exercises against the DPRK  .

The White paper points out that "Nothing can compensate the mental damage suffered by the Korean people due to the U.S. ever-escalating nuclear threat."

Our organisations support and applaud the White paper of the  Institute for American Studies of DPRK Foreign Ministry. The crimes of US imperialism against the DPRK and Korean people are without number and no amount of compensation can absolve .It is a good thing that the DPRK has no illusions about the US and is maintaining a militant anti-US , anti-imperialist independent and militant stance . We support the resolve of the DPRK to finally settle accounts with US imperialism once and for all on the principle "blood for blood " !








Resolution adopted by the KFA UK Online Anti-US meeting

London 25.06.2025

This online meeting of the Korean Friendship Association of the UK calls for the US troops to be withdrawn from the south of Korea .

We express our full solidarity to the government , party and people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea led by supreme leader respected Marshal KIM JONG UN.

We support the efforts of the DPRK to increase its nuclear deterrence in order to defend itself from US imperialism.

"2024 Trafficking in Persons Report" of U.S. Commented


Pyongyang, June 27 (KCNA) -- The following is the full text of "'2024 Trafficking in Persons Report'; mental storm certificate of the White House addicted to politicization of human rights", an article of Ri Jin, a researcher of the Korea Association for Human Rights Studies:

The U.S. Department of State recently released the "2024 Trafficking in Persons Report", a stereotyped and trite report based on fabrications.

The said annual "report", one of various documents of the U.S. on human rights performance based on false information aimed at tarnishing the images of independent sovereign states, has been unanimously condemned and rejected by the international community. But the U.S. remained true to its inveterate bad habit this time, too.

Great irony is that the strong selfish desire of the U.S. to ensure the credibility of the "report" by making groundless "information" sound plausible has produced sheer lies only to reduce it to a laughing stock and a target of derision.

First of all, we cannot but take note of university students' "registration fee" in our country, cited by the U.S. Department of State in its "report".

As already known to the world, the DPRK has enforced a free education system in the higher education sector, too, to say nothing of the primary and secondary education sectors. And it has a proper public education support system, so the term "registration fee" itself does not exist in the country.

But the U.S. made a mistake in the recent "report" by mentioning "university students who failed to pay registration fees" in the DPRK and thus proved of its own accord that its assertion is completely untrue.

There is an increasing suspicion as to whether the "report" makers mistook the DPRK for the ROK, where murderous university registration fees lead the rising generation's dream for learning to the abandonment of study and life.

The U.S. Department of State also made groundless conjectures, linking the regular exchange of visits between the DPRK and its neighboring country with "forced labor".

It is natural that personal exchanges in the fields of politics, economy, culture are getting brisk as the bonds of friendship and solidarity between sovereign states are strengthened. Such activities are based on mutual benefit and equality and they have nothing to do with "forced labor".

Perhaps such exchange of visits makes the descendants of the United States of America, which laid a foundation for nation-building through the brutal black-slave hunting and exploitation of their labor, fall into congenital hallucination mistaking it for "flesh trafficking" and "forced labor".

In a nutshell, diagnosis of the U.S. pathological symptoms is that the mental confusion of the White House addicted to the politicization of human rights has reached an extremely dangerous phase.

The U.S. is absorbed in investigating the "human trafficking situation" on a worldwide scale, but it is not even aware of the real human trafficking practices taking place one after another at home. This fact also adds to the confidence in the above-said diagnosis.

If one wants to see the prototype of slave trade and flesh trafficking in the 21st century, it would be good to explore the U.S.

The successive U.S. administrations have always made empty commitments to the immigration policy. As a result, the rights of immigrants are ruthlessly trampled down in the border areas of the U.S. and humanitarian crisis is escalating and flesh trafficking is rampant.

The U.S. has utterly disregarded the personal value of immigrants and, in particular, its states in the border areas have forcibly transferred immigrants to other cities irrespective of their will and imposed various kinds of toil work, maltreatment and punishment upon them.

In June 2023, the U.S. newspaper USA Today said that the immigrants, who were taken to farms in California and Oregon, being deceived by drug trafficking group, are engaged in hemp cultivation, suffering from slave labor for more than 16 hours a day.

Especially, women immigrants are forced into sexual slavery, and migrant child workers are playing the role of "shadow labor" in various dangerous workplaces including construction sites and slaughterhouses.

The U.S. legislative bodies talking about "governing according to the law and order" are also conniving at and encouraging child labor. In 2023, Arkansas State of the U.S. adopted a new law on deleting an item related with labor condition specifying that boys should obtain their parents' consent, thus providing enterprises with a legal guarantee to exploit migrant child workers without any limitation.

The reality goes to prove that the "Trafficking in Persons Report" and other "human rights" documents of the U.S. are nothing but a tool for concealing its poor human rights situation by building up public opinion about the "human rights situation" in other countries and for interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign states.

It is quite natural that the whole world is claiming that the "Trafficking in Persons Report" issued by the U.S. Department of State every year is little short of the one listing the countries, which do not sympathize with the American-style view of value, for realizing its political purpose, and it contradicts the genuine international efforts to eradicate trafficking in persons.

