Monday 1 July 2024

ASSPUK , BGSJI and KFA UK support press statement of the External Policy Office of the DPRK Foreign Ministry



                          1 July   Juche 113(2024 )

The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI) and the Korean Friendship Association  of the UK (KFA UK  ) issued the following joint statement in support of the press statement titled "We will continue to make important efforts to deter the acts of disturbing peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and the rest of the world" that was issued on Sunday 30th of June by the External Policy Office of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK);

The press statement takes note of the extremely disturbing development that the tripartite military exercise "Freedom Edge " by the US , Japan and south Korea was staged between the 27th of June and 29th of June in close proximity to the DPRK . 

Of course 3 party and 'multi-national 'exercises have been staged before on the Korean peninsula by the US and its vassal states but what merits special attention is that the exercises was aimed at creating a special bloc of the US, Japan and south Korea . As the statement issued by the External Policy Office of the DPRK Foreign Ministry  points out "The danger of the first tripartite multi-domain joint military exercises between the U.S., Japan and the ROK lies not only in the fact that the armed forces of the three countries conducted drills in various operational spheres including the sea and air." . Really what is happening is the realisation of a long standing desire and scheme of the US to create a NATO style bloc , a NATO style structure in East Asia .

Worse still both Japan and south Korea have established close relations with NATO itself . Moreover as the press statement of the External Policy office of the DPRK Foreign Ministry says "The reality goes to prove that the "inseparable relations" between the security of Europe and the one of the Asia-Pacific region, touted by the U.S. and its vassal forces, are nothing but an excuse for realizing the political collusion and military integration between the NATO member states and pro-U.S. states in the Asia-Pacific region and encircling independent sovereign states."

The world does not need another NATO style bloc in Asia or indeed any other part of the world nor does it need the expansion of NATO into Asia . The expansion of NATO in Europe has caused conflict and has impinged on the security interests of Russia .

The creation of a new NATO style pro US bloc in Asia must be thwarted .

We support the just stand of the DPRK to take overwhelming and defensive counter-measures.




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