Monday 1 July 2024

Message from KFA Germany to the KFA UK Picket 29.06.2024

 Dear friends and comrades of KFA UK and all other participants of this picket,

On behalf of KFA Germany, I extend strongest solidarity and admiration to all participants of the picket outside the US Embassy in London. Your courage and dedication in standing against the aggression of the US Empire are truly commendable and serve as an inspiring example for all of us.

As we gather during this Month of Solidarity with the Korean People, we are reminded of the ongoing struggle faced by the DPRK against the unjust and relentless pressures from imperialist forces. The US Empire's aggressive policies and actions towards the DPRK have not only threatened peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula but have also infringed upon the sovereignty and dignity of the Korean people.

Your presence here today symbolizes a powerful act of resistance against these injustices. By raising your voices and taking a stand, you are not only supporting the DPRK but also upholding the principles of peace, justice, and self-determination for all nations. Your commitment to exposing the truth and challenging the narratives perpetuated by imperialist powers is a crucial part of our collective struggle.

KFA Germany, stand with you in solidarity. We are united by our shared belief in the right of the Korean people to determine their own destiny, free from external interference and coercion. Let us continue to work together to build a world where nations can coexist peacefully, with mutual respect and understanding.

In closing, I want to express our deepest respect and gratitude to all of you who have gathered here today. Your efforts are a testament to the enduring spirit of solidarity and international friendship. Together, we will continue to oppose imperialism in all its forms and advocate for a brighter future for the DPRK and all oppressed peoples around the world.

In solidarity,

Jeremy Bieringer, Official Delegate of KFA Germany

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