Obviously, the U.S. should look back on how the international community is evaluating its human rights situation and pay primary attention to the solution of its domestic affairs, for it has lost even elementary qualification to talk about human rights issues in other countries.

No matter how loudly the U.S. may talk about the "human rights" situation in other countries while trumpeting about "universal respect for human rights", it can neither cover up nor deny its miserable human rights situation which is being ridiculed and censured by the international community.

The DPRK will never tolerate the provocative acts of the U.S., which abuses human rights as a tool for encroaching upon sovereignty and interference by politicizing and weaponizing it, but firmly defend the state system and the rights and interests of its people from all threats by the hostile forces. -0- (Juche113.6.27.)

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Perpetrators of Crimes against Humanity Are Bound to Face Severe Punishment by History: KCNA Commentary

Pyongyang, June 27 (KCNA) -- The Ukrainian military gangsters committed an inhuman crime of killing civilians by attacking Sevastopol City of Russia with U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles tipped with cluster bombs on June 23.

It is not the first time for the puppet Zelenskiy clique to perpetrate such a terrorist attack against civilians.

Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, the Kiev puppet regime has committed such crimes against innocent civilians hundreds of times by striking civilian facilities in Belgorod Region, Kursk Region and other parts of the Russian territory with lethal weapons supplied by the U.S. and other Western countries.

What cannot be overlooked is the fact that the Zelenskiy puppet clique carried out the above-said bloody attack right after its American master lifted the restrictions on its use of U.S.-supplied weapons for the attack on the Russian territory.

Some days ago, the national security adviser of the White House openly said that Kiev can use U.S.-supplied weapons to hit any Russian forces attacking from across the border, adding "it is not about geography but about common sense."

The U.S. Department of Defense betrayed its true colors as an instigator of murder by asserting that Ukrainian forces can use U.S.-supplied weapons to strike any Russian forces not only in Kharkov Region near border but also in other parts of the Russian territory for their legitimate self-defense.

The U.S., which had come up with such hoodwinking restrictive conditions as "for enabling Ukraine to defend itself" and "with a guarantee of not attacking the targets in the Russian territory" when supplying weapons to the Zelenskiy puppet regime, "allowed" Ukraine to strike some parts of the Russian Territory earlier. This time the allowed scope of strike has been expanded to cover "any target" and the "whole territory" of Russia.

The U.S. has finally granted the Ukrainian puppets the right to unlimited use of U.S.-supplied weapons. This is little short of its official "order of massacre" to the puppets faithful to its strategy for hegemony and declaration of outright confrontation with Russia.

The recent atrocity, perpetrated with the bombs banned by international law and long-range weapons offered by the U.S., was an intentional "murder by contract" premeditated by the U.S. And this clearly proves that they have gone to extremes in their anti-Russia hysteria.

Russia's stronger response for safeguarding the national interests and lives and security of its citizens is a just right to legitimate self-defence never to be refuted by anyone.

Those who unhesitatingly issued an "order to kill" innocent civilians and the mad terrorists will be surely forced to pay dearly for the hideous crime.

The inhuman murderers and destroyers of peace can never escape stern punishment by history. -0- (Juche113.6.27.)

DPRK Missile Administration Conducts Test of New Important Technology

Pyongyang, June 27 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Missile Administration successfully conducted the separation and guidance control test of individual mobile warheads on June 26, which is of great significance in attaining the goal of rapidly developing the missile technologies.

Press Statement of Minister of National Defence of DPRK

Pyongyang, June 27 (KCNA) -- Kang Sun Nam, minister of National Defence of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, released the following press statement on June 27:

The puppet Zelenskiy clique of Ukraine perpetrated a brutal atrocity again by mercilessly killing peaceable citizens of Russia on June 23.

According to media reports, the neo-Nazis of Ukraine attacked Sevastopol City of Russia with U.S.-supplied ATACMS army tactical missiles equipped with cluster warheads, killing three people, including two children, and wounded 150 others.

Expressing deep sympathy and condolences to the victims, their families and the injured, I pray that the Russian people would eradicate the aftermath and restore their stable life as soon as possible.

And I vehemently denounce the recent case as a direct military attack on the Russian territory and an inexcusable hideous crime against humanity.

The gravity of the issue is that as claimed by Russian official figures, the missiles fired by the Zelenskiy clique at civilians were the U.S.-made missiles and the input of their coordinates was carried out by U.S. military experts.

Therefore, the true colors of the U.S. as the one directly involved in the Ukrainian dispute and worst sponsor of terrorism have become crystal clear and it has been fully proved that the weapons supplied by the U.S. to Ukraine have been used to massacre peaceable citizens of Russia.

Hideous crimes deserve severe punishment.

The U.S., which has become directly involved in the Ukrainian war, has nothing to say against any punishment by Russia and the retaliatory attack will be the most legitimate self-defence.

We will always be on the side of the Russian army and people all out in the war of justice for defending the national sovereign rights and security. -0- (Juche113.6.27.)