Sunday 28 July 2024

Coverage Ended without Questions


From Voice of Korea.

  The Fatherland Liberation War fought between 1950 and 1953 in the middle of the 20th century made the US imperialists on the decline for the first time in history.

  The US imperialists hurled to the Korean War a total of over two million-strong forces including one third of their ground force, one fifth of their air force, most of their Pacific Fleet and troops of their satellite states shipped in by abusing the name of the United Nations as well as a huge amount of combat equipment. They also spent on the Korean War more than 20 billion US dollars of military funds and over 73 million tons of war materials, 11 times as many as those wasted in the Pacific War.

  The world people expressed deep apprehensions and sympathy with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the US imperialists talked big as if "victory belongs to theirs" from the beginning.

  One day when the Fatherland Liberation War was at its height, a foreign journalist visited the Supreme Headquarters in Konji-ri to see the great leader Kim Il Sung for coverage.

  He wanted to know about the future prospect of the Korean War as regards the large-scale "new offensive" of the US imperialists that anticipated the mobilization of nuclear means of massacre for the war.

  At that time, an official of ours learned the reason why he visited and asked him to wait for a while.

  The journalist nodded in assent.

  It meant that he knows well how busy Kim Il Sung is.

  After a while, he entered the room where Kim Il Sung was and was surprised to see an unexpected scene.

  Here is Ri Jong Su, Researcher of the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum.

  "At that time the great leader Kim Il Sung was looking at something at the operational table at one side of the wide room and a corporal was standing by him saying something.

  As the journalist did not understand why, the official told him: Kim Il Sung is now checking the soldier's study. He had given the soldier the task to learn by heart five words of foreign language every day, but the latter failed to carry it out. So he has a hard time.

  It is the study aimed to prepare in advance those to be dispatched abroad for the future postwar rehabilitation and construction, the official whispered in addition.

  Listening to him, the journalist was surprised once again.

  Soon he quietly came out of the room with silent steps.

  The official followed him out, asking why. The journalist replied:

  'It's OK. I've already finished my coverage. The DPRK wins the confrontation of faith. Comrade Kim Il Sung is making a plan for postwar rehabilitation and construction. This is the title of an account I am going to write.'

  He added that he came out without saying good-bye lest he should disturb Kim Il Sung in his work and asked the official time and again to convey his greetings to Kim Il Sung without fail."

  The Fatherland Liberation War ended with a brilliant victory of the Korean people on July 27, 1953.

  The victory in the Fatherland Liberation War was a shining fruition of strong faith and will, matchless courage and pluck, outstanding military wisdom and unusual commanding art of Kim Il Sung, an unrivalled brilliant commander.

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