Sunday 28 July 2024

Great Love Gives Rise to Unparalleled Bravery

 From Voice of Korea

  War is a showdown between the armed forces of belligerent nations.

  It is an established custom to find a key factor of war victory in the numerical strength or the level of modernization of military hardware of an army.

  But the past Fatherland Liberation War, which startled the world, denied it.

  The US imperialists provoked a war in Korea on June 25, 1950.

  The United States mobilized forces of its 15 satellite countries and puppet army of the Republic of Korea and the Japanese militarists for the Korean War.

  The Korean War was unprecedented in its fierceness and severity.

  In the Fatherland Liberation War, the service personnel of the Korean People's Army annihilated the enemy by displaying their unparelleled bravery.

  Heroes Ri Su Bok and Jang Thae Hwa covered the enemy's muzzles with their chests, opening up the route of charge for their units. When he could not move because of his serious injury, Hero Kang Ho Yong rolled himself down with a grenade in his mouth to kill the enemy.

  They laid down their precious lives without hesitation as they kept the firm faith that they are sure to win when they are led by the great leader Kim Il Sung and the faith that they cannot make the enemy deprive them of the country liberated by him again.

  Kim Kum Yang, Lecturer of the Jonsung Revolutionary Museum, says:

  "One of the secrets of the victory in the hard-fought Fatherland Liberation War was the warm paternal love shown by the great leader Kim Il Sung to the service personnel of the People's Army.

  During the Fatherland Liberation War, Kim Il Sung took warm care of the service personnel with his parental affection, ranging from foods, uniforms and rest to combat action.

  When the war was at its height, he had a rest home built for the soldiers. When he learned that the family of a young soldier was living in an enemy-controlled area, he worried too much about it and dispatched a regiment of the People's Army to the area so that it could bring the family along with its household goods.

  Such paternal love became the motive force that enabled the service personnel of the People's Army to display their matchless bravery and mass heroism and a decisive guarantee for the victory in the war."

  The US imperialists had never been defeated in more than 100-year-long history of aggressive wars, but suffered a bitter defeat in the three-year-long Korean War.

  The brilliant tradition that defeated the numerical, military and technical superiority by means of political and ideological superiority is invariably carried forward as the fundamental source of the tremendous might of the revolutionary armed forces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea under the wise leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

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