Monday 1 July 2024

ASSPUK , BGSJI , KFA UK and the British Committee to Remember President KIM IL SUNG on the 30th anniversary of the passing away of the great leader President KIM IL SUNG




1st of July  Juche 113 (2024)
The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK) , the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI, the Korean Friendship Association of the UK ( KFA UK), and the British Committee to Remember the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG issued the following joint statement on the occasion of the 30th  anniversary of the passing away of the great leader President KIM IL SUNG , the sun of Juche and eternal leader of the Korean people and Workers' Party of Korea;

 We Juche Idea followers, Songun idea followers and true friends of People's Korea in the UK recall the great leader President KIM IL SUNG , who passed away 30 years ago on the 8th of July 1994.  His great exploits shine forever in our memory . 

A delegation of the then Juche Idea Study Group of England was the last British delegation to be in the DPRK shortly before President KIM IL SUNG passed away.                 

   President KIM IL SUNG worked all his life for the independence of the people. . He was a tireless fighter who battled against imperialism all his life, leading the Korean people first against the rapacious Japanese imperialists, then against the barbaric US imperialists . President KIM IL SUNG waged a 15 year long  armed struggle against the Japanese imperialists becoming a legendary general distinguished by his adroit guerrilla tactics .He gave the Korean people independence and liberation ,something that is so precious it cannot be bartered for billions of tons of gold bullion.
   President KIM IL SUNG was the ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander and gifted military strategist who defeated the US imperialist aggressors who had tried to crush People's Korea when it was in its cradle .Thus again he defended the independence of the people.
    Under the leadership of  the great leader President KIM IL SUNG ,two stages of revolution were carried out : the anti-imperialist,anti-feudal democratic revolution and the socialist revolution.He founded the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) , an unique socialist state of Juche centred on the popular masses ,a peoples paradise.The DPRK is a most durable ,stable and harmonious socialist state.



    The great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG ensured that Rightist and Leftist deviations were avoided in the construction of socialism. Moreover socialism in Korea was not a copy of another country but Korean-style socialism, an independent Juche socialism. The DPRK upheld socialist principles when others introduced capitalist-style methods.
   Independence, independence and independence was the creed of the great leader President KIM IL SUNG . He authored the Juche Idea which lights the road of independence for the popular masses and teaches us that man is the master of everything .The Juche idea captivated the anti-imperialists and revolutionaries throughout the world .Thousands of seminars on the Juche idea have been held all over the world.
    The Songun idea initiated by the great leader generalissimo KIM IL SUNG  in  the fiery days of the anti-Japanese armed struggle  is based on the concept that independence is achieved by arms and the victorious revolution is defended by arms .The Songun idea , which has been implemented by the worthy successors of the great leader generalissimo KIM IL SUNG, eternal general secretary KIM JONG IL and dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN , is the treasured sword that defends the independence and dignity of People's Korea the bastion of world socialism.
    Comrade KIM IL SUNG always struggled uncompromisingly against US led world imperialism . He upheld unity against division when the international communist movement and socialist camp suffered from sharp differences. The great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG held high the red flag of socialism when others abandoned it. He was a great revolutionary true to his faith until the very last moments of his life. President KIM IL SUNG put forward the line of global independence and was known as the sun of the world revolution.

 We remember  great  President KIM IL SUNG as the eternal leader of the Korean people and WPK ,  the greatest of great leaders who was the author of the Juche idea, the benevolent liberator of the Korean people, the ever-victorious iron-willed commander and the outstanding leader of the world revolution. The ideas and cause of the great leader President KIM IL SUNG is being faithfully carried forward by dear respected leader  Marshal KIM JONG UN , who is identical to the great leader President KIM IL SUNG.

British  Committee to Remember the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG

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